Submitted by DoubleOScarn t3_11c77s1 in funny
thieh t1_ja206br wrote
You don't own cats. They own you. It's not your cat. You are its human.
This is completely expected as it exerts dominance over you.
InconsistentResident t1_ja2094e wrote
Cats world, we're just living in it.
NetJnkie t1_ja20lsn wrote
Same. Every time I get up from my desk during the day for work I come back to a cat who is somehow offended that I have to move her.
[deleted] t1_ja20qp8 wrote
Ukenix t1_ja2152d wrote
Pussy prowlers be thieving for the seats o’ thy subjects.
cantsurpassmediocre t1_ja21aoh wrote
My cat steals my chair then fights for dear life when I try to pull her off
Rich_Cow_4236 t1_ja21imk wrote
Cant imagine gaming on this kind of chair, you must have excellent posture
Subdown-011 t1_ja229yt wrote
As a cat owner this hits hard
Round-Jellyfish9962 t1_ja22b0y wrote
It's warm. Kitty smells your scent. All is well.
Neinbozobozobozo t1_ja22ghm wrote
She's trying to tell you that you deserve a real gaming chair.
Commercial_Shine_448 t1_ja22xks wrote
He a chonk
iambluest t1_ja23174 wrote
She is telling you it is time to talk about this strange behaviour.
ThiqCoq t1_ja232tr wrote
Yeah but think about it. The cat is probably like wtf kind of world is he living in with that headset on! Lol to an ignorant external observer, a vr user probably looks mind boggling as fuck. Lol just observe the cats eyes... it looks like it wants to have a serious chat lol
APC_ChemE t1_ja2332a wrote
Cat perspective: "Human pet gets up to drink and I can finally get my seat back."
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja2387t wrote
My gaming chair is upstairs. I brought the VR2 downstairs for people to play and the gaming chair didn’t make it down too.
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja23axo wrote
Lol I have one. Just didn’t make the trip downstairs with everything else
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja23csb wrote
Normal sized head with a chonk body
Commercial_Shine_448 t1_ja241yr wrote
Just like me
sharting_fish t1_ja24cjh wrote
Move your feet lose your seat, dweeb.
tigerCELL t1_ja24lpu wrote
Mine did this til I got him an electric warming bed next to my desk. Now he's happy and I have my chair.
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja2552j wrote
Did y’all just become best friends?
[deleted] t1_ja255lf wrote
91-til_infinity t1_ja25k3j wrote
Khajiit has chair. You sit somewhere else meow.
ToothlessGrandma t1_ja266gt wrote
I recommend a timed cat feeder. It's not normal for cats to be this large. Portioned meals at set times of the day will go far. In 2-3 months your cat might be half the size. The weight your cat shows in this photo is a result of over feeding.
likebudda t1_ja268ig wrote
"The cord reaches to the couch"
henry_b t1_ja26se0 wrote
You can't imagine sitting in a normal chair?
LegalizeChildP0rn t1_ja26y6u wrote
Like my mother used to say
Shuffle your feet, lose your seat
Alternative-Beach952 t1_ja271qi wrote
How do you like the VR?
Rich_Cow_4236 t1_ja27b4j wrote
While gaming for long periods of time? Nope
[deleted] t1_ja27fcy wrote
Ok so I’m an old head when it comes to VR.
Is it fun? Is it worth it? Are there games to play? Does it make you dizzy? Does it hurt your eyes? Does it cross your eyes? Are the graphics good today in VR? Does it work with a computer or only the ps5? (VR p•rn? Lol). If you wanted to right now could you somehow load up a program that for example has The Eiffel Tower in VR and go look around/explore Paris freely? Would semi-house-bound 60 year olds be able to use them and have fun or is there no games or anything for them to really do and would probably get them hurt anyways? Lol thanks if u answer any of those!
[deleted] t1_ja27fx7 wrote
henry_b t1_ja27h44 wrote
I kinda doubt that man lol. You didn't always have a gaming chair.
Rich_Cow_4236 t1_ja27nn4 wrote
Understandable, those chairs can be a real hassle to transport
Rich_Cow_4236 t1_ja27tyc wrote
Still don't have a gaming chair. Just a padded office chair is enough for me. But a wooden chair? My ass won't survive that
rdreyar t1_ja284bb wrote
No no you steal the cats chair
Economy-Initial-6295 t1_ja289ly wrote
Pack and play and a shitty chair in the middle of the living room. Got my first baby on the way and I always feel this pic.
gottabemaybe t1_ja28fzo wrote
The trick is to turn on some audio on your phone and leave the phone in your spot. Natural pe[s]t repellant.
But then --> No r/Funny Reddit posts :(
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja28man wrote
Yea, it was this chair or a barstool. Both shitty options.
GooseMay0 t1_ja28p17 wrote
I love the "oh were you sitting here?" look.
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja28xav wrote
I wish I could have recorded the “why are you surprised I took it” look she gave me after.
[deleted] t1_ja28xm4 wrote
BigDaddyMoonCricket t1_ja28xpp wrote
How’s that funny?
[deleted] t1_ja2937m wrote
[deleted] t1_ja29ncs wrote
bobcatt t1_ja2axam wrote
Move your meat lose your seat. House rules.
M-3X t1_ja2bjqk wrote
This cat is the home owner.
Look, she chose even the matching color of the carpet.
Yabanjin t1_ja2dc8z wrote
I just got PSVR2. It’s the first VR thing I have ever done in my life (I’m 58). How do I go back to regular gaming now that I’ve experienced it?
PristineNoodles t1_ja2dp0j wrote
zen_mojo t1_ja2dyux wrote
My cat used to look like that. She got severe arthritis from being so big and we had to put her to sleep.
DesignerBag96 t1_ja2fue1 wrote
lol, just the universe telling you to pull that loveseat forward instead of sitting on that hard chair.
petit__pain t1_ja2gfe2 wrote
Chonk 🤣
macfaddenstrews t1_ja2gqcm wrote
With that look, I actually think kitty wants to sit on your lap and watch you gaming.
bmack083 t1_ja2hjtl wrote
You playing Thumper?
LowKeyGoodTime t1_ja2hx3t wrote
get a comfier chair
Saitura t1_ja2hz2s wrote
Move your twat lose your spot is why my mom would say when the kitty stole my seat.
Ok-Astronaut4402 t1_ja2jw36 wrote
Hopefully it was a diet drink, that cat needs no more carbs
-Here-There- t1_ja2k2lx wrote
Yeah, obesity kinda causes suffering with any animal. Diabetes, arthritis like you mentioned, motility issues. This cat needs a diet change immediately.
Sorry to hear about you cat, by the way. Much love.
-Here-There- t1_ja2kfll wrote
That’s all I gathered from this post. Poor cat is suffering from being over fed. I’m sure any animal appreciates the food but you have to be an advocate and keep them on a routine diet with a food appropriate for their age and body. If obesity is bad for us, it’s bad -if not worse- for them. Unfortunately they don’t have the longevity we have to begin with so unless you want that shortened one of the easiest things that can be managed is their food intake.
fatbongo t1_ja2koif wrote
Awfully nice of you to keep the seat warm for them
General_Specific t1_ja2lttz wrote
Body heat. Cats need heat. Get a box and a heating pad on low.
Admetus t1_ja2m5v7 wrote
It's the floor for you.
Cleverbird t1_ja2m7i2 wrote
Your cat needs to go on a diet
dazzlingask3 t1_ja2mhep wrote
It’s the way
Jyslina t1_ja2npvn wrote
Fastest I ever got my seat taken was when I wasn't even done standing up out of my bean bag chair and she was in it.
Niksuski t1_ja2nqc5 wrote
Your cat is massive
DoppelFrog t1_ja2o4y4 wrote
Looks like you got up to get more food for the cat.
Seriously tho, that cat is unhealthily overweight.
Ok-Alternative4603 t1_ja2pqfk wrote
First cat?
DJ_Mega t1_ja2q4oc wrote
I did that for a computer chair and yeah back and legs and butt feel like you have stabbing burning sensations after about 30 minutes.
Dr_Bitchcraft8 t1_ja2se7r wrote
Pick up your feet, you’ve lost your seat. 😂
Bitter_Mongoose t1_ja2spw7 wrote
The problem here is that the food bowl is obviously empty and you don't have treats in your hand.
rav3ncl4ws t1_ja2ttv1 wrote
What’s the Vr2 like?
FreneticPlatypus t1_ja2tybi wrote
You know what they say, Cold Heart - Hot Ass.
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja2ufhi wrote
Gran Turismo is incredible
saltfly626 t1_ja2um12 wrote
I have that same chair.
rav3ncl4ws t1_ja2upr6 wrote
I forgot to say really sweet cat
[deleted] t1_ja2v62y wrote
Itsbetterthanwork t1_ja2vf3v wrote
I e got 3 cats and every and I mean every time I get up one of em shoots into where I was sitting. Not a problem when I’m listening to music as I just put something on they hate
[deleted] t1_ja2w5zu wrote
[deleted] t1_ja2w954 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja2wefa wrote
[deleted] t1_ja2xbx7 wrote
hbkdll t1_ja2xzdf wrote
Is that megachonker or oh lawd he comin
sabeshs t1_ja2yfuq wrote
Yup, this is normal. Happens to me all the time.
sirmcslash t1_ja2zvcx wrote
my cat also does that
[deleted] t1_ja30gxn wrote
amateurlemur t1_ja31acu wrote
I see you've met my ex
Adventurous-Carry-45 t1_ja32qde wrote
😭😭is that ps vr 2? How is it?
GenericElucidation t1_ja32tr9 wrote
Wow your kitty is a chonker. Maybe need to cut back on the treats lol
halfwaykf t1_ja32wg1 wrote
I have a second chair for when my cat does this
box_me_up t1_ja33wq6 wrote
The only thing that cat has done within two seconds is scarf down some food.
[deleted] t1_ja34cne wrote
[deleted] t1_ja34z7p wrote
[deleted] t1_ja35s7r wrote
Elefantenjohn t1_ja375dt wrote
Mf, get a chair, cave boy
TomTheCat6 t1_ja38ee1 wrote
Damn, nice gaming chair
chocobobleh t1_ja39mnb wrote
That would be such an uncomfortable chair to game in for long periods of time.
Get yourself a lil butt pillow, friend.
Sym69696969 t1_ja3ahfo wrote
Kitty what on earth are ya doin
MATEYLOLHAHAHA t1_ja3aipn wrote
He is so chubby tho🙂🙂
[deleted] t1_ja3bf3a wrote
AlfaBetaZulu t1_ja3bw0e wrote
Only took him 1 second ...
[deleted] t1_ja3codb wrote
ferrix t1_ja3e9ce wrote
"What? You must have mistake; I always was sit here."
nautilator44 t1_ja3f4cw wrote
That cat is a CHONK <3
bobeany t1_ja3ikaw wrote
I am taking classes and my cat would always do this when I was studying. The solution is a chair for the cat so she can sit next to you. Now when I study I sit next to her and she doesn’t steal my seat or walk over my books…unless it’s close to dinner time.
Briyte t1_ja3jdzv wrote
An immovable object meets a scratchable object what happens
FarBookkeeper7987 t1_ja3je32 wrote
Kitty aside, you’re rockin the 21st century on your head and the 19th century on your ass.
Cj_Joker t1_ja3jqew wrote
My mom has those exact same chairs with her dining room table set :O
OMGitisCrabMan t1_ja3l7dn wrote
They just want to hang out, let them sit on your lap.
DickheadNL t1_ja3n3jj wrote
Is that the new psvr?
Xtremefluff t1_ja3o499 wrote
Cats are funny like that, but if you love your pet it needs a proper diet or it's going to have health issues.
[deleted] t1_ja3on4d wrote
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja3pfuq wrote
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja3piy6 wrote
These were hand me downs from my mom lol
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja3pwmx wrote
Definitely a chonk. Only catsitting for my mom. I told my mom she needed to put her on a diet but I don’t think listens.
Ugly-Turtle t1_ja3q55f wrote
They did a whole MegaThread over on r/ps5 , maybe it’ll help you out a bit
Tissuerejection t1_ja3qp7q wrote
Now strap your VR headset oto your cat , and post pictures for infinite karma.
[deleted] t1_ja3siij wrote
Appreciate it mang
one_way_stop t1_ja3szfj wrote
gromesh6644 t1_ja3w7m2 wrote
zluszcz t1_ja3xhui wrote
OP must have the most comfortable ass to choose a wooden chair over his couch.
[deleted] t1_ja3yfps wrote
marl3yman t1_ja3zlot wrote
You have carpet and a decent couch. Upgrade the gaming chair. It will improve your performance.
Haryzen_ t1_ja40qdx wrote
"Mom said it's my turn on the PlayStation"
doorbell19 t1_ja438md wrote
TapSwipePinch t1_ja43g8b wrote
If you sit on a hard chair like this for hours I can quarantee your ass hurts (area around tail bone anyway), and it is not because you're overweight or because of that last friday night.
Shirvana t1_ja44fds wrote
You warmed the seat for kitty!
bigchongus-_- t1_ja47c1e wrote
Chongus just wants to try the VR headset bro
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja48nve wrote
Gaming chair is upstairs.
Waytoogloriya t1_ja49rx4 wrote
buy a little chair for kitty and stand it next to yours.
Karlston2 t1_ja4cfo4 wrote
I iz keeping your warmz spot warmz...
obscureferences t1_ja4f8su wrote
Dining chairs are a good stand in for VR because they don't have arms to bash yourself on.
Comprehensive_Sea_11 t1_ja4gi9n wrote
Look at me. Iz my chair right meow.
rslash-phdgaming t1_ja4hsy1 wrote
Bruh that gaming chair must be a new model
[deleted] t1_ja4k0g7 wrote
NJtoNM t1_ja4ox12 wrote
Apparently you took one second too long! Funny.
DickheadNL t1_ja4q668 wrote
Looks good! I still love my ps4 and my psvr 1. What kind of move controllers do you have?
inflatableje5us t1_ja4quf8 wrote
when ever i needed the cat to move i would very deliberately place a piece of copy paper in the middle of the floor while she was watching. i would adjust it back and forth a little bit then walk away for a second. every time she would be laying on the paper when i came back.
SwissCanuck t1_ja4rdxs wrote
Or trying to say, “you’re lucky this cable is still a cable”
Recombomatic t1_ja4ssp4 wrote
she's adorkable and i am evious
HonorThyShadow t1_ja4suzm wrote
Warm spot!
biscuit13 t1_ja4uv7e wrote
This really is funny. Like it! And your sweet kitty!
HerrDoktorLaser t1_ja4wjlb wrote
Your cat can give you side-eye while looking straight at you!
TriceratopsHorridus t1_ja4wrpo wrote
The joys of having a cat. 😂
[deleted] t1_ja510aj wrote
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja53yg0 wrote
It comes with two “sense controllers”. They are the circular controllers as opposed to the wands.
Bergfurgaler t1_ja59cv9 wrote
Normally I would say just pick the cat up and set them somewhere else, but that Chonk Unit of a cat may give you a herniated disk if you tried to move them. It'll be safer if you just go get another chair, that one is his now.
DickheadNL t1_ja5b0j5 wrote
USayThatAgain t1_ja5bgu7 wrote
Oh look, a cat shaped seat cushion! How did that get there?
leto369 t1_ja5gto5 wrote
I miss my cat now lol
--Grognak-- t1_ja5gwsp wrote
"Mom said it's my turn to use the headset"
[deleted] t1_ja5h4md wrote
PirateCaptainSoT t1_ja5jp1z wrote
Don't lay that on the ground. One day you will regret it.
themagicfroggie t1_ja5ss7y wrote
loky1908 t1_ja5tkqg wrote
It's just a cat owner thing
InsomniaticWanderer t1_ja62gxp wrote
Every single time
RebekhaG t1_ja6bhwh wrote
Your cat is like you snooze you lose. I can relate to your situation as a cat owner. I have a cat that is a massive seat stealer.
PrussianNova_X t1_ja6cb0e wrote
Yep. I know this feeling very well.
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja6j1hk wrote
It’s my mother’s cat. I’ve been telling her to put her on a diet for a couple year now.(She’s 7)When my mother took her to the vet for a check up this last January, the vet suggested she go on a diet. So she’s on one now. Wish she would’ve listened a while ago. But according to the vet, she’s otherwise healthy at the moment. As long as she doesn’t keep chonking up and she actually sticks to that diet. Also, sorry to hear about yours. I’ll let her hear your story and maybe that will convince her to stick to it more.
DoubleOScarn OP t1_ja6j8zj wrote
Luckily it’s my mothers and I only have to deal with this behavior a few times a year. But I still love her.
axolotl426 t1_ja6olpi wrote
sit on the floor. its their seat now
brettmjohnson t1_ja77n91 wrote
That is a kitty telling you that you really need to get an upholstered recliner.
plumpchungus t1_ja7896g wrote
"Mom said it's my turn to play VR games. "
loky1908 t1_ja79gvy wrote
Hay a cat is a cat thay might hate you but deep down there just a little kitten wanting to play
loky1908 t1_ja79jid wrote
And dam it a chonker
funisda t1_ja8pbit wrote
i dont like cats
RedStoner93 t1_ja9y34o wrote
It was nice of her to let you use the chair at all! Know your place human
[deleted] t1_jaab021 wrote
akruppa t1_jaaco5k wrote
Huh? If you didn't want me to sit on this chair, then why did you warm it for me?
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