nchiker OP t1_je9lqiz wrote
Dough Recipe. Makes two pizzas.
Bread Flour: 16 1/2 oz. (just over 3 cups)
Water: 10.3 oz. (about 1 1/8 cups)
Sugar: 2 tbsp
Kosher or Sea Salt: 1 tsp
Yeast: 1 1/2 tsp
Vegetable or olive Oil: 1 tbs
Dusting flour: For all the dusting, I use half bread flour, half semolina flour. You can use what you want.
• In mixing bowl, mix together flour, sugar, yeast.
• While mixing with flat paddle, slowly poor water into dry mixture. Your dough will get sloppy. When it does, just give it a couple minutes to recoup and continue with small amounts of water till it's all incorporated.
• Let stand for 10 minutes+ (allows yeast to interact with water)
• Add kosher salt and olive oil. Hand knead until combined.
• Roll into a ball.
• Place in oiled bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 12-24 hours. If 24 hours, first 12 in the fridge.
An hour before preparing the pizza, put dough onto floured surface. Cut into two pieces. Working with one piece, pull the sides up and in until the bottom side resembles a dough ball. Flip over so that the clean looking side is on top and place onto floured cookie sheet. Lightly flour top. Do the same with the other piece, and cover the cookie sheet with plastic wrap. Let rise for about an hour before flattening out and preparing your pizzas.
If using pizza steel:
• Place pizza steel on rungs second from the top.
• Preheat oven to highest temperature (550° for mine) with convection/"quick cook" engaged. Let steel sit for 1 hour in oven after it's preheated.
• 10 minutes before putting pizza in, turn off oven, and turn on the oven broiler (makes steel even hotter.)
• Once pizza is prepared, launch it into the steel with a pizza peel. Let cook for 4 minutes flat, take out and bask in the glory of your better-than-delivery pizza!
Edit: Several have asked for my sauce recipe. Here you go! Through the ingredients in a blender, blend until uniform but still with texture. DO NOT purée.
1 can diced tomatoes (14.5 oz.)
1 small can tomato paste (4 oz.)
1 Tbs Canola or olive Oil
2 tsp sugar
3/4 tsp dried oregano (or 2 tsp fresh oregano)
1/3 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp dried basil (or 2 basil leaves)
Crushed red pepper to taste.
GlobalBuffalo38 t1_je9n52k wrote
Chills. Literal chills
OvertimeWarn67 t1_je9n7ls wrote
Dough Recipe:
Bread Flour: 16 1/2 oz.(just over 3 cups)
Ice Water: 10.3 oz.(about 1 1/8 cups)
Sugar: 2 tbsp
Kosher or Sea Salt: 1 tsp
Yeast: 1 1/2 tsp
Vegetable or olive Oil: 1 tbs
Dusting flour: For all the dusting, I use half bread flour, half semolina flour.You can use what you want.
• In mixing bowl, mix together flour, sugar, yeast.
• While mixing with flat paddle, slowly poor ice water into dry mixture.Your dough will get sloppy.When it does, just give it a couple minutes to recoup and continue with small amounts of water till it is all incorporated.
• Let stand for 10 minutes+ (allows yeast to interact with water)
• Add kosher salt and olive oil.Hand knead until combined.
• Roll into a ball.
• Place in oiled bowl.Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 12-24 hours.If 24 hours, first 12 in the fridge.
An hour before preparing the pizza, put dough onto floured surface.Cut into two pieces.Working with one piece, pull the sides up and in until the bottom side resembles a dough ball.Flip over so that the clean looking side is on top and place onto floured cookie sheet.Lightly flour top.Do the same with the other piece, and cover the cookie sheet with plastic wrap.Let rise for about an hour before flattening out and preparing your pizzas.
If using pizza steel:
• Place pizza steel on rungs second from the top.
• Preheat oven to highest temperature (550° for mine) with convection/‟quick cook” engaged.Let steel sit for 1 hour in oven after it is preheated.
• 10 minutes before putting pizza in, turn off oven, and turn on the oven broiler (makes steel even hotter.)
• Once pizza is prepared, launch it into the steel with a pizza peel.Let cook for 4 minutes flat, take out and bask in the glory of your better-than-delivery pizza!
420plantsarelife t1_je9nzgo wrote
Looks healthy and fresh reminds me of some west coast pizza 🍕 yum
ItsUpandDown t1_je9qapo wrote
I am a notorious crust-leaver but I would never leave this.
nchiker OP t1_je9ql3i wrote
Thanks! I love me some crust for sure. Sometimes I'll run a stick of butter on it when it comes out of the oven and sprinkle garlic salt. Heaven.
meowie91 t1_je9quc8 wrote
Looks ridiculously good
ItsUpandDown t1_je9qvyc wrote
Now that's luxury.
nchiker OP t1_je9rf1w wrote
oldskoolgirl245 t1_je9s4xn wrote
Looks so delicious 😍 I want the whole pizza 💗
JK_NC t1_je9sjm2 wrote
I’m always looking for short cuts when cooking but this looks like it’s worth the time and effort.
nchiker OP t1_je9ubam wrote
nchiker OP t1_je9ugup wrote
Sure is! Honestly, it’s not a ton of work once you get used to it. I haven’t looked at the recipe in years. It just takes planning ahead.
KyNew823 t1_je9uvcd wrote
Omg the floof!
falnN t1_je9youc wrote
One of the most appetizing pizzas I have seen in a long time. Well done!
mmmskittles87 t1_je9ysek wrote
Well done!
NinetysRoyalty t1_je9zj6c wrote
Me too, but my excuse is that I want to make sure I enjoy all of the good part of the pizza before finishing the crust and by the time I eat all of the middle I’m too full for the crust. Vicious cycle.
NinetysRoyalty t1_je9zlk2 wrote
That pizza would get it
nchiker OP t1_jea0zph wrote
nchiker OP t1_jea10vt wrote
Appreciate it!
ItsUpandDown t1_jea2aa8 wrote
Try rolling your pizza! Enjoy pizza cannoli
opticaIIllusion t1_jea60ni wrote
This looks amazing … and going to make this weekend
apocolipse t1_jea6euf wrote
Sauce recipe???
I always like to make my own with Roasted Tomatoes (adds a nice layer of roasty sweetness). You can get them in a can pre-roasted or roast yourself in the oven, but:
1 can roasted tomatoes
1 Tbsp olive oil (extra virgin or regulra)
1 small garlic clove
1/2 tsp dry oregano
1/2 tsp kosher salt
Can also swap fresh oregano, and add fresh basil if you want. No need to cook the sauce before hand, it'll cook enough on the pizza (and tomatoes were already roasted, so...) Just toss it in a blender and get it to desired consistency.
Also, another technique for dough: Instead of 12-24hrs in bowl, you can do 1-2 hours, and then cut/ball onto prep tray and let the balls rest and rise in the fridge for 12-24-48 hours (different times lead to interestingly different crust profiles, fun to experiment, yours looks awesome btw! perfect bubbles and slight charring)
Also, type 00 flour is best for pizza dough... idk why, but literally every pizza place uses it. Caputo tipo 00 from Italy is pretty popular but theres plenty of other brands, and i you see "Pizza flour" thats all it is. It's much more finely ground than all purpose flour, which is better for pizza and pasta.
And finally Cheese!! Fresh mozzarella only!! Make your own if you want with almost expired milk, that's always fun!
(edit: My dough recipe: 1L water, 10g yeast, 55g sea salt, 1700g tipo 00 flour, 20g olive oil, same procedure as yours, salt + oil last as salt will shock the yeast if you mix the salt in water before yeast goes in. Also going by weight means no need to sift flour :P. This recipe is for a lot, i usually 1/3rd it and get about 6 dough balls)
nchiker OP t1_jea75ea wrote
Awesome! You run into any questions give me a shout.
Plsdontcalmdown t1_jea8zit wrote
Amazing crust.
Yes, I never heat my oven high enough, especially not for an hour... electricity is expensive, yo. Running my oven at full power for an hour would cost like 4-6 EUR...
Other than that my recipe is the same :)
nchiker OP t1_jea9ozb wrote
Yes, but it is less costly than the objections raised by my tastebuds as I impose lackluster pizza on them. Pick your poison sir.
Zerbulon t1_jea9yga wrote
Wow, look at this dough!
Havoc_XXI t1_jeaal8n wrote
Wow that looks absolutely incredible. When are you available to come over and make this. I will compensate you!
Havoc_XXI t1_jeaap68 wrote
Plsdontcalmdown t1_jeab12e wrote
hehe, well put =D
SaladBurner t1_jead3ht wrote
God damn
nchiker OP t1_jeadtgx wrote
lol - thanks! Maybe one of these days :)
madmaxxx5 t1_jeae0oz wrote
Ive never had a margarita pizza (yet!) but this looks AMAZING!!
dannycjackson t1_jeae9uf wrote
Can I have your dough recipe?
aquielisunari_ t1_jeaeavf wrote
nchiker OP t1_jeaedbz wrote
Sho' is! I love anything meat, don't get me wrong. But Margherita pizza is one of my favorites.
nchiker OP t1_jeaejvf wrote
Yup, it's in the comments! It's the top one as I write this.
redsterXVI t1_jeahfc9 wrote
With a good dough, the crust is the good part
paragon6969 t1_jeahk3v wrote
Two tablespoons of sugar?
nchiker OP t1_jeai6oj wrote
You saw that right! It sounds like a lot, but remember this is enough dough for two pizzas. It gives it just a hint of sweetness.
stinkerbell85 t1_jeai7an wrote
What kind of yeast?
nchiker OP t1_jeaib8s wrote
Instant dry yeast.
jhamsofwormtown t1_jeaii2r wrote
It is supposed to have tomatoes on it but the crust is BEAUTIFUL
stinkerbell85 t1_jeaiiun wrote
Awesome thank you!
EdSheeransucksass t1_jeakn2p wrote
I love a fluffy crust!!
...unlike those who prefer thin crust and Roman pizzas.
jason_abacabb t1_jeaky11 wrote
That crust looks like it has a really nice chew.
NickMalo t1_jealuv3 wrote
This looks insanely great. I would devour the entire thing myself
nchiker OP t1_jealwe1 wrote
Sounds to me like you want to take this outside! The original margherita pizza, served to Queen Margherita of Savoy was topped with tomato sauce, mozzarella, and a sprig of basil. Any other arrangement claiming the title "margherita" is anathema.
Thanks for the compliment on the crust though! :)
nchiker OP t1_jealy8b wrote
NinetysRoyalty t1_jealzyd wrote
Maybe I should rephrase it too best part, because I have to agree that some crusts are really great
nchiker OP t1_jeam1pa wrote
Agreed! I love me some good fluffy crust. Perfect post-pizza bread sticks.
nchiker OP t1_jeam3zo wrote
Absolutely did!
nchiker OP t1_jeam7mb wrote
StateOdd296 t1_jeambql wrote
Came here to say this! The crust is USUALLY the best part 🤤
Dr-Fusselpulli t1_jeamc6q wrote
550° of what? Celsius? Fahrenheit? Celvin? Angle? Alcohol proof?
I need to know because this Pizza looks fantastic.
SeaworthinessOne2114 t1_jeamgo6 wrote
Beautiful pie, I make pizza but never acheived that crust. So thanks for the recipe. The first time I ate a pie called Margherita was in Naples in 1971 where it was created. Your pizza looks authentic.
nchiker OP t1_jeaogbw wrote
Freedom temperature units! 🇺🇸
nchiker OP t1_jeaonzi wrote
Thanks u/SeaworthinessOne2114! Huge compliment! Greatly appreciated. If you have any questions trying out my recipe let me know.
Deniss_RUS t1_jeap9yp wrote
Do you cook pizza with broiler on? Or back to fan? Looks very nice, well done :)
nchiker OP t1_jearf75 wrote
Thanks! Yes, I cook the pizza with the broiler still on.
keanuismyQB t1_jearkkr wrote
I got a good chuckle out of the fact that in your quest to be pedantic you misspelled the only even remotely plausible alternative unit to Fahrenheit for a culinary 550 degree measurement.
erockdakilla t1_jeau7h5 wrote
Thanks for the post! I make a lot of pizza and it tastes amazing but mine does not have the fluff of the dough that yours does. How do I get that? Is it just simply the recipe or is there something I knead (haha) to be doing to get it like that?
Tonys_BBQ t1_jeaupcb wrote
You could sell this it looks so good
nchiker OP t1_jeaut4l wrote
You bet! There are several different factors that go into getting a good rise from the yeast. I've explained a couple of them in the recipe if you read through it, but they are all incorporated into it. If you follow the recipe as I put it together (to a T!) it should come out just right.
Elvecio t1_jeaux4u wrote
Italian here. Looks perfect.
erockdakilla t1_jeav5dz wrote
Yeah I did read it all so that makes sense. I skip some of those steps, well at least my recipe didn't say I had to do that. I will give it a try for the next one I make! Thanks
nchiker OP t1_jeawqnh wrote
Thanks u/Tonys_BBQ! I appreciate that! If I had the time I might pursue it.
dmadmin t1_jeax38d wrote
this looks amazing, do you have a video for making this? or similar one to yours on youtube?
nchiker OP t1_jeax4tk wrote
You bet! If you run into any questions shoot me a message. Good luck
nchiker OP t1_jeaxrvl wrote
Thanks! I don't. Probably should make one up and throw it on youtube as much as I get asked that. I don't know of anyone that follows my exact process, watched several videos and read a bunch of articles/recipes years ago when putting the recipe together and incorporated something from each of them as it stood out.
Von2014 t1_jeaxyzd wrote
Fuuuuuu that crust! So soft yet crunchy crust! 😋
nchiker OP t1_jeay4to wrote
Man I'm glad that came through in the photo!
oneofa_twin t1_jeayejf wrote
Any good recs for a pizza steel/stone? Seems like it makes all the difference for that crust
wollkopf t1_jeayt3h wrote
Looks better than good!
Hrastus t1_jeaytsm wrote
Gaht dayum son
[deleted] t1_jeaywlp wrote
nchiker OP t1_jeaz0kk wrote
I wouldn’t say it makes ALL the difference, because you need to get the proper rises and everything per the recipe, but it’s definitely a big part! Without the steel it wouldn’t turn out this nice.
Mine is by Nerdchef, and is 1/4” thick. Needchef may not be around any more, but Baking Steel would be where I’d go if I was in the market. I wouldn’t go any thinner than 1/4”. That thickness will get you a quality pizza for you and the family.
The only reason you’d want to go thicker is if you were making more pizzas than 2 or 3, so it would retain its heat better for multiple pizzas.
adeeprash t1_jeaz0xx wrote
Is this a re-post? Recall seeing this exact picture at the start of COVID and following this recipe (have the photo saved in my camera roll and figured it looked familiar)
nchiker OP t1_jeaz518 wrote
oneofa_twin t1_jeazj58 wrote
Thank you!
nchiker OP t1_jeazsok wrote
I didn’t think so, but there’s a chance. I make pizza every week and only a fraction of the time post a pic of one. Came across this one while looking for something else in pics I had sent my mom. Don’t remember when I made it. If this is the same one I hope your attempt turned out well!
airbournejt95 t1_jeb1c9c wrote
This looks amazing, one of the best looking pizzas I've seen in a while
barnahalder t1_jeb26zi wrote
what recipe
slykido999 t1_jeb2siu wrote
Yes, for delivery, please!
I_like_cool_shit_yo t1_jeb4l9x wrote
Nice fucking crust
miso25 t1_jeb6x0i wrote
Great job. Looks very delicious
gchaudh2 t1_jeb81v1 wrote
nchiker OP t1_jeb8bns wrote
nchiker OP t1_jeb8dos wrote
It's the top comment.
nchiker OP t1_jeb92ds wrote
Thank you!
DaMightyBush t1_jebb8jz wrote
That crust looks spot on! Nice job yo!
nchiker OP t1_jebbcqw wrote
Thanks bush!
Kuya117 t1_jebcps6 wrote
Not bad. Hows the under carriage? Lookin like a solid 6.9 to me
nchiker OP t1_jebdjfh wrote
Confound it! I’ll start over, give me 18 hours.
bobbybarista t1_jebghw8 wrote
As someone who also makes a lot of pizza at home I can’t enough endorse switching to grams over oz as it makes doing dough hydration calculations so much easier. Also type 00 flour which you can get on Amazon really helps with the gluten development
Yetimandel t1_jebhcai wrote
So for 2 pizzas you use:
468g flour
292g water (62%)
5g salt
10g olive oil
10g sugar
~7g yeast (12-24h)
I would use for 2 pizzas:
333g flour
217g water (65%)
4g salt
~5g olive oil (cover dough)
No sugar
<1g yeast (48-96h)
I assume you mean 550°F = 288°C for 4min, I use 450°C = 842°F for 90s.
With your temperature I would have expected the pizza to need a bit more than 4min.
Your recipe is more New York style while mine is Naples style. Both are great imo.
wu-dai_clan2 t1_jebhm2t wrote
Pizza perfection.
sad_peregrine_falcon t1_jebhxf0 wrote
nchiker OP t1_jebhy34 wrote
As a freedom loving American, I resent and reject this comment. This pizza tastes like liberty, and I’d like to keep it that way!
In all seriousness, I’ve tried OO flour and it’s not as forgiving as bread flour. At least the one that I got broke much more easily when stretching. May be the specific one I got, but the bread flour has worked pretty well.
nchiker OP t1_jebiceb wrote
Thanks wu!
giovamc t1_jebj8w7 wrote
That could be one of the best pizzas i've seen on reddit
themza912 t1_jebk3ni wrote
Why would you possibly need an hour post preheat for the steel to come to steady state temp? I feel like it would be the same temp as the oven by the time the oven is preheated, at most maybe 10 mins more
bobbybarista t1_jebk5du wrote
I fridge my dough for a few days to ferment and find it’s super important to let it get back to room temp so it relaxes before stretching. Also doing some quick math, your dough hydration is like 62% so bumping it up to make a wetter dough might also help in the not tearing department.
Desiman4u t1_jebkfz5 wrote
I am drooling looking at this. Good job OP
nchiker OP t1_jebkius wrote
You got me. But this is the suggestion given for pizza steel in ever recipe I’ve seen and there’s a definite difference when I try cooking my pizza after a shorter post preheat time.
[deleted] t1_jebklfl wrote
nchiker OP t1_jebkwo6 wrote
Yes it would, but I like the 62% and have never had a problem with tearing except when I tried the OO flour. And yes, if you read the recipe it has the dough coming out of the fridge in more than enough time to get up to temp.
nchiker OP t1_jebkzys wrote
Infinite_test7 t1_jebmxpn wrote
That crust looks amazing, nothing better than the classic margherita for me, making Napoli proud OP.
veluminous_noise t1_jebnq7w wrote
Yeah, I'm gonna need that crust recipe.
nchiker OP t1_jebob6f wrote
Thanks u/Infinite_test7! Appreciate that!
nchiker OP t1_jebofet wrote
Lol, it’s yours! It’s the top comment.
SeptemberSky2017 t1_jebp5lp wrote
That looks great. Good job OP
M00N_Water t1_jebpxaj wrote
👏 That bubbly crust... Bravo
nchiker OP t1_jebr8qt wrote
nchiker OP t1_jebrdc0 wrote
Thank you u/M00N_Water!
BloodCobalt t1_jebrxta wrote
I literally moaned at this picture
peaheezy t1_jebs6ql wrote
That crust looks incredible.
Crust is easily the most important part of a pie. Is it the tastiest part? No. But good cheese, sauce and toppings are pretty easy to procure or make and really special cheese, sauce and toppings aren’t thaaat much better than good stuff. Special crust is special, it’s unbelievable. It’s like biting into a bread pillow that goes from feather soft to delightfully chewy while also holding up to sauce, cheese and toppings on the pie. If the pizza crust is good then it’s ny favorite part of the pie and I wrap it up with the last two inches of pie and each it like a taquito.
But I also lived next to Razza in Jersey City for 2 years and it was the best neopolitan style pie I’ve ever had. Probably best one in the united states when I lived there. While I prefer NY style pizza that crust made me a believer in Naples style pizza
Your crust made me think of all that, it looks good. Good job.
DukeNukemSLO t1_jebsqbr wrote
Fantastic crust
our_trip_will_pass t1_jebszq6 wrote
nice yeast farts you got there. You really know how to make them flatulate
nchiker OP t1_jebu2is wrote
lol - wish I could give you a piece!
nchiker OP t1_jebufrs wrote
Wow, thanks for that!
nchiker OP t1_jebuh5o wrote
nchiker OP t1_jebuyqq wrote
Really leanin into that illustration, lol
link1993 t1_jebyy4d wrote
I think this is the best pizza I saw on this sub. By far. I just wouldn't put garlic in the tomato, but I understand non-Italians really enjoy garlic. Complimenti :)
TheLadyEve t1_jebz1v1 wrote know it's Kelvin, right? And just Kelvin, you don't note degrees Kelvin.
Also, are you dense?
nchiker OP t1_jebzwna wrote
Thank you :) So what are foreigners to you? Cause everyone I know like garlic, lol. What country?
rvyas619 t1_jec06j0 wrote
Oof! 👍🏾👍🏾
Ziomike98 t1_jec2f4r wrote
Italian here: finally some tucking good Italian food.
No strange ingredients, no shorty names, no misspelled words, actually good looking food and simple recipe as it should be.
Great job OP :)
Sunbertsgilny t1_jec3ms1 wrote
Does this mean you cook the pizza on broil or do you turn it back on to bake after broiling the stone?
nchiker OP t1_jec40y0 wrote
Thanks man (or….lady)!! Means a lot when I hear from Italians! That made my day!
nchiker OP t1_jec43oi wrote
I do cook the pizza with the broiler still on full blast, yes.
veluminous_noise t1_jec5ie8 wrote
Hmm. Maybe I need to check on pc and not mobile. I'm not seeing it.
nchiker OP t1_jec6b2i wrote
Odd, don’t know what to tell you. Maybe your sorting by controversial or something? I’m seeing it on mobile and OC as the top comment.
simpson409 t1_jec7cqx wrote
Isn't that a lot of sugar in the dough? I know yeast acts faster if you give it sugar, but this seems excessive.
nchiker OP t1_jec7w2v wrote
Keep in mind this recipe is for two pizzas. You can definitely use less, but I’d suggest giving this a try first. It has a very slight sweet taste to the dough, but it’s nowhere near being “sweet”. Give it a try.
Sunbertsgilny t1_jecasku wrote
Darwin73 t1_jecbbje wrote
Nice structure.
nchiker OP t1_jeccjc9 wrote
our_trip_will_pass t1_jech9pv wrote
I can smell your microbe gasses from here. I wish I delt what I smelt, smells delicious
SquirrelDynamics t1_jech9zb wrote
Looks incredible
nchiker OP t1_jechhx6 wrote
jerry111165 t1_jeciwae wrote
Great crust
nchiker OP t1_jecjcwv wrote
Halvinz t1_jecllmq wrote
1 1/2 table spoon of "instant dry yeast"!!!
I usually just use 0.35 "grams" (a little bit more than the third of the gram) of "fresh yeast" for a single 300 gram dough.
You got the result, and I frankly don't know how with that much "instant" yeast.
Edit: I read the measurements as table spoon where it should be tea spoon. Still that's 6.5 grams of Instant yeast. That's 18x more than what I use.
Do you live in a cooler region?
nchiker OP t1_jecmbhk wrote
TEAspoons! Not tablespoons :)
Halvinz t1_jecn6b3 wrote
I caught myself before your comment.
sparkdude402 t1_jecqt1f wrote
In other words.... Go to a pizza parlor and buy a pizza take it out of the box put it on the plate snap a photo put it on Reddit take all the credit 👌
Imaginary_Lemon453 t1_jecrgt3 wrote
One slice for me please
nchiker OP t1_jectns1 wrote
I’ll take that as a compliment 😎
AccomplishedSense897 t1_jed1g8r wrote
Ok_Bodybuilder7720 t1_jeda2i5 wrote
Sea_Technician_5069 t1_jedg1cs wrote
Looks tempting.
link1993 t1_jedicem wrote
herandy t1_jedkfpq wrote
thoughtgun t1_jedllfs wrote
Great. Now I'm hungry again.
Ziomike98 t1_jedlzqg wrote
Man :)
Thank you and hope you keep up the good work!
just_a_weeb__ t1_jednet7 wrote
That shi is beautiful
akat_walks t1_jedrllx wrote
Nice. I find my better doughs are made 3 or 4 days before I cook them.
Nyalli262 t1_jedwep8 wrote
I always use the whole packet, which is 7 grams, and I've never had any issues. Why are you gatekeeping goddamn yeast?
Nyalli262 t1_jedwgjk wrote
And yet you were still somehow able to be condescending even in the edit smh
eatingdonuts44 t1_jedxk6b wrote
Looks amazing
IdleMelodic t1_jee0jdh wrote
Pizza porn.
nchiker OP t1_jee2aok wrote
Aaaaah. Well forgive me my use of garlic! I just can't help myself :) Thanks again for the great compliment! All the best.
nchiker OP t1_jee2cb0 wrote
nchiker OP t1_jee2eoy wrote
You bet I will!
nchiker OP t1_jee2giy wrote
Well thank you :)
nchiker OP t1_jee2q59 wrote
Thank you!
TheComplayner t1_jee30a8 wrote
That’s pizza
nchiker OP t1_jee405n wrote
Why thank you!
NextPower6327 t1_jeeaxkk wrote
thanks for the recipe .. would try this ;) I wonder is it two pieces 10" or 12" pizza u can make for this ?
nchiker OP t1_jeebkr2 wrote
You bet! Yes, it depends on how much you stretch it. But for me it makes two 12”+ pizzas.
Vector_Scope t1_jeenjss wrote
Will try the recipe tomorrow! Looks amazing!
Halvinz t1_jeep12g wrote
The least amount of yeast, the better. Instant yeast turbo charges the whole fermentation. Fresh yeast provides a better natural fermentation and always easier on your digestive system. That's how pizzaioli normally do it, and for a reason. And that's why they also employ Poolish and Biga techniques -- again, resorting to natural fermentation. Now that said, 7 grams is not a massive amount that would raise eyebrows, but it can be reduced considerably.
Environment temp is important to the whole process, hence the question about what region/temp the OP did his/her prepping. Temp is actually a variable in several formulas. The same formula that might work in one place might fizzle in another (trust me, I've seen it happen. That's why when I do it in a new place for the first time, I create 6 to 8 batches with various measurements to see which one works in that environment).
Finally, I don't think you know what condescension means. Not sure if you are just being too defensive or sensitive, but my questions were meant to genuinely discover more about several factors which normally leads to certain end results. Cheers.
Nyalli262 t1_jeepuao wrote
Alright, smartypants 👍
nchiker OP t1_jef6oye wrote
Awesome!! Let me know if you run into any questions! Good luck
Halvinz t1_jefwwzt wrote
As long as you learned something today. Best of lucks.
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