Submitted by QuiGonGiveItToYa t3_117jgul in funny
MuthaPlucka t1_j9byplg wrote
Obligatory “/zip”
Lonewolf_heree t1_j9byve8 wrote
when you know some shit is about to go down.
SlideItIn100 t1_j9bz3l0 wrote
HolySnens t1_j9bz57t wrote
sharpcyrcle t1_j9bz894 wrote
He must have thought he was the entertainment.
EBW-CO t1_j9bzch8 wrote
Holy shit the socks in his hand take the cake for me. Buddy was straight unpacking when his brain went night night
Ohnonotuto4 t1_j9bzf8g wrote
Smart drunk, he will not choke on his own vomit.
QuiGonGiveItToYa OP t1_j9bzxw3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9bzylo wrote
Radical-Turkey t1_j9bzyrt wrote
Who else but Quagmire?
The_Kiatro t1_j9c0fed wrote
I wonder how much the hotel is going to charge for that carpet. Does he just have to pay to clean it? Or is it his now for 3x it's actual value?
OldSamVimes t1_j9c0lie wrote
Oh my goodness... never, EVER pass out in that position.
honcho5522 t1_j9c0waq wrote
At least he made it to the bed
QuiGonGiveItToYa OP t1_j9c0zj5 wrote
I’ve been crying laughing at this picture for days. It’s a masterpiece.
EBW-CO t1_j9c1183 wrote
QuiGonGiveItToYa OP t1_j9c12b3 wrote
We’re assuming we’ll be buying this place a new rug.
Gunpowder_guillotine t1_j9c12my wrote
That looks like shit
Gunpowder_guillotine t1_j9c13zm wrote
raketherape t1_j9c153u wrote
That belt wouldn't last a second if i was there
alienassfarm16 t1_j9c18kc wrote
Why did I click that?
it_redd_it t1_j9c1afc wrote
dqrules11 t1_j9c1atr wrote
Hey, at least he made it there!
neverfrybaconnaked t1_j9c1cos wrote
It's the wrinkled ass rug for me! 🤣
Dangerous_School_119 t1_j9c1e1m wrote
As someone who has never been drunk, I'm clueless...
BigBadBen91x t1_j9c1ir1 wrote
I think we all know what comes next
sandboxlollipop t1_j9c1qd8 wrote
Easy access from behind
Embarrassed_Spell_28 t1_j9c1tr3 wrote
After Joe catfished him for Halloween pranks.
herberstank t1_j9c1wj9 wrote
Looks like he giggidied his last giggidy
reallysrry t1_j9c1wtv wrote
Heys just wishing you a happy party
[deleted] t1_j9c2293 wrote
Sapatilhas t1_j9c2f82 wrote
Where I'm from we say that's how Germany lost the war
TypeOBlack t1_j9c2fbl wrote
Clearly not his first rodeo..
Dangerous_School_119 t1_j9c2h35 wrote
bizcat t1_j9c2iyh wrote
Nothing like Tide-fresh laundry!
Comfortable-Bar-838 t1_j9c2k0z wrote
Borgheu t1_j9c2lfk wrote
Omg that screams positional asphyxiation… he is lucky to be alive. Hope you laid him on his side right away.
jorsiem t1_j9c34tb wrote
This is how someone get accidentally fucked in the ass. Y'all know how weird those white boy bachelor parties get.
Agent_Intrepid t1_j9c37je wrote
Try finger,
But hole
chrismacphee t1_j9c37zb wrote
Proceeds too run around flailing his arms while yelling gaaaaaaa!!!!
Gorcrow t1_j9c3bol wrote
What the hell did he eat? Tree bark?
Its got to be Wood chips, Or pulled pork.
nicknero t1_j9c3chg wrote
That actually happened to me before. I was wasted at a party came in a room to sleep and there was a hamper on the bed. Soon as I grabbed it my head went in and I went out like a light.
Idkman24681012 t1_j9c3rs7 wrote
Bro gonna need a spine replacement
Skeptix_907 t1_j9c40kb wrote
You're never going to let him live this down, are you?
tripleAhanger18 t1_j9c42at wrote
Prank em john
QuiGonGiveItToYa OP t1_j9c480f wrote
MarstoriusWins t1_j9c4gdf wrote
Ripe for the picking...
[deleted] t1_j9c4n3p wrote
mkpmcg t1_j9c4qml wrote
I think your buddy was hoping he’d end up as “entertainment”.
hello_fellow-kids t1_j9c4qzk wrote
Uhoh, step bro passed out with his ass in the air. Well……..*unzips
orons t1_j9c4rpp wrote
Mummy’s son. Remember to unpack your bag before the bedtime! Always, forever!
AintAintAWord t1_j9c4s14 wrote
"That rug really tied the room together, did it not?"
[deleted] t1_j9c4tjc wrote
Constrictorboa t1_j9c4ycu wrote
I'll bet he was thankful you guys pulled his pants back up for him after you were done.
Fetlocks_Glistening t1_j9c50dc wrote
Yeah, why did you click that?
paragonx29 t1_j9c5btv wrote
You should have given him a wedgie.
QuiGonGiveItToYa OP t1_j9c5g7f wrote
Would you?
[deleted] t1_j9c5i9b wrote
[deleted] t1_j9c5qcq wrote
Beat me to it.
thedirkfiddler t1_j9c62gg wrote
You could still die from asphyxiation
imbiat t1_j9c68u0 wrote
Could have just paid the penny to hang over a rope instead of getting a hotel room
westcal98 t1_j9c9dhb wrote
Red rover. Red rover. Send JaMarcus to come pound Steve who passed out bent over!
christmasbaby12 t1_j9c9ekw wrote
MorkMasher t1_j9dc5ym wrote
It's just a prank step bro
Cold_Pomelo3274 t1_j9dc659 wrote
Are you stuck step-Buddy?
shiveringsongs t1_j9ddc8d wrote
This is just begging for a series of photoshops
[deleted] t1_j9ddoj4 wrote
MementoVivere_67 t1_j9de32n wrote
…ESPECIALLY at a bachelor party
Cormetz t1_j9deojp wrote
The morning after the first night of my bachelor party weekend I woke up halfway in my closet, my friend was next to my bed on the ground, another was in the bathtub of the other bathroom, another two on the floor or halfway on the couches, and one on the balcony. Only one friend actually slept on the couch. We also found a picture of one of them passed out sitting upright on the bathroom sink after having pissed his pants.
This was the first night. It was just supposed to be a night where we met up in Houston before driving to New Orleans. After that, it got weirder.
Teamableezus t1_j9det6e wrote
Giggity, giggity, goo
gene_smythe1968 t1_j9dfw3w wrote
Man if I had a dollar for every time this happened to me…
Baltaxo2010 t1_j9dfzny wrote
Sad it's no girl
[deleted] t1_j9dgkcz wrote
[deleted] t1_j9dhq5r wrote
DeadwoodNative t1_j9dj50o wrote
Passed out? Wink wink. At least according to his brown eye.
CFCYYZ t1_j9djy4h wrote
Almost like Marty MacFly, almost.
wigam t1_j9dkjoq wrote
You friend is a catcher
PossibleBroccoli2586 t1_j9dkt2z wrote
It's a trap!
OkSympathy9500 t1_j9dmv6l wrote
Hope it wasn’t a gay bachelor party
DarthArterius t1_j9do7rm wrote
If you throw it out in a sneaky way they may forget there's supposed to be a rug in there. Or they'll charge triple what cleaning it would cost. Lol
DarthArterius t1_j9docr3 wrote
For thee are maidenless.
Selstial21 t1_j9dq9px wrote
I doubt it. I used to work in a similar place, your just gonna have a really pissed off facilities guy. You 100% lost your deposit but a good carpet cleaner and bio cleaning chemical would have that rug back to normal in less than an 1-2 hours
ItsOnlyaFewBucks t1_j9dqakq wrote
I don't know it looks like he has a death grip on that pile of clothes/bed? He might have said he was passed out...
MobyDuc38 t1_j9dqmca wrote
Congratulations! You've given yourself alcohol poisoning!
[deleted] t1_j9dr5kk wrote
RamblngParenthetical t1_j9dro33 wrote
ScumBrad t1_j9drp7g wrote
I'm trying to imagine how one could accidentally get fucked in the ass. Like, he was trying to move his friend to a better position and accidentally unbuckled his boys belt in the process while reaching around his waist to move him. Then his pants fell down because of the position. The guy helping him was already in his boxers because he was ready for bed and his dick slipped through the pee hole when he was trying to lift his friend. The friction from the back of his friends shirt causes him to get an erection. Then while standing up after all this he slips on a bar of soap that fell out of this guys bag, his erect penis hits the band of the guys underwear pulling them down, and his penis manages to slide right into the guys ass which is naturally lubed with sweat because he had so much to drink and his body is trying to detox. Seems like a realistic scenario to me so I guess it could happen to anyone.
Over-Supermarket-557 t1_j9drpw4 wrote
So close
fpfx t1_j9dsex3 wrote
Face down ass up yup
[deleted] t1_j9dthxl wrote
Pure_Focus7475 t1_j9dwtk7 wrote
Someone cover up steve theres a dancing bear at the door
Heavy_Schedule4046 t1_j9e098q wrote
His head must have been spinnin like a a top when he put himself there.
Hydra_Tyrant t1_j9e1vah wrote
Prank 'em John!
Due_District_3919 t1_j9e539b wrote
Butt that hurts in the morning.
SupaDiogenes t1_j9eakp7 wrote
When you find a position that stops the spinning, you stay in that position.
[deleted] t1_j9ec6wp wrote
J4MES101 t1_j9eci6x wrote
Couldn’t show his face after wearing that shirt all night?
cabosanlucasboi t1_j9ed6s6 wrote
“Prank em John” 💀💀
Legba012 t1_j9eeoj0 wrote
🎵Let’s have sex!🎵
[deleted] t1_j9ejpdp wrote
Denkir-the-Filtiarn t1_j9en714 wrote
Just tell the housekeepers and remember to tip them very well. I work at a hotel and that usually smooths over the obvious irritation they can't display at having to clean this sort of thing.
JellyDumbCat t1_j9eoio1 wrote
Prank him john
Overflow-Radish t1_j9ep2gh wrote
Prank him John
EasternParsley3847 t1_j9ep30z wrote
Paint me like one of your French girls
Shit_Shepard t1_j9eqzye wrote
But he has left himself vulnerable in a way… let’s hope Qui doesn’t GiveItToHim.
thisisnotdan t1_j9esmm6 wrote
You joke, but I would be worried for a girl who passed out in this position at a party.
Ohnonotuto4 t1_j9estyf wrote
No position protects every hole.
Dontuselogic t1_j9eukn7 wrote
Funny, my 5 year old was sleeping like this the other day . I had no idea how he was doing it it.
Bluemars776 t1_j9evo24 wrote
This is a vomit prone position
CeleryAnnual9852 t1_j9evxkk wrote
Justjerryj t1_j9ewu4g wrote
Now turn your head and spell RUN.
ProfessionalMottsman t1_j9ey0gx wrote
Mmm back pain
racedrone t1_j9ey2np wrote
At least nobody pissed on it and he should have been wearing his robe after drinking that many white russians. Much more comfortable.
According_Flight_420 t1_j9f5vj1 wrote
Never pass out face down ass up lol
TotallyNotSketchy7 t1_j9fbqk3 wrote
When I saw this picture that was the first thing I saw lmao.
benefit_of_mrkite t1_j9fgkg9 wrote
Zero cornhole protection though
benefit_of_mrkite t1_j9fgp4t wrote
Did a 3 day bachelor party in New Orleans.
3 days was too long
FunnyAnimalPerson t1_j9fiwjy wrote
TopolSema t1_j9fjq14 wrote
added_chaos t1_j9fp710 wrote
He’s Quagmire, Quagmire
dryiceboy t1_j9fp9l7 wrote
Prone bone position
Smooth-Painting107 t1_j9fpf71 wrote
None of u guys are gay right? Cause that's a pretty vulnerable dangerous position
No homo
Dry-Ad1959 t1_j9fqd1y wrote
You stuck bruh?
Reachable_dream666 t1_j9fqwi2 wrote
He won’t choke on the vomit so 👍
Trusting_The-Process t1_j9fwd7a wrote
I found an elderly gentleman passed away just like this just last year.
Frankiedafuter t1_j9g2zjp wrote
Been there. Poor bastard the next day.
Dubai-was-liiit t1_j9g56ym wrote
You know what you gotta do.
Decent_Wrongdoer_201 t1_j9g78yu wrote
This is honestly scary. He's lucky he was in that position, but maybe he should drink less
Mean_Bumblebee_9421 t1_j9gg37v wrote
Dropped the soap.
Araknid_ia t1_j9gorvi wrote
First though was: "what is nikocado avocado doing?"
ThatShyLad t1_j9hdq3q wrote
Prank him john
God-Level-Tongue t1_j9hechu wrote
Even suitcases look hot after that much booze
Professional-Face-96 t1_j9hmoc2 wrote
Can't imagine his pain in the ass .
Kiloyankee-jelly46 t1_j9hqdkd wrote
I hope in this situation the username doesn't check out.
[deleted] t1_j9iljfl wrote
Haha Alcohol is so funny.
DesignatedMute t1_j9iowhj wrote
Prank em John
thewiltedpussy t1_j9iyb1s wrote
Take this award: 🏅
Joelpp2002 t1_j9jydi3 wrote
I call this the “ass up” position, used for when shits about to go down
[deleted] t1_j9nl5eh wrote
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