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Scott_A_R t1_ja31ujz wrote

A couple of people I know raved about this show and said to watch it. I couldn't make it past the first 20 minutes.


Rappareenola t1_ja32sty wrote

Could this be..... a joke...... about oak island!?


ThisIsMrAbapo t1_ja332zo wrote

A classic example of a History Channel show. Some people interact with a historical site or object and creates theories that reaches so hard that you forgot what was the original point of the show.


not every show applies in that description, tho, but you get the idea


salohcin513 t1_ja34dmm wrote

When it first came out I was a bit intrigued and figured it was gonna be like a mini series that was one season and that they'd find the treasure by the end of it, that was when i was in high school lol. I can't believe it's still going on with the same carrot being dangled in front lol


Artifex75 t1_ja35htk wrote

I read a story about it in Rolling Stone years ago and I was psyched to see a show about it. At first it was fascinating, then the narrator's "could it be Templar?!" stuff was funny. Now it's just wild theories and filler. Finally gave up last season.


Scott_A_R t1_ja36g9e wrote

That's the other part: not only was I bored by the first episode, I saw that (at the time) it had been on for seven years and apparently absolutely nothing had been found. I couldn't figure what the attraction was. I wonder if the people behind it go out for drinks and a laugh, saying "I can't believe we're still getting away with this."


Capable-Site-301 t1_ja39u1l wrote

The History Channel is on the same path as The Learning Channel about 10 years ago.


pauliewotsit t1_ja3b1wc wrote

Seriously, why haven't they just dug up the whole island? It would have been cheaper and quicker


salohcin513 t1_ja3e9k9 wrote

Yea in like 2018 I seen an ad for the show online and decided to see what, if anything, had been updated or found and had I not known it wad a new episode at the time i would've just thought it was one from an earlier season I missed.


BreandyDownUnder t1_ja3pere wrote

I call these shows non-science shows. Pronounced nonsense. One thing I do like is the loud whoosh and bang noises in the soundtrack. That's there to distract you from the "could it be aliens?" Narrative.


remo100 t1_ja3t41o wrote

It's getting boring now mud 'n' wood


jaxintheb0x t1_ja3tssb wrote

I see this a lot…what does [OC] mean? Original content? Oral consent? Orange County?


Dash_Harber t1_ja3wjwb wrote

"This is the season finale, so we need you to stare off into the sunset while we play a monologue of you telling us how you know you have almost solved the mystery and how determined you are to finish the job no matter what. Don't worry, we'll supply the sappy, nervous, but cautiously optimistic theme under your speech"


spiritbx t1_ja3xr33 wrote

Reality is not nearly as interesting as what people imagine.


Gangstalyn t1_ja3zttr wrote

The story of oak island is interesting. Like 3-5 paragraphs about it you’re like “oh that’s pretty cool” and move on.

Why the fuck did anyone think a tv show with multiple seasons was a good idea


PuzzleheadedProof223 t1_ja47i9x wrote

The narrator must hold the world record for most hypothetical questions asked in a lifetime.


SmashertonIII t1_ja4bjlg wrote

Somebody needs to make a film of every time some expert claims something, a discordant sound happens, and the camera shows a reaction face.


robpaul2040 t1_ja4c1ht wrote

It's the editing of these kind of shows that kill me. Half of any episode is a recap, including stuff that just happened, then it's prep to the next episode.


harrismdp t1_ja4citf wrote

I had an opportunity to work on this show a few years ago and turned it down. I've never turned down so much money with zero regret. This show is an example of what's wrong with History and Discovery. I used to go to those channels to learn, and now they exist to make you dumber while shoving a gratuitous amount of commercials down your throat.


AdmiralAckbar86 t1_ja4iifl wrote

No joke, i don't know how i used to be able to sit through a lot of those discovery shows before the ability to fast forward. The worst are when they open the shows with a 2 minute preview for the episode we are about to watch and it shows all the spoilers for the episode.


rancidcat t1_ja4jint wrote

I watched this show for the first couple of years as the island did intrigue me, but i slowly began to realise that Martin was only funding it to try and pull Rick out of his crippling depression and give him focus or thats how it looked to me.


Pabst_Malone t1_ja4q1k5 wrote

If they’d found something it would be headline news. So, why watch the show? It’s just dudes pissing away their life savings.


SomeOneOutThere-1234 t1_ja4sfwk wrote

At some point the history channel claimed that there is a room underneath the sphinx that existed since the dawn of the civilization and Egyptian authorities don't want us to know about it. As the episode continued, it became clear that the script was so bad and poorly written, that even the episode's core point, the secret room that "Egyptians keep secret", loosely stood up after just five minutes of watching.

And this is one of the many reasons that the History Channel isn't a good source for information regarding history. It is full of misinformation, conspiracy theories that look fake even from the first glance and lots and lots of "proof".


cote112 t1_ja4vepc wrote

They got me for 2 episodes before I knew they weren't discovering anything other than rubes willing to watch nothing.


blakevac t1_ja4w440 wrote

There’s a different one where some other people Explore an old military base and they actually find gold been waiting a year for another season I hope Someone remembers what it’s called it was on Netflix


tablepennywad t1_ja57o8d wrote

This carrot stick is much much older, over 200 years old, i read about it in 5th grade, that is why it is so intriguing even if its nothing. But they are finding some weird bits and pieces for an island in the middle of nowhere canada.


Blzeebubb t1_ja58xgg wrote

Templars are the lizard people of the literate (able to read the occasional book) conspiracy theorists.


Hoosier_Daddy68 t1_ja5azzc wrote

I haven't watched History in quite a while and was unaware this show was still on. They been digging that damn hole for years now. How the fuck are they still going and more importantly why are people still watching?


socksandsoup t1_ja5btdl wrote

History channel’s Seinfeld. Show is about nothing


[deleted] t1_ja5fhd4 wrote

They gots more rusty nails than Jeebus.


fappyday t1_ja5fllr wrote

The real treasure was the fortune we made along the way.


phatbandit t1_ja5iodp wrote

Lol spot on. if you watch the show on demand and skip the commercials its only like 15-20min of show and half of that is just re talking about stuff they already found. That being said I love seeing the treasure hunt filmed and they finally after 10 seasons are building a mine shaft to actually go underground.


revnto7k t1_ja5iwoz wrote

Stupidest show ever, just dragging and dragging and dragging it out. I watched a bit of it but very quickly realized nothing ever happens and just lost interest quickly.


Electrical-Village68 t1_ja5kcm4 wrote

The gold is in telling the story of Oak Island, regardless if they find anything or not. I like that they have taken a serious and methodical approach to everything.


wldmn13 t1_ja5kyh4 wrote

I was drawn in by a national geographic article that had to be at least 35-40 years ago and excited to hear about the show. I've learned zero new information from that shit show, other than maybe reality TV contracts was the real treasure all along


Zornocology t1_ja5numm wrote

To be fair, that's been the game plan and narrative of Oak Island since long before the tv show.


RedWolfe715 t1_ja5qsgg wrote

In all honesty the templars stuff sounds vaguely possible


Dependent-Outcome-57 t1_ja5z3jl wrote

Yep, this type of speculative BS is really mudding the waters between fact in fiction thanks to all the people who can't see through the nonsense and the people who exploit them.

One of my friends is into the Oak Island idiocy, and he totally believes all of it - Templars in the new world, etc. Anything that is said with the usual "Well, maybe this happened" he believes literally happened.

I recall stopping by his place some years back and the History Channel had some other idiotic show on that was "proving" how some random lake in some impoverished nation was full of sea monsters or evil mermaids or some clickbait. Why? Because some people went missing years back and the locals had legends of "sea monsters." That's not proof of anything. There was another one I saw briefly where some similar channel was claiming that Tesla had invented "free electricity" - total violation of the laws of physics - because the skyscraper he lived in had a metal frame, which clearly means it was actually a huge antenna he had made to send out free electricity, but the government stopped him?! If I recall, there was even one where they tried to "prove" that super volcanos were actually Russian earthquake weapons or something. These stupid shows would be funny, except for all the people who believe them.

It's just exhausting dealing with the fallout of these speculative nonsense shows. I really wish they had to put the phrase "this is all made up BS" or something similar on the screen at all times so gullible people might stop falling for their nonsense.


UB_edumikated t1_ja5zkgg wrote

Omg I watched this show for the first time about a week ago.

First episode I watched (was when COVID first hit apparently) and I was kind of intrigued.

By the second episode I watched I just felt the dick tease vibes way too hard.


Endersouza t1_ja62co2 wrote

I just listened yesterday to a 2015 episode of SYSK titled “is there treasure on Oak Island” - odd how that keeps happening


Hamiego t1_ja6iwe3 wrote

My dad's official last episode of this show was where they were counting down discoveries to the best one with the most impact, they spent the whole episode building up the number one discovery, only to be like, "I haven't found it yet."


brettmjohnson t1_ja7cckl wrote

Producers: "We got nothing, but we could still produce 5 year worth of content."


I-AM-Savannah t1_ja7vs8h wrote

^^^ THIS!! I "sort of" enjoy the show... if you use that term loosely, but all of the recaps REALLY gets to me. What could be, or should be an interesting show (history of the island) is just finding sticks and doing recaps of the sticks.


I-AM-Savannah t1_ja7wmql wrote

>3 guys standing around an empty hole

This show has been going on so long that now it's the three guys and their son and nephew. In a few years, they will have their grandsons helping them stand around that empty hole.


Lothleen t1_ja8ol13 wrote

Only reason i care is because my mom was from nova scotia and she told me about oak island when i was a kid. Watching it once in a while reminds me of her.