Submitted by daveclampart t3_z01bdx
Submitted by FriendLost9587 t3_zyb5eb
Submitted by joshsundquist t3_yhyem8
Gotta love the practicality. (Hilarious, genius solution by busy grocery worker on Thanksgiving a.m.)
Submitted by SoColdSoFair t3_z5qenz
Submitted by Prynce27 t3_127nk3k
Submitted by zenacomics t3_122iu61
Submitted by MovingMoluccas98 t3_yg75do
Submitted by Eye_Juice t3_z8mleq
Submitted by ToothyBjComic t3_yhgque
Submitted by Greenwing t3_yi9s1d
Submitted by ek599 t3_121vmia
Submitted by TheChrisFlowers t3_yipsiu
Submitted by LitterboxComics t3_10l3sv8
Submitted by NationYell t3_1228tsr
Submitted by sparekh1 t3_11oxsso
Submitted by daveclampart t3_z6akkr
Submitted by heinzhinesheinz t3_126wfcr
Submitted by BanginDrumsNMums t3_yhqx1r
My girlfriend and I have a long running game going with my parents where we pick up filthy fridge magnets and hide them in each other's homes. This one has made it through since the 24th undetected.
Submitted by Finsceal t3_zwmt34
Submitted by wellthenmk t3_11b0cpu
Submitted by xjinxxz t3_zxwc7y
Submitted by georgiobtc t3_1194n2z
Submitted by 54_actual t3_10ni136
Submitted by ivunka_turnip t3_116si33
Submitted by Crispy_p_bacon t3_yg2lr8