Submitted by MudHut1000 t3_11at9la in funny
deputytech t1_j9tuaqb wrote
Yes, yes it does
[deleted] t1_j9tusf9 wrote
5d100 t1_j9tv08l wrote
I had no clue! I'm glad this informative sign was here to inform me.
MacGruuber t1_j9tv7fk wrote
Best not to run to the areas where it exists.
[deleted] t1_j9tviv3 wrote
NewsboyHank t1_j9tvjtk wrote
I choose not to believe in fire.
MeIsTheIdiot t1_j9tvmou wrote
Fire does not exist.
princessnikkicox t1_j9tvuqn wrote
Good reminder for all those fire deniers out there
new-Aurora t1_j9tw3i9 wrote
mellowtrauma t1_j9tw3ml wrote
Fire does exist...that's why we need the EXITS!
Bpos92 t1_j9twfpx wrote
Tbf people are way more likely to actually look at this resulting in more people knowing the fire exits and a safer workplace.
PMmecrossstitch t1_j9txim1 wrote
Fire isn't real, guys.
WildLindsay t1_j9txkbg wrote
ghec2000 t1_j9txkul wrote
That's a lot of fire places
probenation t1_j9txtgl wrote
Existential mapping.
Specialist_Mouse_307 t1_j9txuwg wrote
Yes brother, it exists in us all. Praise the fire!
Makelics t1_j9ty073 wrote
It's more like a warning
chapusongs t1_j9tyel5 wrote
there's flat earthers, I'm sure there's fire deniers
iloveembig t1_j9tyeqp wrote
Probably wasn't an accident. 😏😈🔥
iString t1_j9tyjpt wrote
Wake up people
shtoopsy t1_j9tyr9j wrote
aksdb t1_j9tyxnp wrote
The cake may be a lie ... but the fire exits.
NightStorm1000 t1_j9tyy47 wrote
Really? It does?
bored-n-sleepy t1_j9tz83y wrote
Technically correct.
xenoneye t1_j9tz9cq wrote
Within all of us😇
RoyH0bbs t1_j9tzaur wrote
“Yes. Yes it does.”
MrChutney t1_j9tzbd3 wrote
Fire exists guys, im super cereal
R3D3-1 t1_j9tzcm8 wrote
Not it doesn't. Yet.
[deleted] t1_j9tzdlh wrote
spambot_mods t1_j9tzf2e wrote
Fire can't go through walls, dummy! It's not a ghost!
R3D3-1 t1_j9tzgis wrote
∃ fire
Expensive_Data9654 t1_j9tzjkc wrote
They just need to add an extra line now.
Fire exists. // Be prepared.
leesygeesy t1_j9tzur8 wrote
If fire exists, the exits can be a very handy escaped
SkullAngel001 t1_j9u02en wrote
Good to know which areas where fire exists so you know where to avoid them.
Dirt290 t1_j9u08m1 wrote
Lightly funny, could cause confusion and deaths but worth it
Darkrose50 t1_j9u0au2 wrote
Fire exists as a pretty good warning!
Disastrous-Bee-1557 t1_j9u0dsp wrote
I’m imagining this as a carving in some Neolithic cave.
Expatriado t1_j9u0ul5 wrote
but the top comment says it does, so it must be true
FutureGayBoi t1_j9u12b4 wrote
I mean they aren't wrong.
CRSRep t1_j9u19w9 wrote
MagisterLivoniae t1_j9u1pju wrote
Like they're saying: always keep that in mind and remember there the exits are.
J4MES101 t1_j9u1qb2 wrote
It does??
We need some way of getting out then!!!
A.. wait. What are they called??!
Neat_Yogurtcloset526 t1_j9u2kw9 wrote
Yes, yes it does
Coornwhores t1_j9u2yji wrote
The invisible fires gonna get you
SocksOnHands t1_j9u30gt wrote
Special effects and tricks of light. You can't convince me otherwise!
SocksOnHands t1_j9u35z0 wrote
They don't believe in fires, so they don't have fire alarms to wake them up.
kennythinggoes t1_j9u3yjz wrote
It even has exit on it 2 other times........... you're fired.
[deleted] t1_j9u5pfl wrote
No-Possibility-6539 t1_j9u675q wrote
the1stranger t1_j9u6jw5 wrote
Well, it’s not wrong.
sinningchicken t1_j9u85fk wrote
I once worked in a warehouse where all of the maps to emergency exits were labeled “wearhouse exits”
trujillo1221 t1_j9u88nm wrote
Well he’s not wrong, see map of exits and big letters reminding people fire exists thus should pay attention to that map, conveys the message pretty well if you ask me
ArbutusPhD t1_j9u8n60 wrote
When fire exists, you wanna read this
Shit_Shepard t1_j9u8o67 wrote
Fire is not a myth, I’ve seen it!
grumblyoldman t1_j9u97mb wrote
This is fine.
RickySan65 t1_j9u9i9s wrote
fire is flat, change my mind
AcidBathVampire t1_j9ucg3k wrote
Spaceman4224 t1_j9ud9ja wrote
Is the fire in the room with you right now
[deleted] t1_j9udutv wrote
[deleted] t1_j9uj9ph wrote
tigerkat2244 t1_j9ukivl wrote
One-Hunter6905 t1_j9ulr5t wrote
Until fire, believes in you
TheDonnerPartysChef t1_j9uomsv wrote
A firefighter's best friend!
Now, go put blue on the red.
Rusty_Shackleford_00 t1_j9upjz1 wrote
I’ve known that since my first time I saw my mom light a Newport.
AsFarAsItGoes t1_j9utiez wrote
Don’t be fooled, it’s what big fire wants you to think. Fire is as real as birds. Wake up sheeple!
AsFarAsItGoes t1_j9uu4fl wrote
Neolithic cave painting;
“… anyways, as the great philosopher Ugh Bgoo Gklup once said: fire hot, not touch good, meat good, fire touch meat, meat gooder! Fire good? Fire not good? Fire exist.”
Edit: and yes, I was thinking about the SpongeBob (SpongeGar) episode
AsFarAsItGoes t1_j9uujg7 wrote
But who started it? Certainly not us… there should be a song about this topic.
AsFarAsItGoes t1_j9uuruv wrote
Ah yes, the two most substantial philosophies of the 21st century
GANDORF57 t1_j9uus4e wrote
And so does Earth and Wind.
SquishedPea t1_j9uvlt8 wrote
Should get a black sharpie and write "Yes it does" underneath it
AsFarAsItGoes t1_j9uvv7a wrote
It’s all a big conspiracy the band started to rake in money. And it goes back to ancient times! They bribed philosophers to theorize that those were the “elements”. The entertainment industry truly is fucked up
APlannedBadIdea t1_j9uwkgz wrote
It's true.
SeaworthinessOk2153 t1_j9v2wuk wrote
Technically true
[deleted] t1_j9v4f3a wrote
Toeslap t1_j9v4jnh wrote
I've never seen a fire
Yancellor t1_j9v50yh wrote
Wouldn't be a job site without a typo
Solid_Snake_125 t1_j9v88pv wrote
Middle_Name-Danger t1_j9vc9hy wrote
NaruSaku_fan t1_j9vfesn wrote
Banned subreddit
rubseb t1_j9vilyg wrote
Pssh, typical fire brigade propaganda nonsense.
If you're a "firefighter" lemme see you punch a fire. Yeah, you can't, cause it's not real.
MrMastodon t1_j9vjegr wrote
Your fire prevention tactics are so good that you have to convince people fire exists. That's some good safety right there.
Factsaretheonlytruth t1_j9vmj6z wrote
Fire...the sign maker.
Cold_Pomelo3274 t1_j9vs78u wrote
Fire: I think therefore I am.
obsertaries t1_j9vudr8 wrote
FEBKAC: Fire exists between keyboard and chair
beatmaster808 t1_j9w23vg wrote
Very existential, indeed
diphthing t1_j9x3tqv wrote
Like... now? And... here?!
[deleted] t1_j9x8smg wrote
Iloveitguy t1_j9xbvb1 wrote
Don’t believe them this is propaganda started by the left and the right, fire is a made up construct!!!1
Nikolateslaandyou t1_j9xtyve wrote
Fire is a conspiracy made up by "big extinguisher" to make moolah
[deleted] t1_j9xujoa wrote
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