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fugly_neighbour t1_iy3nmr6 wrote

Why are people hating on the pink centre? Since when is that a no-no?


squishybloo t1_iy3oqav wrote

It's funny to me that so many people are like GUARANTEED E COLI BRO!!! NO WAY YOU DIDN'T GET SICK FROM THIS!!

Like, yeah it's riskier to eat. But 'riskier' doesn't mean 'guaranteed getting sick'. Some people are willing to roll the dice.

I'm 40 years old and I've yet to get sick from an undercooked burger.


fugly_neighbour t1_iy3pnlj wrote

Yeah for real, i was really surprised how many people were saying it’s undercooked. You can eat beef raw so why wouldn’t you keep a burger on the pink side for a juicier and better tasting patty 🤦🏻‍♂️

i mean here in Slovenia a good burger place will always serve a burger with a pink centre