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KIBBLERKOOD t1_j0zpqii wrote

Beautiful cooked, corner to corner medium rare. Make some horseradish cream next time. You’ll thank me!


pip-roof t1_j0zqapc wrote

Boogers for lunch… rib for dinner Looks great! Nice job!


Droppinbass187 t1_j100fu7 wrote

Looks like spider man is about to steal your plate.


pattyG80 t1_j108wvc wrote

I find this food looks very bland.

Prime rib is great au jus and those potatoes wouldn't die from a dash of black pepper.


phuzzy1deep t1_j10d79l wrote

Beautiful. Delish. Do you like pepper mills or are they a no no in your kitchen?


MrHaze100 t1_j11sqwz wrote

Cook on that prime rib is 10/10


OkDance4335 t1_j13ppep wrote

I appreciate you saying ‘au jus’ correctly but still stand by that we have English words for it so no need to swap to French half way through.


pattyG80 t1_j142201 wrote

I don't know. Up here, you order a prime rib au juseven on the english side of the menu...point finale.

What would it be called in English anyway? Prime rib in thin meat gravy juice?


MaedayMaeday t1_j145u9k wrote

You’ll see au jus listed with prime rib for most restaurant and catering menus so it’s a common duo. Also, isn’t au jus different from gravy? It’s not thickened like gravy.


OkDance4335 t1_j1463t7 wrote

Yeah I know what it is, it’s just odd. Random French words. A lot around food in the US does it, it’s odd.

I mean, doesn’t matter, I’m not hateful.


MaedayMaeday t1_j147rhu wrote

What makes it odd? That’s the name of the sauce so it should be used correctly. We could call it meat juice instead if that sounds more appetizing and appropriate for you.

Might not be hateful but shaming others isn’t cool either


pattyG80 t1_j14d1p1 wrote

Just for the record, au jus is a more translucent, thinner sauce which looks something like beef broth, while gravy is usually thickened with a bouquet (French alert) and is opaque (omg, will the French words ever end?)


MaedayMaeday t1_j14fmpp wrote

Yes, you are shaming someone by telling them their usage of a word was used correctly but they shouldn’t use it because they should only write in English. Also, who would be offended? Chefs and servers would want you to use the correct word. If you ordered prime rib with gravy but meant au jus, you wouldn’t get what you ordered.