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Ok_Swimmer634 t1_jds40wv wrote

So which automaker in your town? Where I live it is Hyundai.

If you are ever in Atlanta check out Heirloom Market BBQ. They sell Korean BBQ. Now I do not mean where you sit at a table and cook meat with your friends. I mean the husband is from Texas and he cooks the meat Texas style. The wife is from Korea and she makes the sauce Korean style. Then they serve it with all kinds of different pickled banchan.


GnomaPhobic t1_jds85j1 wrote

Hyundai here as well! My best friend lives in Atlanta so I’m there often. I will check out that place next time I’m there, that sounds like a dream.


Ok_Swimmer634 t1_jdsaqn3 wrote

Yeah, you and I probably are a block away and using an international platform to talk to each other.