waterseabreeze t1_j63op14 wrote
It's not homemade, they ate it at a restaurant.
ballsofstyle t1_j63sboa wrote
I'm blind
waterseabreeze t1_j63t0ut wrote
It's OK, it happens a lot to me too 😃🤍🤍
flouronmypjs t1_j64bk9a wrote
That looks incredible.
Obi_Vayne_Kenobi t1_j653eo1 wrote
Reynold Poernomo vibes
ballsofstyle t1_j63izb1 wrote
You got the techniques down. I think you can refine your plating a bit though. It's a bit too much of everything. Leave the sorbet next time. Two types of ice cream (parfait and sorbet) is gonna clash.
Less is more here. But I'd eat it in a heartbeat. Quality stuff.