Submitted by thisiscotty t3_119wq3n in funny
ktlevesque t1_j9odvmq wrote
Ents don’t skip leg day.
MrBojangles501 t1_j9oe279 wrote
got some booty there
SmokeyMcPoticus t1_j9oe2nf wrote
That ent is thicc
OGUncleDonkey t1_j9oe6j0 wrote
That ent ass tho!!!
Theredwalker666 t1_j9oe6zs wrote
Thic thighs save hobbits.
legendoflink3 t1_j9oeaoj wrote
All the bass, no treble.
Petdogdavid1 t1_j9oeka4 wrote
Thicc Forest
254simba t1_j9of05s wrote
What's that thing about thick thighs saving lives?
rainbowsprinkless_ t1_j9of16u wrote
Damn she thicc
lucky-girl-337 t1_j9of1k0 wrote
More like swaying to war
Chanman141 t1_j9of522 wrote
That looks like a mandrake
yazzyyaz_gh t1_j9offtj wrote
It’s giving ig model
AnyHowMeow t1_j9ofmm3 wrote
Has your dude EVER skipped leg day?
thunderbrot t1_j9ofpw8 wrote
Thicc ents marching to war, crushing their opponents skulls
haleb4r t1_j9ofpya wrote
It's Entkira, those hips don't lie.
FS_Scott t1_j9ofsy6 wrote
i don't how anyone could lose track of that entwife ...
[deleted] t1_j9ofv3m wrote
HackebrettiFinn t1_j9ofxcb wrote
timdr18 t1_j9og7nr wrote
Costco “Bonsai?”
SensitiveAd5962 t1_j9og94w wrote
She thicc
[deleted] t1_j9og9dk wrote
PlanningForLaziness t1_j9ogcyp wrote
That is DEFINITELY an Entwife.
GingerJacob36 t1_j9oghnn wrote
Marching to war? They're not making it out of the house with the Mrs. looking like that!
PlanningForLaziness t1_j9ogjm9 wrote
Fimbrethil is THICC, apparently.
darth-helmet t1_j9ogsoi wrote
I only see one ent. Does that mean the ents are marching one by one? Hurrah hurrah!
[deleted] t1_j9ogx4h wrote
mudderman t1_j9ohgw0 wrote
Stupid sexy ent!
deutschdachs t1_j9ohvnm wrote
Those are some MC Hammer pants
KrazyCroat t1_j9oigyp wrote
Ginseng ficus’ do look other worldly. Mine looks like a Bloater from the Last of Us.
UncertaintyPrince t1_j9oihn2 wrote
When you skip the upper body workouts and only do leg days.
ianwgz t1_j9oim9s wrote
unzips aggressively
2legit2lurk t1_j9ois05 wrote
That ent’s got some junk in the trunk. * bad joke eel face *
Possiblyabitoff t1_j9oj0pb wrote
I knew I could count on someone for this. You’ve made me proud, Smokey.
Putrid-Loss-9139 t1_j9oj6yh wrote
I was just about to say that
Optinus17 t1_j9ojaqd wrote
So thats why the Ents were looking for their Entwives.. THICC
whiskyandguitars t1_j9ojppz wrote
Treebeard be wanting to walk behind this one.
EisoKalt t1_j9ojzmt wrote
Ginseng Bonsai. I have one too but he is a bigger boy. His name is Frederico
Baltaxo2010 t1_j9ok0ed wrote
Me: in the middle of nnn
That plant:
Halfmanhalfsneaker t1_j9ok4kv wrote
Why did i started looking for ants..
Anglette t1_j9ok62r wrote
Dang! That poor tree looks cold! Wonder if it lost its jacket? (obscure reference)
19southmainco t1_j9okfhp wrote
Gebbrey is too cold without his jacket!
cdev12399 t1_j9okixi wrote
If Pixar made Ents.
Curious-Storm-596 t1_j9oknxd wrote
I thought that was groot for a second
Bakedbeaner24 t1_j9okokv wrote
Never skip leg day
UndercoverFBIAgent9 t1_j9ol2nf wrote
Trunk day
UndercoverFBIAgent9 t1_j9ol4p8 wrote
Gimli would offer his ass to that
[deleted] t1_j9ol9u8 wrote
Stedzz t1_j9olslc wrote
Significant-Neck9605 t1_j9olt1j wrote
blakeley t1_j9olv9z wrote
Needs googly eyes.
TheDaemonair t1_j9om6ym wrote
“To the strip joint,” they yelled in unison.
Meadaga t1_j9om7bg wrote
GEBBREY! That's where you went!
Nannarbuns t1_j9ombir wrote
It's just Gebbrey chillin' out
c0mputer99 t1_j9omk3j wrote
Donald trunks?
hundreddollar t1_j9on55a wrote
StrangeShaman t1_j9on8j3 wrote
He looks like he could use a jacket
sonofthenation t1_j9on8zl wrote
They remember.
jupiter0342 t1_j9onwg9 wrote
That Ent looks more like a Mandrake..
ktlevesque t1_j9oo65j wrote
Evonia777 t1_j9ooscq wrote
Gebbrey? Is that you?!
[deleted] t1_j9ooybi wrote
Thicc ents
Adubya76 t1_j9opj37 wrote
Go look in the portal with the other babies.
Oxon_Daddy t1_j9ops3i wrote
chromecastbuiltin t1_j9opt9r wrote
Read that as ‘ants’ with tired eyes and spent 2 minutes zoomed in looking for those god damn ants!
PjrepGh t1_j9opu6m wrote
I see a lot
therealgoose64 t1_j9opur1 wrote
Ginseng Thiccus
milehibear72 t1_j9opxyw wrote
That's the kind of trunk space you want on a late-model Ent.
elispotato t1_j9oqfen wrote
And the ent god declared: Damn that’s one thicc ginseng
Any-Faithlessness-72 t1_j9oqjjr wrote
Been playing hogwarts so I just see a self defense weapon.
ToastedCrumpet t1_j9or2iw wrote
I’ve got one of these bad boys but mine has thiccer thighs and a dong that goes down and wraps round one leg.
He’s struggling from winter but will bush up again now spring is here
[deleted] t1_j9or8fr wrote
Reaganson t1_j9orcua wrote
I was thinking it looks more like a mandrake. Pull it partially out of the pot and see if it screams.
Anomalocaris t1_j9ordhn wrote
Someone get Jebbery a jacket. so cold
Anomalocaris t1_j9orfrk wrote
jenjijlo t1_j9os33f wrote
Those are some massive plumpers!
Awengal t1_j9ou67v wrote
Ficus ginseng smash!
[deleted] t1_j9oua1m wrote
Intentionally_Sinful t1_j9ougha wrote
gotta get that trussy
hldsnfrgr t1_j9ouznj wrote
Everything reminds me of her.
TheWrathalos t1_j9owghk wrote
SAMAS_zero t1_j9owkva wrote
Art by Butch Hartmann.
wallyslambanger t1_j9owwpq wrote
*Sashaying to war ;)
Saneinsc t1_j9oz9tg wrote
Adinum obesum
breakfastclub1 t1_j9ozaor wrote
3shotsdown t1_j9p0urc wrote
That is most definitely a she.
StrangeShaman t1_j9p0zgx wrote
It’s clearly Gebbrey
pupeighkhaleuxpeh t1_j9p1ry3 wrote
Ficus microcarpa
3shotsdown t1_j9p1ux4 wrote
I had to look it up, but holy shit, yes!!! It's clearly Gebbrey.
DrSeuss19 t1_j9p3o48 wrote
What plant is that?
izzet101 t1_j9p3yda wrote
thisiscotty OP t1_j9p49gf wrote
No a page i recently found on Facebook called "joby's bonsai's" posted it for sale and it made me laugh :)
LOHare t1_j9p67vy wrote
Well, at least they found the ent-wives
Briyte t1_j9p70o6 wrote
That a mandrake
Dconnolly69 t1_j9p84k8 wrote
No wonder Treebeard missed the Entwives so much, this tree thicc as hell
bretto2004 t1_j9p85kb wrote
Treebeard so slow because he lookin' at 'dat ass
whiskyandguitars t1_j9p8jxf wrote
You know dats right.
itzkaroni t1_j9pacs7 wrote
Kinda looks like the plant from harry potter
breosaighead t1_j9pb539 wrote
Needs some knee socks.
Narodnik60 t1_j9pbs4g wrote
Somebody at that gym is skipping branch day.
ernster96 t1_j9pcnbu wrote
Ents drawn by Robert Crumb.
ElderberryPoet t1_j9pcueq wrote
-RoQ_ t1_j9pdgbw wrote
Ents women are thick
maxlong91 t1_j9pewh3 wrote
Shawty what cho name iz
cavsnseven t1_j9pglwe wrote
Cheer leading
maxlong91 t1_j9ph8yb wrote
Thicker than a peanut butter protein shake
maxlong91 t1_j9phggs wrote
That waist trainer and bbl did you righteously
tr0tsky t1_j9pr0t0 wrote
Is this tree a comic nurse by any chance?
Nameistaken321 t1_j9prmqz wrote
Lord, forgive me for what I'm about to do
Nameistaken321 t1_j9prr4s wrote
weedsexweed t1_j9pzm1k wrote
Everything reminds me of her Mom :/
Master_Awareness814 t1_j9qb3v4 wrote
She slim thicc
maiteko t1_j9qdlib wrote
Searched the comments for the reference, was not disappointed.
AGuyWhoBrokeBad t1_j9qe9hi wrote
This is like something out of Tuca and Bertie.
saveyboy t1_j9qfl9z wrote
Anticipator1234 t1_j9qfm9f wrote
Someone didn't skip leg day
_Mortal t1_j9qfp7i wrote
But... That's a mandrake.
HopefulPsychology191 t1_j9qfvq9 wrote
sycron17 t1_j9qg39c wrote
The Lord of the Rings prophecy was true, we need to search for Frodo!
Cublol t1_j9qghlw wrote
Why hello there.
My ent likes what it sees :O
Breakitdownforyou t1_j9qgqzi wrote
I’m not hearing anyone out
FD4L t1_j9qijr3 wrote
That ent is aiming for a career on tiktok.
ShameNap t1_j9qiyj7 wrote
That ent is marching to Mardi Gras
winniespooh t1_j9qj5zj wrote
Ugh I had one of these and it died within a month
abtei t1_j9qjctq wrote
i tried twice with ents.. both died within 2 month... :/
[deleted] t1_j9r0puo wrote
reldb t1_j9r29s9 wrote
Ents, pixar edition
Squidysquid27 t1_j9r4igv wrote
Your stem is hanging out
TorchedOut t1_j9r6czq wrote
“I am Thicc Groot!”
Netrozed t1_j9razb5 wrote
Hear me out...
AsteroidTie t1_j9rbjpv wrote
These ents as they are called are not only battle hardened they were trained by the Navy Seals in jungle warfare in Malaysia.
JamesWepsic t1_j9rfrle wrote
cmichaelf t1_j9rguxs wrote
Thunder Thighs
Elistariel t1_j9rlsk4 wrote
Thicc thighs save lives
money_for_nuttin t1_j9rrsub wrote
"We have just finished saying "Good MorningGoot Lawd!"
hecticscribe t1_j9rtbfj wrote
Ah yes, ThiccRoot - the smallest Ent.
Logical-Fault310 t1_j9rxcmt wrote
Them and Pepperidge farm.
TtsValkyrie t1_j9rzjko wrote
Bet you didn't know a bonsai could make you bust
Top-Persimmon4456 t1_j9s1mr0 wrote
That is brilliant! Well done!
GANDORF57 t1_j9snlt2 wrote
Never keep your mandrake plants in the same room you're viewing "Day of the Triffids"!
Icy-queeen t1_j9srsqp wrote
I remember!
harceps t1_j9szq2g wrote
Zoomed in and couldn't see any ants?/s
MOONDAYHYPE t1_j9t9cv3 wrote
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