Drewsophila t1_itig5u3 wrote
Fantastic! Do you cook the Rabbit
OrcusFortune t1_itii4nm wrote
GoonieGooGoo-00 t1_itjul82 wrote
Can I please have a rough recipe? Thanks
idk2u OP t1_itjzt3v wrote
Hello!! closest with measurements :)
Tips: slice the ginger big so you don't accidentally bite into them later unless you're into that. Use unsalted chicken stock. Also, I add saffron :)
Natural-Resort t1_itmbaiy wrote
Lots of thinly sliced ginger = delicioso!
idk2u OP t1_itmbui1 wrote
Hehe good for you! I can't take it, too much but I love to put a ton of ginger for flavor
GoonieGooGoo-00 t1_itzwwi3 wrote
thanks i appreciate it. will definitely give this a go.
idk2u OP t1_itzxpuo wrote
V welcome :) Hope you enjoy! Pls lmk how you like it(or hate it?) 😃
Drewsophila t1_itifr1e wrote