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Sayoria t1_jdztymi wrote

Omg, don't do this to me.


animavivere OP t1_jdzv4ns wrote

It's easy

Crunch 220gr of biscoff and mix with 60gr of melted butter. Create the base of your cake with it, flatten it out nice and evenly

Take 500gr of creamcheese, mix with 150gr of biscoffspread and 100gr of icing sugar. Mix until smooth.

Spread the mixture over your base and top it of with melted biscoffspread.

Refrigerate for 3 hours and decorate.

Piece of advice use baking paper on the sides of your cakeform or it'll be one sticky business.


RunninOnMT t1_je090wu wrote


I’ve been making homemade ice cream sandwiches with biscoff cookies/strawberry ice cream. They key is you have to let them sit in the freezer for a couple of weeks to get the right consistency. But good lord are they delicious.


beforecomedy t1_je0d1b3 wrote

Biscoffs are my favorite part of airplane traveling. This looks and sounds amazing!!


timok t1_je0vnnc wrote

It's speculoos. Biscoff is a marketing term. Sorry, but biscoff is a trigger for Belgian and Dutch people.


sobayspearo t1_je0ydw0 wrote

Is someone going to link the "It's made out of cookies....." video or am I going to have to do it myself?


Logicrazy12 t1_je117m1 wrote

I literally just finished a pack of these 5 minutes ago. Now I want another XD.


Bitchin_badger88 t1_je18biy wrote

Oh wow now I feel the need to get the box from Costco and make pie crusts and stuff with it


x2FrostFire t1_je18soz wrote

I am now looking up biscoff cheesecake recipes thanks


k1intt t1_je1ceur wrote

About to American Pie that pie…


_myeyesarecircles t1_je1ebds wrote

Imagine having to share this with people. I could inhale it in one sitting without a second thought. Great job!


cannotfoolowls t1_je1gvjh wrote

Here in Belgium (where biscoff comes frome) the bottom layer of cheesecake is usually made of biscoff .


RogueDevlin t1_je1lmu8 wrote

I only recently discovered Biscoff and it's one of the most delicious things I've ever had. i might actually try to make this one day.


ArtyGolfer_3353 t1_je2a7k8 wrote

I only discovered Biscoff this year. Two packages a week from then on. That cake looks killer!


NonbinaryLazarus t1_je2f3da wrote

My husband made this for Christmas and it was so fucking good I stg


mimimemi58 t1_je2maar wrote

Here in the US (where I come from) we would typically use something called "honey grahams", which are like biscoff except with a tiny bit less cinnamon and not quite as... I'm not sure how to describe it but maybe if you took biscoff out of the oven about 1 minute earlier than you would normally, you'd have honey grahams. There's a kind of darkness or smokiness or something like that in biscoff that isn't in grahams.


e_muaddib t1_je2ngg7 wrote

Target also carries the stroopwaffles some airlines carry.

If you’re unaware, they’re two, thin waffle crisps with caramel in between them. If you get a cup of coffee, they instruct you to place the stroopwaffle on top of the cup so the steam melts the caramel 😋


TestizioBallzini t1_je2oww6 wrote

You need to run, not walk, run right now to Trader Joe’s and buy yourself a jar of speculous cookie butter.

The running is necessary to help offset the thousands of extra calories you’ll be introducing into your diet but it’s very worth it.


Turakamu t1_je2pbqv wrote

There is the broken part of me, after watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, that says the name of food in the voice of the food replicator if it looks really good


RunninOnMT t1_je2ysdv wrote

The first time it was an accident (I forgot about them.)

I pretty much only make them when I leave to go on vacation now, so I won't be able to get to them for a week or two. I too lack self control, I just make up for it with strategy and tactics!!


doublehelixman t1_je3h8dx wrote

I read “Biscoff Cheesesteak” and thought it was some kind of AI generated recipe at first.


Van1004 t1_je3ib2o wrote

I love Bicoff dunked in black coffee.


Wozar t1_je3ouev wrote

God damn! I can smell this picture over the internet and it smells good!


Asiageek t1_je3pbhq wrote

Yeah I do make my own blend of speculaas spices but it’s quite a lot of work gif

I’m curious tho, what do Belgians call speculaas? Almost every English recipe says speculoos is the Belgian name of speculaas while it’s really a different blend of spices.


bloodnlore t1_je3sgug wrote

This looks delishus. Be sure to save me a corner.


havaska t1_je48p3s wrote

I’d love to know why they renamed it from speculoos to biscoff in English speaking countries.


heifer27 t1_je4av3c wrote

Seriously, this is my dream dessert.


Abrahamlinkenssphere t1_je4cd1x wrote

I’m glad you posted this a day ago and it’s likely all gone now because I would’ve traded you my soul for it.


thatnicholin02 t1_je596ye wrote

yo i know it looks so fkn good dude but how does it taste? and how much for a slice?