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MrsPancakesSister t1_itynyml wrote

They’re fried all over the world except for most of the USA.

I currently live in Australia and some of the specialty pies would make you cry. I don’t eat them often, but they had a creme brûlée pie a few months back. It was filled with custard and caramel. My husband and I split one, and then went back the next evening to get one each for dessert with a hot fudge sundae. So bomb!


LostFireHorse t1_ityxtzc wrote

I didn't like 'em, too sweet (for me) even for maccas pies. I do wish they'd bring back the apple and custard ones though. mmmmm


MrsPancakesSister t1_ityy2xr wrote

To be fair those pies were rich. But I really enjoyed them.

Now see, I’ve never seen the apple and custard. That sounds so good. Didn’t they have a Cadbury creme egg pie recently, too? Or did I imagine that one?


LostFireHorse t1_itz5ma3 wrote

I vaguely remember a creme egg something but I'm not sure if it was a pie, mcflurry, or maybe both. The apple and custard one was soooo good but I havent seen them do it for years. Like my other favourite promo items it seems to be a one-and-done, never to be seen again. Like the El Maco. Actually I think they've brought that back once in 20 years, maybe I'll get another one in my 60s lol (I'm in my 40s now).


MrsPancakesSister t1_iu0jrlz wrote

I think you’re right, it may have been a McFlurry. The Smash a Pav billboards always amuse me when they have the pavlova McFlurries. You’d think I eat there often, but I usually just get chai lattes from Macca’s.

I remember seeing the El Maco advertisements, but I’ve never had one. It was definitely a while ago. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you that bring it back sooner rather than later.


gdmzhlzhiv t1_itzmbuh wrote

OMFG, the banana and caramel ones too... they should have made that a permanent thing.


MrsPancakesSister t1_iu0itjc wrote

Those sound good, too.


gdmzhlzhiv t1_iu7ghsu wrote

McDonalds should DM me every time they release a new pie.


MrsPancakesSister t1_iu7u9f0 wrote

Amen! Can we ask them to do this? I use the Macca’s app because I love their oat milk chai lattes, but I’m gonna need them to send out a beacon when a new pie debuts. Great idea!