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Notsnowbound t1_jef9gju wrote

Imagine parking your bike here and some crazed fellow comes running out of the building at you with a giant, blood stained pair of scissors...


WhatACunningHam t1_jefeyan wrote

Those are two separate messages, so you are, in fact, not safe even without a bike.


Sayoria t1_jefhl1c wrote

Already had mine cut off. Checkmate, sign poster.


PJJefferson t1_jefht85 wrote

There should be a warning before they cut the cock off.


Clenplate t1_jefi2r2 wrote

Bet they haven't had a bike problem since, though.


nyetsub t1_jefo4p2 wrote

Did you or did you not vote to decriminalize public urination...


Yago20 t1_jefpjod wrote

IMO, this is more about meeting fire code than just being a dick. Looks to be a fire hose hookup right there.


DadsRGR8 t1_jefrzqe wrote

At least give us a 2 minute head start to run away.


gideon513 t1_jefsevj wrote

Isn’t the sign a warning though?


Rhodog1234 t1_jefu8q3 wrote

Then there'll be a bunch of eunuchyclists hanging around...

I'll see myself out.


Bgrngod t1_jefveud wrote

I hope this doesn't apply to people riding past on their bikes.

"I was just riding to work! Why did you cut my dick off?"

"I warned you about no warnings it would happen!"


eternalankh t1_jefw6td wrote

Ohh it's supposed to say "Locks" I get it.


Cichlidsaremyjam t1_jefwajq wrote

When I was a kid someone changed the 50 sign in our town to 69 and this has a similar vibe.


BarfingOnYourFace t1_jefy888 wrote

If this was in my city, i would have assumed it would be a warning if you lock you bike there, someone will steal it.


rvmay99 t1_jeg115u wrote

Thi sign is sexist and biased against guys. What happens if a girl parks the bike?


sharksnut t1_jeg5shy wrote

My wife keeps parking my bike there


_fuffs t1_jegc0vy wrote

Poor guy must be having some grudge with cyclists.


R3DGRAPES t1_jeglcvc wrote

If someone parked their car in your driveway and was nowhere in sight, wouldn’t you call a tow company? I don’t think it’s extreme of someone to cut a bike chain locked onto their property.


brucee10 t1_jeglo95 wrote

Someone locked their bike up to the front gate of our building. It swung inwards and we were all stuck until our landlord came by and cut the bike frame. The bike lock hung there for a decade as a warning. I loved that crazy man.


PillowTalk420 t1_jegmd3x wrote

My sister (MTF trans): I need to borrow your bike...


averagebenzdriver t1_jegp8xc wrote

There's a loophole here, women can avoid following this rule without a problem, as they don't have cocks


501102 t1_jegq4eg wrote

Those without cocks are welcome to park


trurlo t1_jegsbdm wrote

The top-hatted pipe-man had a jolly good night...


varemaerke t1_jegzgjv wrote

I once saw one that said

NO BICYCLES will be removed without warning

I thought that was considerate of them.


dickcheney600 t1_jegzidh wrote

Someone drew on it, but still funny either way. It's supposed to say "locks"


AndyDoesGamesALot t1_jeh5i6n wrote

You never seen the Eunuch Unicycle Club?? They had a funny name but I can’t remember it.