Submitted by InquisitveAlot t3_11yoc95 in funny
maladjustedmusician t1_jd8jkmx wrote
Looks like something the costume designers for David Lynch’s Dune got their hands on
[deleted] t1_jd8jus6 wrote
MegaWaffle- t1_jd8kxk9 wrote
These look perfect for those cold windy days waiting for the bus at a stop with no shelter….or any spot where having headphones on doesn’t stop people from trying to speak to you.
PineappleDesperate82 t1_jd8ldns wrote
Looks like they identify as lamp shades
luis_iconic t1_jd8m3p0 wrote
I bet the creeps were still like, “that’s so hot!”
Paratrooperkid t1_jd8mf9a wrote
Elden Ring vibes...
JeffRyan1 t1_jd8mguy wrote
Imagine knocking on the outside of a dress to see if someone is home within.
Some_Acadia_1630 t1_jd8mi48 wrote
Two of those look like portable little tents, haha.
Bulky-Internal8579 t1_jd8n441 wrote
Look at those sloots showing forehead!!!!
Pokkejong t1_jd8njsp wrote
Low_Opening5003 t1_jd8ntwc wrote
Isnt that the Albrecht Dürer Signet ?
FlipFlopMopTop t1_jd8pj2i wrote
I bet the women who wore those still got assaulted.
DirectCaterpillar916 t1_jd8qeuy wrote
Clothes specially made for comical-looking women?
[deleted] t1_jd8qs4w wrote
Riverrat9093 t1_jd8ra84 wrote
Yes, I’d like the one that makes me look like a tamale please.
DanYHKim t1_jd8uy77 wrote
There had better be some damn pockets inside all that!
tikkikinky t1_jd8vzse wrote
Left to right: I’m shy. You can’t see me. Hey there.
SecondSmall5514 t1_jd909wf wrote
Two of them look like they are about to blast off into space lol we really need to bring these back
jxj24 t1_jd90r0n wrote
"I'm waiting for the other two kids so we can be an adult."
[deleted] t1_jd91au5 wrote
Creative1963 t1_jd923gr wrote
Are you assuming their gender?
[deleted] t1_jd93kk3 wrote
Ok-Nefariousness9354 t1_jd9891a wrote
Looks like something you’d see at met gala, I guess fashion really is cyclical.
ngatipakehatokuiwi t1_jd9bszb wrote
I’ve seen weirder ones today
ripmerle t1_jd9d6k7 wrote
The middle one saves you the trouble of putting a sack over her head.
anselme16 t1_jd9f06u wrote
Looks like Elden Ring enemies
bwv1056 t1_jd9h95o wrote
Ah yes, the Giant Squid, the Red Rocket and the Salt Shaker. Truly timeless style icons.
SouthernZorro t1_jd9itqc wrote
Imagine having to deal with all that when you went to the bathroom.
[deleted] t1_jd9je2n wrote
Pitiful-Brilliant301 t1_jd9ny7y wrote
You are comical looking.
FrameComprehensive88 t1_jd9o4ap wrote
It won't be long before we see these looks coming down the runway because someone is going to be inspired by this. This could definitely be on an avant-garde runway today.
Crabchicken t1_jd9pisk wrote
why does that dress have a foreskin
veles_selev t1_jd9qqwi wrote
they were flexing on the amount and quality of the fabric since way back when
FleshyPartOfThePin t1_jd9rd4b wrote
The one on the left looks very Coneheadesque
Sonuroburos t1_jd9tmuh wrote
I was gonna say it looks like something that belongs in dune minus the fact that dunes clothing is practical and functional.
unnitche t1_jd9uj18 wrote
I tell you one thing they ar not haver any cold
Hanharmintobak t1_jd9vuqd wrote
This is what todays fashion will look like in 500 years.
PoorPauly t1_jd9w133 wrote
Conical looking women’s clothes from 1500 Livonia.
Dorrono t1_jd9whje wrote
There is a fashion show video where the models wear the same clothes
Zwirbeldruese t1_jd9wjlr wrote
To be fair, it’s how some Celebs dress today
NapalmDesu t1_jd9x235 wrote
Middle one: Your punny mortal disguises are nothing before the bulwark
astromech_dj t1_jd9xp6s wrote
Lucasfilm Ltd: Furiously takes notes…
Irishpanda1971 t1_jd9y9qx wrote
Middle: "Day tiiiime...night tiiiime, night tiiiiiime"
droopyheadliner t1_jd9zbq2 wrote
The Bene Gesserit in color 😃
acgasp t1_jd9zg7w wrote
I grew up in Livonia, MI and thought, “I’ve never worn any of these outfits.”
HansTheGruber t1_jda0wao wrote
Fashion the word used by professional useless people to describe what productive human beings call clothes.
paav-bhaji t1_jda1mk4 wrote
polarris t1_jda1uys wrote
its about Latvian/Estonian Livonia not North America.
yatterer t1_jda6ro6 wrote
Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil.
Ashleyk3 t1_jda8arx wrote
When you’re famous but also a hermit
acgasp t1_jdab0vm wrote
… I know. That’s kind of the joke.
Sangmund_Froid t1_jdacvfs wrote
The middle dress: When you've got to turn 100 square kilometers into a nuclear wasteland at 4; but also have a dinner party at 6.
spankenstein t1_jdae3vm wrote
I'm kind of into the middle one. Hangover dress.
Disinfectant-Addict t1_jdaevv1 wrote
I once tried thinking out the most nonsesical and ridiculous clothing just for my own entertainment, and this is pretty close to what I thought out.
imperatrixofthevoid t1_jdag8vy wrote
Peekaboo, I see you! is all I think when I see that.
SirMemesworthTheDank t1_jdagkuf wrote
When you identify as a chess piece:
saad_586586 t1_jdai0mb wrote
Middle one is a Mig :D
Gravey91 t1_jdamy6r wrote
It is. Albrecht Dürer did draw this. You can find this piece at the Louvre museum in Paris
Secretnapcloset t1_jdar355 wrote
10 seconds before they go on each others shoulders and try to get into a rated R movie.
[deleted] t1_jdatllb wrote
Vladius28 t1_jdatp6o wrote
Have you seen "fashion " ?
imasperplexedasyou t1_jdaxe37 wrote
It's probably cold there
Earthling1a t1_jdaz0g5 wrote
This is the future Republicans want.
hickgorilla t1_jdb0nbf wrote
I always wanted to be a squid.
Stunning_Smoke_4845 t1_jdb2d2y wrote
I am concerned as to why it being 500 years old wasn’t the first issue.
Just how old are you?
soundchkr t1_jdb3u4g wrote
Hey, over here….you wanna buy some watches?
FrostyCrew8114 t1_jdb3vxc wrote
Tamale Wrappers
SpinCity07 t1_jdb5rdf wrote
Nice try. We all know your serious !
ThrowRA789042 t1_jdb68m3 wrote
My introvert heart says I was born in the wrong generation
leavemealonegeez8 t1_jdb8ioq wrote
Must be fashion week
Funny-Trash-5680 t1_jdbetej wrote
Are the first and middle one a before and after effect? Like a turtling maneuver happened?
itsallalittleblurry t1_jdbj48e wrote
In the US it was the 70’s.
Disco-Stu79 t1_jdbonv8 wrote
The mobile couch/duvet fort. I’d wear it!
CeddyDT t1_jdc1iip wrote
Left one is me in the supermarket spotting someone I know
[deleted] t1_jdc4v9q wrote
kkruiji t1_jdcgjwr wrote
The 70s were no where close to this.
regular6drunk7 t1_jdcl7zj wrote
I like the middle one. If you don’t feel like talking just pull up the zipper.
TheVyper3377 t1_jdclafr wrote
Haven’t I seen some of those on fashion runways recently?
itsallalittleblurry t1_jdcn23s wrote
😂😂. Not really, no. Leisure suits should’ve been a crime, though.
33jay339090 t1_jdd2bri wrote
And today peoples idea of attire isn’t comical?
cantillonaire t1_jdd3wxi wrote
Does that say “1521 - effe your mom I’m existent by MiGinger - AD”? Effe your mom too, MiGinger.
scelerat t1_jddb0ji wrote
HomarusSimpson t1_jddcylw wrote
Yeah, 16th century headphones weren't noise cancelling
Antique_Bonus_5667 t1_jddlhwr wrote
Me at the morning
LeilaA261 t1_jddqwj9 wrote
And we all thought balenciaga was doing something original! They have just been stealing designs from the 1500s
Juanskii t1_jdgj5zt wrote
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have.
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