Submitted by blueblink77 t3_ygvx13 in food
shrimptraining t1_iuastvs wrote
You’re missing out on life
[deleted] t1_iuat87t wrote
Chris20nyy t1_iuatp5e wrote
You sitting on the other side of the table from this guy?
OscarDivine t1_iuaubjk wrote
Was literally just like… didn’t I just see this?
shrimptraining t1_iuaui1a wrote
Never seen a Margherita pizza before?
DranTibia t1_iuavcgp wrote
archangelmlg t1_iuavvc2 wrote
I was thinking curly fries.
blueblink77 OP t1_iuaxck5 wrote
It was calamari pizza. Lol. I was really skeptical at first, but I love calamari and I love pizza, why not try them together 😂 and it actually turned out pretty great! I do wish I had more tbh.
blueblink77 OP t1_iuaxh0t wrote
One of the best I’ve had, tbh.
J_Dawg-v3 t1_iuaxion wrote
shuffle232 t1_iuayu5i wrote
Where is this at?
datguyakala t1_iuaz15f wrote
Sounds good to me!
datguyakala t1_iuaz9aa wrote
That cheese though… 👀😅
goodcorn t1_iuaznd7 wrote
What place?
Chris20nyy t1_iuaznth wrote
Lol what's your take on this one?
datguyakala t1_iub09hg wrote
The calamari pizza cheeses particularly just looks so synthetic here. Is this common in NY?
Chris20nyy t1_iub0zxa wrote
No I think it's just the photo, and the way it's melted. They do a mild melt on that style.
blueblink77 OP t1_iub1mgo wrote
Little Italy pizza in NY
blueblink77 OP t1_iub1p42 wrote
Little Italy pizza in NY
[deleted] t1_iub1se6 wrote
blueblink77 OP t1_iub22bm wrote
I believe it’s in 45th street, so close to Times Square. It’s our first time in NY so not very familiar with the street and whatnot.
whales-are-assholes t1_iub2bs0 wrote
The OP is from Little Italy Pizza in NY, the post you linked is from Rosa’s in Brooklyn. They’re about 6 miles away from each other and are divided by the East River - close enough.
FrankieMcGigglefits t1_iub2qna wrote
Thus doesn't look like nyc pizza
malganiswl t1_iub2tyn wrote
Why do you hate it?
martej t1_iub2xl1 wrote
I don’t know why, but for some reason I imagine the best pizza can be found in Chicago (think-deep dish pizza). I could be wrong, and I’ve never even been to Chicago but when I go I plan on making it part of my mission to find the ultimate pizza while I’m there.
Am I right about this, or is that not a thing that Chicago is known for?
penelopestormborn t1_iub3yn2 wrote
Glitchyyyy t1_iub51mu wrote
Fr it looks like melted fresh mozzarella, not that pre-shredded kind.
Isothermx t1_iub53ez wrote
I’ve had both. It’s up to the individuals preference tbh.
NYCmob79 t1_iub5a0t wrote
Looks like the vegan food stuff that they call vegan cheese
BurnedBeyond t1_iub5zrr wrote
A fancy slice in NYC. Real deal is a 99 cent slice with a crackhead behind you asking you for your change.
FrankieMcGigglefits t1_iub66ac wrote
That's at Grey's papaya.
Andykap911 t1_iub6cjl wrote
I gotta say, New Haven Style Pizza is the best
Airstrikeayers t1_iub6hsb wrote
Ahhhh. Enjoy your visit!
blueblink77 OP t1_iub6iyy wrote
Easily 11.
GenesisNoelle t1_iub6xty wrote
Thank you
OneHumanPeOple t1_iub7953 wrote
Best pizza is found on the Boardwalk at the Jersey Shore. Thin, yeasty crust, fresh sauce, salty moz, right amount of seasonings and olio.
jacksnsticks05 t1_iub7gst wrote
It’s apples and oranges. Two very different styles
mscarchuk t1_iub7j17 wrote
Only right comment I’ve seen so far!!
UnsurprisingUsername t1_iub8oeo wrote
“Vegan cheese” shivers
TooBadBroski t1_iub9zrm wrote
Oof that slice of calamari, need that in my life. Like you was super skeptical when I saw it (nothing like that here in FL) but I loved it.
HotConcrete t1_iuba9f8 wrote
I also did I a double take: those slices are so similar. And to be honest, not what I typically get when I get a slice: I’m used to wonderfully greasy pepperoni and a dearth of green.
HipHopAnonymous87 t1_iubaoo0 wrote
If you do end up in Chicago, get Pequods. It’s the best and it’s not a chain deep dish.
pok3ey3 t1_iubary5 wrote
I’ve had it before for the same reason. So good
blueblink77 OP t1_iubas1p wrote
Never seen a calamari pizza before too! As soon as my husband saw that he’s like. “I knew that’s what you’re ordering “ 😂
FlameOfWrath t1_iubbto1 wrote
But did you use a fork??
Timetravelingnoodles t1_iubdet6 wrote
I thought so! It looks like it would taste amazing
saviorlito t1_iubeea2 wrote
Where the fuck can you get a 99 cent pizza slice in NY???????
Edit: thank you all for the spots. I’m gonna check ‘‘em out. Not for the crackheads tho.
BurnedBeyond t1_iubfbc9 wrote
Several places, but not as many as it used to be in the past couple years.
fathercreatch t1_iubftt4 wrote
fathercreatch t1_iubfvss wrote
Sudi_Nim t1_iubfxf6 wrote
151 E 43rd St, New York, NY 10017, next to the Chrysler Bldg
Darth-Poseidon t1_iubg6dk wrote
There’s a place near me that does a white clam pizza. My buddy always said it was one of his faves and I thought he was a weirdo for it, clams on pizza?? Finally tried it and it’s great, I split it with him now lol
anonymousacg t1_iubgf5k wrote
Is 2bros still around?
aegonix t1_iubheoi wrote
I can see it. I like crunchy crackers in my clam chowder. I like linguini and clams in a white sauce. I like all of the individual ingredients, it stands to reason I'd like the end product, if unusual format.
Stockinglegs t1_iubhodp wrote
tobiasfunke6398 t1_iubihym wrote
What in the fuck is on that pizza in the background??
NoUsernameLeftDammit t1_iubiz5b wrote
Need banana for scale
thematrix1234 t1_iubj4jg wrote
The ultimate pizza experience. My local 2 bros shut down, I really miss it. Pretty sure they failed their health inspection though 🥴
TheCuursLightKid t1_iubkazw wrote
forgottensoup22 t1_iubkvy1 wrote
I’ve been day dreaming about trying ny pizza I’m in California
OccasionallyLogical t1_iubm3kp wrote
Clam pizza is a New Haven specialty!
Devildoggie2 t1_iubmskd wrote
Where can I get a reasonable facsimile in Los Angeles? Please!!
Darth-Poseidon t1_iubn3ll wrote
It was new to me down here yonder in Austin
[deleted] t1_iubnnxj wrote
short_bus_genius t1_iubnp9j wrote
Calamari substitute is sliced pig bung…. (Story on this American life podcast)
friarguy t1_iubnpi0 wrote
You in connecticut?
Darth-Poseidon t1_iubp3g1 wrote
A bit further south. Austin
friarguy t1_iubporv wrote
Just a bit then
mysticflowers24 t1_iubrh3p wrote
Nothing beats NYC pizza 😋😋😋
[deleted] t1_iubt7t9 wrote
HelloDuhObvious t1_iubt9yj wrote
Bottom slice looks like a margherita. A plain slice (cheese) for the most part does not have basil.
unodakine808 t1_iubtl3m wrote
I’m digging the front slice, but what the actual f am I looking at behind it? Lol
blueblink77 OP t1_iubu450 wrote
Calamari pizza
unodakine808 t1_iubu8g3 wrote
At first I was out, but now I’m back in. Sounds awesome.
blueblink77 OP t1_iubui33 wrote
Haha! It was really good, could never go wrong. Pizza? Good. Calamari? Good. 😝
Alexcox95 t1_iubyj6i wrote
Arbys curly fry pizza
adam12hicks t1_iubyjrz wrote
Lucali is the textbook definition of perfect pizza. Luigi’s in Brooklyn isn’t far off! I fly to NY from DFW just to eat these two. So great!
funkygrrl t1_iubz2w4 wrote
Hipster pizza
andy_tom91 t1_iuc0mo6 wrote
You and u/girouxfilms know each other?
girouxfilms t1_iuc11o5 wrote
mikepm07 t1_iuc1ee4 wrote
This is tourist pizza or whatever I’m drunk and it’s nearby pizza.
Hipster pizza in nyc is incredible. Some of the best spots are in what most people would call hipster neighborhoods in Brooklyn.
CaptainAlliance t1_iuc5mzl wrote
Ah I see you're a man of culture as well.
[deleted] t1_iuc5qyv wrote
Jackdatman92 t1_iuc8dnx wrote
I hope it was as tasty as it looks
ElizabethMoon1992 t1_iuc92ds wrote
is it served hot or cold? this looks cold
blueblink77 OP t1_iuc9bmw wrote
raspberryvodka t1_iuca9vg wrote
Ah, must have been Homeslice.
churmalefew t1_iucc8qp wrote
i mean at least for this post they aren't calling it "a New York slice" it's just NY pizza. it is factually pizza that they got in NY. for my money, they're in the clear
KaijuDirectorOO7 t1_iucecra wrote
How does it compare to Chicago style?
[deleted] t1_iucf0a3 wrote
pm_me_your_amphibian t1_iucf2bf wrote
I can get better looking pizza in rural Gloucestershire, UK.
dmxwidget t1_iucfj37 wrote
Neon pepperoni grease that drips and covers your plate is the hallmark of a good NY slice.
Mk1Racer25 t1_iucfr0m wrote
White clam pizza is THE BOMB! I think I'll make one today
Efyrum t1_iucgf16 wrote
Going there rn 🥵🥵
Latvia t1_iuclpye wrote
Eh, I tried several recommended places to get NYC pizza (in Manhattan). Nothing special, just pizza. The bagels on the other hand, lived up to the hype. Don't know how a bagel can be that good, but they are.
johnnyrockes t1_iucncv3 wrote
Place by me does calamari and shrimp pie, delish
mrmiamikrypy t1_iucnhpr wrote
Best pizza in NYC is Bravo Kosher Pizza on 6th Ave between 34th & Broadway. That one doesn’t serve any meat toppings because it’s kosher but the pizza is fucking amazing! Anyone been there ?
KeyJetofHeart t1_iucs0jc wrote
Italians are not gonna like it
JeepMan831 t1_iucu8gt wrote
Pic or gtfo
pm_me_your_amphibian t1_iucw1k0 wrote
I think what you’re saying is I need pizza tonight?
JeepMan831 t1_iucx16w wrote
That's right. I've never been to the UK but ignorantly assumed a subpar pizza game.
ryox82 t1_iucyhap wrote
I almost had them when I was in Austin but I saved the pizza for when back on Long Island.
pm_me_your_amphibian t1_iuczkmk wrote
Oh don’t get me wrong, there’s some terrrrrible pizza over here too. But it’s getting easier to get fantastic traditional pizza, I live in the arse end of nowhere but have two amazing pizza places within 15 mins drive.
Darth-Poseidon t1_iud635o wrote
Nope. ABGB
budgeatapp t1_iud9t8i wrote
BangoSkank1919 t1_iudbqpr wrote
Delorenzos on Sloan in Hamilton/Trenton NJ, the best white clam pie around
Cough_Turn t1_iudfh4j wrote
Looks weird to people because it's not folded yet.
StoicVinnie t1_iudfnfe wrote
Would have preferred an after picture
[deleted] t1_iudg54c wrote
bobbyQuick t1_iudh63c wrote
Why is this whole sub just rage baiting New Yorkers now?
xGianniGrandex t1_iudir9x wrote
Onion rings?? 🤌🏼🤌🏼
blueblink77 OP t1_iuditi9 wrote
xGianniGrandex t1_iudix6r wrote
Hahah that sounds a bit better!!
ralphy1010 t1_iudj1bd wrote
competition, as you probably noticed bagel shops are all over. With NYC rents being what they are a place that sells a shitty bagel wont last long in the city as the customers will just walk over to the other place that has better bagels. It's just natural selection that the only bagel places that stay in business are the ones who make a good bagel.
BunkyFlintsone t1_iudj6k8 wrote
Latvia t1_iudjh5k wrote
I don't think that's what I mean. It's probably true. But what I mean is that NYC bagels are FAR superior to any bagel I've had anywhere else in the country, at any time.
HarraldH t1_iudkzty wrote
If you happen to be in NYC and find yourself in midtown Manhattan, Sacco pizza on 9th ave. and 54th st. is actual NY pizza. It's not in a tourist area and is a place locals get pizza from. If you also want to have an amazing chicken cutlet salad, go to Luigi's on 8th ave. between 54th and 55th st. These places are packed at lunchtime with construction workers, cops and people that work in the neighborhood. I worked in Midtown for over 30 years and these were regular lunch and dinner spots for me and most of the people I worked with.
blueblink77 OP t1_iudmlfn wrote
Good to know! I wish we researched more before coming to NY for places to try so we had more options. This one is pretty good though, we’re pretty happy with that place. I told my husband that we should go visit NY again on our 10th year anniversary and maybe stay longer than 4 days.
SamuraiPanda19 t1_iudnnue wrote
Except New Haven style
ribeye256 t1_iudnstr wrote
Yeah go Pepe's! Amazing pizza!
Lilylolo88 t1_iudvw5v wrote
Looks really good 👌🏻
Vio94 t1_iudwa52 wrote
It's pizza acquired in the state of NY 👀
coladonato18 t1_iudx66h wrote
Bottom slice looks delish 😍
ralphy1010 t1_iudyqdw wrote
They are and the above is the reason for that. It's mainly a form of confirmation bias
[deleted] t1_iue33am wrote
Latvia t1_iue6f7m wrote
Not really. The circumstance you described exists in a lot of places at a lot of times. NY bagels are better despite other places having the same situation. And on the flip side, the circumstances change. Even when competition is fluctuating, I've never had a bagel outside of NY that was nearly as good as what I've had there. If your hypothesis was true, literally everything would be better in NY. And I hope we can agree that is not even close to true.
mumskitchencuisine t1_iue895q wrote
mysticflowers24 t1_iue8ckb wrote
Better looking sure but how’s it taste 🤨
pm_me_your_amphibian t1_iue8fee wrote
Judging by the pizza I had when I visited New York…. Infinitely better.
Oriin690 t1_iueahcd wrote
99 cent places are rare now, most regular slices are $2.75~3.25
Consistent-Chair t1_iueazg8 wrote
As an Italian, it looks good. I've seen much better, but also much, MUCH worse. It's clearly made by someone who both knows what a pizza is supposed look like and is capable of cooking it well enough. I would definitely try it.
The price is also important though. A pizza slice like this would cost about 1€ in Italy.
ralphy1010 t1_iuecv5z wrote
I'd say the majority of what the city has to offer is better most of the time.
SMK_12 t1_iueduyn wrote
Nah Sally’s is great but NYC still king.
Latvia t1_iuee7ki wrote
Everything else I eat there is pretty comparable to anywhere else in the country.
[deleted] t1_iueearb wrote
Joe109885 t1_iuej2c6 wrote
Dude I’d fuckkkkkkk that shit up!
rollduptrips t1_iuejtzy wrote
THAT’s pizza
PoliSciNerd24 t1_iuelwiy wrote
The thing is, we do kind of do everything just a bit better here. The food is incredible in this city and you don’t get the variety and quality in most other cities and you damn sure won’t find it in the metro/suburb areas of other cities. From manhattan all the way to Long Island the food is just fire.
blueblink77 OP t1_iueooe5 wrote
gerd50501 t1_iueopx0 wrote
What is the name of the place that sells calamari pizza?
-RedXV- t1_iuerdmu wrote
I was accidently given the wrong pizza once and it was a clam and roasted garlic pizza. I decided to go with it. It was so good that I now make it at home at least twice a month.
Latvia t1_iues1n4 wrote
I have eaten in cities across the country. Sorry, but I had better food overall in St Louis than NY. And for specifics, each part of the country usually specializes on certain foods, and basically everyone knows and accepts that. Weird to dig in and say "no we're better than everyone at everything!" just because your original comment didn't really make sense.
PoliSciNerd24 t1_iuethco wrote
I forgot about the fine dining of St. Louis, Missouri. It’s a well known destination for lovers of fine cuisine from all over the world.
Obviously different regions have their specialties. Not gonna find great crab boils or even barbecue in New York. But in terms of best overall choices for places to eat? You can’t beat New York. Every culture is represented here in high quality, for the most part.
ladydanger2020 t1_iuev79h wrote
They don’t look the same at all
Latvia t1_iuf23ym wrote
Just like in about 100 other places. Bagels are 🔥. Everything else is not unique to NY as far as quality. The pizza is underwhelming.
slipperyzoo t1_iuf2qfs wrote
There are about 50 spots for it in the city. Any 2 bros. St Mark's is one of the better ones.
slipperyzoo t1_iuf2ss0 wrote
They're not rare, go to any of the 50 or so 2 bros pizza places.
PoliSciNerd24 t1_iuf3t49 wrote
Name a single city that has the same level of food in this country. You can’t. Ffs you tried to say some shithole in MO was better, no one should take anything you say serious lol.
Latvia t1_iuf7stm wrote
Hating on St Louis is just proving my point. I had food all over NYC and all over St Louis. STL was better overall. Hell, there's a single street there with as much food diversity as you'll find in all of Manhattan. No one is going to agree with you that NYC (or any other city) has better quality of every food than every other city. It's a silly point that you made not realizing how dumb it was, and now you're digging in instead of just shutting up or god forbid acknowledging it was dumb. Bye
Chris20nyy t1_iufdsj4 wrote
It was a joke, but they infact do look very similar. But you do you.
PoliSciNerd24 t1_iufext1 wrote
Lmfao. Yes. St Louis has more food diversity than New York. Absolutely delusional.
Latvia t1_iufgbmc wrote
You know you can't defend your original argument, so you gave up and just deflect deflect deflect. Your next comment will also be another deflection to avoid defending your argument, which I'll remind you was "the only reason bagels are better in NY is because literally all food is better there than anywhere in the US due to the high cost of rent." Go ahead 😆😆😆
ralphy1010 t1_iufgerd wrote
I suppose it depends on where you went and what you had.
Katz's is a great example, the serving is massive and it's one of those iconic spots\tourist traps but I honestly feel other places do better pastrami and offer a better value for the money.
Grand Central Oyster Bar is a nice enough place and the prices are fair but I would always advise people to check out Maison Premier if they are looking for oysters as they tend to have a better selection on their menu and the oysters they serve tend to be larger and meatier for a similar price.
PoliSciNerd24 t1_iufi1rb wrote
I never mentioned rent. Just that the food here is the best in the country. Which you then tried to say was wrong and that… St. Louis, Missouri, had better food. Which is something I think most people couldn’t say with a straight face and reads like a shitty joke.
Latvia t1_iufr35p wrote
See you've resorted to straight up lying. You know the comments are still there, right? 😆😆 Is this that important to you?
PoliSciNerd24 t1_iufyst3 wrote
Go direct me to where is said anything about rent or cost of living or anything. You’re mixing me up w the other person because your hick ass can’t read.
Oriin690 t1_iug1ixe wrote
There are seven 2 bros locations not 50 and there are not that many 1 dollar/99c stores left besides those relative to the thousands of other pizza stores.
Also 2 bros sells their pizza for 1.50 now so that's not even true to begin with.
slipperyzoo t1_iugaa7z wrote
I got it three weeks ago for $1. Plain, anyway. Idk about toppings. And idk it feels like 50 locations. Regardless, not that hard to find one of their locations in Manhattan.
[deleted] t1_iuasehm wrote