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DryCrack321 t1_jeev2uj wrote

I’m impressed you even managed to get one balloon tied to your cat


halfanothersdozen t1_jeex3mt wrote

Instead of balloons you need to butter some toast and tape it to the back of the cat, butter side out. Then pick up and drop the cat.

Since buttered toast always lands butter side down on the ground and cats always land on their feet (physics) the paradox will create a perpetually rotating cat that never touches the ground.


agirl1313 t1_jeezecs wrote

But "UP" taught me it would work! Now you're going to tell me the house can't fly with balloons attached to it. Or that dogs can't talk.


dblan9 t1_jef6sti wrote

Just spit ballin' here but maybe after the cat poops it will be lighter.


MW240z t1_jef8xe0 wrote

That cat was meant to fly, set him free to soar over the clouds! Fly balloon cat, fly!


Ok-Force8783 t1_jefd5pd wrote

That poor cat looks like it puts up with a lot of shenanigans...


slylock215 t1_jefdr2d wrote

The real question is why you already had a bulletproof vest ready for your cat to tie these bloons to?

....what goes on in this household...

Edit: Wait wait wait, actually that makes sense. So when someone goes to shoot the balloons if they hit the cat he'll still be fine. I retract my previous statement.


BPhiloSkinner t1_jefpvkb wrote

Cats are actually the repositories of most of the missing Dark Matter in the universe, and supply much of Earth's gravity; That moggies' not goin' anywhere, mate.

And would you, please, crosspost this to r/shittyaskscience.


Aceticon t1_jefqfnt wrote

Should've done it outside with bigger ballons.

At worst there would still be 8 lifes left.


okram2k t1_jefywuy wrote

That cat will remember this


swiftfatso t1_jefzce1 wrote

I hope you don't plan to sleep where the cat can reach you (forever)!


spokris t1_jeg0w0x wrote

The one thing that Up doesn't go into detail on is how buoyancy works. Once gravity is overcome, you can't make something hover. Think of it like in a pool. Something either sinks or floats. So once that cat is buoyant, it's going away.


BuldopSanchez t1_jeg7zx6 wrote

Oh, giant head in the sky, we give this shitty cat as an offering to you in hopes that you will spit out better kittens.

Headward, free now to rise!


Truthfulclaw t1_jeg99nw wrote

The cat wakes up and is all like, "What the hell happened?"


0nlyhalfjewish t1_jegbsxc wrote

I’m with Cat Protective Services. Hand the cat over.


probono105 t1_jegct6x wrote

gonna need about 275 more assuming your cat weights about 4kg


Shopping-Afraid t1_jegfkgq wrote

If cartoons have taught me anything it's that you need to throw the cat off the roof for it to work