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AxeLincoln t1_jb16joc wrote

Try googling, might help. There are definitions based on looks.


buerglermeister t1_jb18xd7 wrote

I‘m a trained chef, you dipshit.


AxeLincoln t1_jb19szw wrote

You aren't the only one. Not trying to argue with my brother just sharing what the book says. If you have different information maybe you could share and help us come to the truth?

Edit: I can't spell 🤣


buerglermeister t1_jb1az5r wrote

A good chef bases the cook on temperature and temperature alone. With good technique and enough resting, it‘s possible to achieve a medium cook without much grey around the edges


AxeLincoln t1_jb1e5ah wrote

I wholeheartedly agree with you and I too wish OP told us the temp. I was just going off looks for simplicity sake.

See? Now we agree. No need to name-call and get upset. It's the Internet, nothing worth your peace of mind.