doctorbloodborne t1_j1vf50z wrote
Do you have a preferred method or recipe? It looks incredible and I have never heard of it.
ribobio OP t1_j1vfetr wrote
Rasmalai is an Indian sweet made with cottage cheese and flavoured milk rich in cardamom and saffron. The cake uses similar components and is very similar to the original sweet.
ribobio OP t1_j1vfpkn wrote
Seems similar to what I used.
doctorbloodborne t1_j1vfwg6 wrote
Awesome thanks!
Idles t1_j1xwt50 wrote
Do you think the texture would suffer much from substituting AP flour with a 1:1 replacement gluten-free flour?
[deleted] t1_j1yeuw2 wrote
ButthurtOwl t1_j1vf0gf wrote
What is rasmalai cake?