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Mysterious_End_1537 t1_ja9m9s3 wrote

Probably old impulsive people or people who were raised really poor etc This looks like something my dad would do...

He painted out house number on the house or fence a few times when he expected someone important to visit and was afraid they won't find our house. Or even wrote whole messages on a wooden plank and put it in front of the house "Darek, drop the hay next to the coal" or something

One other thing that came to my mind rn.. One time he wrote the guarantee dates of different devices on the TV, fridge, stove, washing machine... WITH A PERMANENT MARKERRRR.. when it was already past the date.

Damn dad.. 😩 Some people are just like that..


kthulhu666 t1_ja9u5bn wrote

I can see this as malicious compliance as to having your house numbered, or as a lot for an auction or demolition.


apextek t1_jaav0ri wrote

My dad had a few wtfs like that over the years tooo.