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zen_mojo t1_ja2dyux wrote

My cat used to look like that. She got severe arthritis from being so big and we had to put her to sleep.


-Here-There- t1_ja2k2lx wrote

Yeah, obesity kinda causes suffering with any animal. Diabetes, arthritis like you mentioned, motility issues. This cat needs a diet change immediately.

Sorry to hear about you cat, by the way. Much love.


DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja6j1hk wrote

It’s my mother’s cat. I’ve been telling her to put her on a diet for a couple year now.(She’s 7)When my mother took her to the vet for a check up this last January, the vet suggested she go on a diet. So she’s on one now. Wish she would’ve listened a while ago. But according to the vet, she’s otherwise healthy at the moment. As long as she doesn’t keep chonking up and she actually sticks to that diet. Also, sorry to hear about yours. I’ll let her hear your story and maybe that will convince her to stick to it more.