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Pickingnamesisharder t1_ja7tw5a wrote

How big is the street for them to be the Five Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Sixth house?


kevingattaca t1_ja7v7p7 wrote

In all fairness it does show a "2" on the top right of the garage door ?


PhreeCoffee t1_ja7wkgs wrote

What in the methamphetamine is going on here?


FrankieMint t1_ja7wnls wrote

Thanks for the 5G warning, I'll stay clear!


kthulhu666 t1_ja7wv3r wrote

What kind of person would do that to their own house? Proud crack den owner?


No-Way-4482 t1_ja7x33s wrote

I see house 50, 52, 54,5656,58,60… I don’t see your house


Impossible-Visit-199 t1_ja7xrdj wrote

The front door has about a foot of clearance too. I’m thinking they get a TON of snow and they’ve put their house number in several places to hedge their bets for deliveries in the winter.


azoic2121 t1_ja7zoma wrote

The duct tape ribbon is a nice touch. Adds so much to the curb appeal.


Pankratos_Gaming t1_ja80nje wrote

Unless that's not their house number but they're just proudly displaying that they have 5G internet.


Bajakid t1_ja81wj6 wrote

What a miserable neighbor.


marvinrabbit t1_ja82kfk wrote

Protesting 5G. Believes that it causes autism, or some shit.


BenderDeLorean t1_ja83bxp wrote

Don't laught

I have two big ass numbers and street name signs on our House. There is a third one on the other side of the house.

Problem is that the front of our house is on a different street. This can be confusing.

Parcel carriers still manage to confuse the house. It's frustrating.


Plums_Raider t1_ja83ehy wrote

say what you want but that 6 next to the door is one of the most beatiful 6 i ever saw


GlitteringBobcat999 t1_ja84vqn wrote

I had a FedEx driver deliver a bike to my front door that I needed to sign for. Good thing for whomever ordered it because he was at the wrong house. Driver said something like, "Where is your house number?". Now, it may not be as obvious as ol' fiddysix here, but I replied, "it's on the wall right here, both sides of the mailbox, and painted on the curb".

I wonder if this person got tired of misdirected packages and went nuts with the spray paint while swearing.


opinjonated t1_ja85rt7 wrote

They didn't want the drugs to get delivered to 54 or 58.


kimkarbashian t1_ja867cz wrote

As a mail carrier I wish every house was numbered like this


krptt t1_ja86xkx wrote

Someone didn’t like their cursive sign, and then they got spiteful


Drewzil t1_ja888mg wrote

Fifty-six? Fifty-six? Oh, man! Now that's all I can think about!


lynxss1 t1_ja8a137 wrote

When you keep getting a citation for not having your number on the curb.


achenx75 t1_ja8aa6c wrote

Such a condensed bi-level house lol.


jonocyrus t1_ja8bv4c wrote

Plot twist: That’s not actually their address.


100AngrySquirrels t1_ja8d8s6 wrote

Are we not going to discuss the moonshine still under the tarp?


Connect-Will2011 t1_ja8eprb wrote

Don't do it yourself; support your local sign shop.

It will look much nicer that way.


HarryHacker42 t1_ja8f83i wrote

On the 4th full moon of the year, after the vaccine had been spread, the true believers would write "5G" on their homes to ward off the evil spirits.

-- Book of Antivax, chapter 3, paragraph 2.


efmanrulz t1_ja8hexc wrote

As a guy that does deliveries I love this guy.


thaforge t1_ja8hl2s wrote

Needs to put it on the roof as well in case someone needs to do an air drop


Kill3rT0fu t1_ja8mbdk wrote

> I had a FedEx driver deliver a bike to my front door that I needed to sign for. Good thing for whomever ordered it because he was at the wrong house

So the FedEx guy didn't know what your house number was, but somehow also thought you had a package to be delivered? Was he guided by The Force or Jesus?


Rolandersec t1_ja8ndgm wrote

They had a problem, sure, but that solution is pretty meth’d up.


RoyalFalse t1_ja8nn2k wrote

That's why I can never get a 5G connection. This house took it all...


Koma79 t1_ja8rxiv wrote


man Americans have long house numbers


GlitteringBobcat999 t1_ja8sjnx wrote

It's only happened the one time. It was a real comedy of errors, too, as I had a scheduled pickup from UPS that day, and they won't actually ring the bell. I have them on the Ring camera running up to the porch, sticking the "sorry we missed you" label on the door and running back to the truck. I was determined to catch him before he could run away this time, so I ran to the door when FedEx man arrived. I was in such a hurry both dogs got by me and ran barking onto the porch, scaring the poor FedEx guy, all with me trying to hand him the return packages, him trying to give me the bike, both of us confused for maybe 30 seconds before figuring it out. (Fortunately, we have an external gate at the porch entrance, and FedEx guy retreated behind it.) With so much chaos, I'm sure he will always remember our house. Poor guy.

Epilog: After this incident, I got an inside gate so dogs can't get to the front door at all.


Gilmorne t1_ja8wboc wrote

The kids today can't read cursive!


spb1 t1_ja8z0tk wrote

whats with the raised floating door


dubstepsickness t1_ja90t3r wrote

Roberto: [irritated] 56? 56? Oh, man! Now that's all I can think about! I'm gonna kill you, you no good, 56-ing!


Lazlo8675309 t1_ja91r5n wrote

Hungry ass fools when Uber driver is 5 seconds late.


KaramAfro t1_ja929d0 wrote

Australians be thinking, hay dayve, wot due you rekken gs stands fo?


LickMyThralls t1_ja96zsd wrote

People not delivering packages. Shit happens to me even with numbers on the side of my God damn house already. I put a bunch of spotlights on them and added more numbers but not as redneck engineered as this.


Victor_Vicarious t1_ja97hiu wrote

122, 122 and an eighth? Where the heck is 122 and an eighth?


Binky_kitty t1_ja98kqk wrote

I could do this to my house and Amazon would still deliver it to my neighbours.


CityofOrphans t1_ja9gbxz wrote

In my area, this is normal. I'm a mail carrier. So there are two different types of delivery, mounted and walking. Mounted means the boxes are all on the curb and you don't need to leave the vehicle to deliver unless the parcels are too big to fit in the box. Walking is what this house is, where the box is on the property and the carrier walks up one side of the street and down the other side back towards where they parked their mail vehicle. In my experience, location of the mailbox in that case varies wildly. Some are like this house, some boxes are right next to the sidewalk, some are inside the residents' garage, some are in their entryway and you have to open their outer door to deliver.


Mysterious_End_1537 t1_ja9m9s3 wrote

Probably old impulsive people or people who were raised really poor etc This looks like something my dad would do...

He painted out house number on the house or fence a few times when he expected someone important to visit and was afraid they won't find our house. Or even wrote whole messages on a wooden plank and put it in front of the house "Darek, drop the hay next to the coal" or something

One other thing that came to my mind rn.. One time he wrote the guarantee dates of different devices on the TV, fridge, stove, washing machine... WITH A PERMANENT MARKERRRR.. when it was already past the date.

Damn dad.. 😩 Some people are just like that..


daveescaped t1_ja9mebg wrote

I liked this painters earlier work called “redrum”.


Ragnr99 t1_ja9nlqz wrote

they definitely lost at least 2 doordash orders at some point


Sudden_Lawfulness118 t1_ja9ohmq wrote

Delivery drive said he couldn't find my house because it wasn't properly marked so he had to return to the store with my pizza. Called and had him come back, I stood outside. He finally got there after 2 hours total after ordering pizza. I pointed to the numbers beside my door, I pointed to the numbers on my mailbox. Pointed to side walk where they were spray painted on. Pointed to where they were beside garage door. Not really sure what else I could have done. Road flairs in shape of the numbers? Maybe a light in the sky like the bat signal with the numbers? Honestly, I just think he was lying.


Tools4toys t1_ja9vsfl wrote

We get stuff for the wrong houses quite a bit. All of ours houses have low numbers, ie., 1-12 for five different streets. So we've often gotten items for other houses in the sub-division. The biggest one, we had a 15 cubic yard dumpster put in our driveway. They had to drive by the correct house to get to our house, with the good news is they came back and got it before I could even call to let them know the mistake. Assume the neighbors who ordered it saw them go by, then stopped them on the way out, and they came and got it.

EDIT: Was going to say, usually we just take mis-delivered packages over to the person who ordered it, so FedEx UPS USPS, gets they're mistakes corrected without any effort.


ByronIrony t1_jaa22iq wrote

Fif t six the number of the beast.


weskervision t1_jaa4ad4 wrote

“Four? I don’t know, you say 35 8 7?”


Sleazy-Wonder t1_jaadh99 wrote

WE sure this guy isn't just warning us about the hazards of 5G?


J4MES101 t1_jaafxae wrote

It’s like one of those games where you have to find 10 of something.


squeekymouse89 t1_jaag782 wrote

Please deliver to number 56565656 you can't miss it


Mitthrawnuruo t1_jaahmx3 wrote

Maybe a standard emergency service address sign, with large (several inch) reflective letters on colorful sign, generally green, blue, or red & available at lowes or most any hardware store, and very possible from your local emergency services agency would be a better choice.

So it is visible at night. Maybe put one of the places that people normally post their address.


ElGuano t1_jaaordt wrote

That's where the 5G waves come from to give you COVID.


Appliancesurgeon t1_jaarhp6 wrote

Paramedic here, I’d really appreciate it if you all did this. Thanks.


TrogdorBurns t1_jaart13 wrote

Somebody looking for that house couldn't read the cursive where the number is spelled out.


nubsauce87 t1_jaasgsd wrote

Ah yes, the ultimate class move; spray painting your house number on the siding, brick, and fence...


Ahviaa224 t1_jaaso3q wrote

I mean….I wish all houses had sky writing lettering for the numbers. I hate trying to find an address and need a telescope.


RIPSunnydale t1_jaaypn8 wrote

It's fun to contemplate what variety of crazy these people are! Their front door's floating a good 8" above the top of the steps, for christssake...


Playful-Clerk6505 t1_jab5mwo wrote

My dumbass would read this as 5656 and I would be confused as hell


Improbus-Liber t1_jabj4yk wrote

So, how many of your friends are stoners... and why are they driving to your house?


pinkyblisters t1_jac2mlr wrote

That's a house I'd build in Sims without figuring out how the levels work


WH0SAYSTHISSHIT t1_jac6jym wrote

I’ve never seen vinyl siding put on at an angle like that, and never want to again.


tkaleekal t1_jachihk wrote

The Amazon delivery guys used to drive right past , that’s why.


AbradolfLincler77 t1_jacjx0n wrote

As a former courier, I wish everyone numbered their house like this!