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t1_ixnismo wrote

That's the deepest dish apple pie I've ever seen!


t1_ixnjhfs wrote

That apple pie is on performance enhancing drugs


OP t1_ixoa0he wrote


t1_ixocl8h wrote

Recipe please, it looks amazing.


OP t1_ixohcm4 wrote

The filing and crust recipe is from Desert Person by Claire Saffitz. Only, her apple pie has a crumble top and is in a regular pie dish. Here I roll the dough out thinner and double the crust recipe to make the topper.


t1_ixpe0jp wrote

How many apple trees were sacrificed? 😂

Seriously, looks delicious!


t1_ixqo9rz wrote

I don’t know why I felt slightly dirty looking at that picture. It’s practically porn OP! Also, I’ll take a full pie please and thank you.


t1_ixnkhtm wrote

How many apples were used in that pie


OP t1_ixnlrlz wrote

12 of varying sizes and types. I went to my local farmers market, told the apple guy my plan, and he told me when I had enough.


t1_ixpfcxp wrote

Well seeing as how its hollow, you didnt have enough.

Edit: Lol downvoted for pointing out a fact


OP t1_ixpidqa wrote

Apple filling shrinks down when cooked. This creates a small gap between the crust, which holds on to the shape it was in pre-cooking because all of the butter basically fries it, and the apple filling which condenses.


t1_ixrs5t3 wrote

No shit. But if you know how to make an apple pie correctly you dont have a gap.


OP t1_ixs28ao wrote

If you want to share with everyone what you would do differently, please feel free.


t1_ixs30nx wrote

Not make a deep dish apple pie with uncooked apples because it ends up making a shitty apple pie, like yours.

Or you know, precook the apples. Its not hard.


t1_ixpd73t wrote

More like how many were harmed in the making of that pie..had to be a massacre..


t1_ixo9hly wrote

With that apple pie op must be from Chicago


OP t1_ixoi0e8 wrote

Close, Cincinnati. We're mostly known for eating chili with spaghetti.


t1_ixpk2v3 wrote

So, spaghetti bolognese with beans and chilli.


OP t1_ixpl76z wrote

I usually skip the beans, and there's also cheddar, but you're on the right track.


t1_ixpm4gv wrote

I feel like I’ve made it by accident drunk one night. Right now I want it for breakfast.


OP t1_ixqs39s wrote

I appreciate the openness to our chili spaghetti, if you ever visit our fair city we will welcome you with a 3-way.


OP t1_ixnidny wrote

My Thanksgiving contribution. Also my top three Thanksgiving foods.


t1_ixof7ja wrote

That's the craziest apple pie I've ever seen and I mean it as a compliment.


t1_ixoebfy wrote

Ok well I dont care if Im hopping on the band wagon, that apple pie is for gods, str8 outta Skyrim or something. wow, very impreessssssive shit. you aint fucking around.


t1_ixofoly wrote

How deep is an apple pie before it becomes cake?


t1_ixp4y14 wrote

If it wasn't cooked in the bird, it's dressing (which is superior to stuffing).


t1_ixq5pxo wrote

I have a hard enough time cutting a normal size pie without making a mess. I would definitely let someone else do the honors.


OP t1_ixqhqp8 wrote

Actually I think the springform pan makes it easier. You can just cut it straight down like a cake.


t1_ixo5gyx wrote

I played too much PlateUp. Was immediately looking for your automation setup lol.


t1_ixoz61f wrote

How did you get the pie crust to stay up before baking??


t1_ixpbtkg wrote

Damn that apple pie is huge! What time you want me?


t1_ixqk8d3 wrote

Woah!!!!! Now that’s a pie!


t1_ixqmtb6 wrote

The apple pie is very impressive! Until I saw your cross section picture of your Apple pie, I thought it was twice as high. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how you attached the springform to a regular round pan. 😅


OP t1_ixqr2ua wrote

I had to release the springform in a way that the crust around the edges would not catch on the sides of the pan. So the solution was to set the entire pan on a bowl, release the latches, and move the sides down.


OP t1_ixqye9t wrote

It's not as visually impressive, but that Pumpkin Pie slaps.


t1_ixoj7di wrote

Stuffing goes inside the bird. If it’s cooked outside the turkey, it’s dressing.


t1_ixopbvt wrote

Gluttony. Are you from Chicago? That looks ridiculous