ImtheDoap t1_iuawyqc wrote
Primos hoagies are my absolute favorite. Italian diablo fo' life
Salutatorian t1_iub4e8r wrote
Looks like Angelo's in South Philly, truly the best cheesesteak on the planet
aidan878 t1_iub6z7q wrote
Turkey Schwartzle is the way to go bud.
scrappychemist t1_iub8mqo wrote
aw I know y'all were from PA when I saw "cooper sharp" and Hoagies in the same post. <3
samcoffeeman t1_iubtvo2 wrote
Delco steaks?
ImtheDoap t1_iucxsvh wrote
I dont do swiss, cole slaw or Russian dressing. That's a pass from me.
Miserable_Length_646 t1_iuajgz6 wrote
Sounds like Primos.