Submitted by Smellmuhfinger t3_127qa3a in funny
LeTouatteRatte t1_jef9fyc wrote
Sounds fair to me. It said no bicycles!
Notsnowbound t1_jef9gju wrote
Imagine parking your bike here and some crazed fellow comes running out of the building at you with a giant, blood stained pair of scissors...
the_stooge_nugget t1_jefcliw wrote
He gave a warning about not giving a warning
Frag1le t1_jefej8o wrote
Poor cocks.
_Noobyboy_ t1_jefenqv wrote
What if you’re a lady ?
OtherBluesBrother t1_jefesqi wrote
And the Ring camera in the window will record the whole thing.
WhatACunningHam t1_jefeyan wrote
Those are two separate messages, so you are, in fact, not safe even without a bike.
LeTouatteRatte t1_jefg03b wrote
A real lady never leaves her home without a cock in her purse, in case she stumbles upon a cock fight, or finds herself in need of a wake up alarm.
Zkenny13 t1_jefg6if wrote
Clip clip goes the clit
_Noobyboy_ t1_jefga82 wrote
My bad I forgot that detail
Sayoria t1_jefhl1c wrote
Already had mine cut off. Checkmate, sign poster.
PJJefferson t1_jefht85 wrote
There should be a warning before they cut the cock off.
Clenplate t1_jefi2r2 wrote
Bet they haven't had a bike problem since, though.
Eli_The_Rainwing t1_jefjclk wrote
I don’t need it
nyetsub t1_jefo4p2 wrote
Did you or did you not vote to decriminalize public urination...
[deleted] t1_jefo7xg wrote
SquidsAlien t1_jefoneo wrote
Erm... That is a warning...
Yago20 t1_jefpjod wrote
IMO, this is more about meeting fire code than just being a dick. Looks to be a fire hose hookup right there.
DadsRGR8 t1_jefrzqe wrote
At least give us a 2 minute head start to run away.
Smellmuhfinger OP t1_jefsekk wrote
I Can confirm. I was working across the street for the past week and I did not see any bike on the fence.
gideon513 t1_jefsevj wrote
Isn’t the sign a warning though?
vtssge1968 t1_jefsj31 wrote
I chain my bike anywhere, but I probably wouldn't there
Ok_Basil_3896 t1_jefspzb wrote
You wouldn’t chain it to your cock after he got ahold of you
Clenplate t1_jefsrqe wrote
I dont even have a cock & I wouldn't leave my bike there.
MintyMods t1_jeft42d wrote
>Looks like a Ring Doorbell
Rhodog1234 t1_jefu8q3 wrote
Then there'll be a bunch of eunuchyclists hanging around...
I'll see myself out.
El_Maton_de_Plata t1_jefuh0s wrote
Don't make me tell you twice!
Smellmuhfinger OP t1_jefukk3 wrote
That’s actually for the heating oil. But I didn’t to check to see if the fire hose connection is there also.
El_Maton_de_Plata t1_jefv6bf wrote
Loretta scissor hands
Bgrngod t1_jefveud wrote
I hope this doesn't apply to people riding past on their bikes.
"I was just riding to work! Why did you cut my dick off?"
"I warned you about no warnings it would happen!"
El_Maton_de_Plata t1_jefvuqs wrote
Heads up!!
El_Maton_de_Plata t1_jefw47k wrote
I'm still going to look surprised
eternalankh t1_jefw6td wrote
Ohh it's supposed to say "Locks" I get it.
Cichlidsaremyjam t1_jefwajq wrote
When I was a kid someone changed the 50 sign in our town to 69 and this has a similar vibe.
Smellmuhfinger OP t1_jefwds9 wrote
BarfingOnYourFace t1_jefy888 wrote
If this was in my city, i would have assumed it would be a warning if you lock you bike there, someone will steal it.
Ashes2007 t1_jefzqr7 wrote
Not for much longer.
International_Cap913 t1_jeg0p2z wrote
Similar signs are everywhere in London
rvmay99 t1_jeg115u wrote
Thi sign is sexist and biased against guys. What happens if a girl parks the bike?
miamistu t1_jeg1bth wrote
Delicious_Throat_377 t1_jeg2zlf wrote
So what happens if it's a woman who parks a bike there?
Feltonhendo t1_jeg30j3 wrote
No not ok
missmypbj t1_jeg3ft8 wrote
Font and spelling do matter!
El_Maton_de_Plata t1_jeg53ki wrote
Oh! Bobbit!!!
sharksnut t1_jeg5shy wrote
My wife keeps parking my bike there
Gloomy_Jump3021 t1_jeg6k4b wrote
“a bit extreme but ok” hahaha
GANDORF57 t1_jeg6knv wrote
Gotcha! Bike helmet and codpiece it is!
GustavoNuncho t1_jeg6min wrote
Ladies park free
[deleted] t1_jeg7d74 wrote
QuotingThanos t1_jeg7ech wrote
This is warning you muppet
nickyeyez t1_jeg7k2p wrote
Who has the balls to do it again?
Smellmuhfinger OP t1_jeg7pnz wrote
Literally no one
_Burnt_Toast_3 t1_jegb7r6 wrote
_fuffs t1_jegc0vy wrote
Poor guy must be having some grudge with cyclists.
BlueHero45 t1_jegczsw wrote
Perhaps a midget with giant hedge scissors.
[deleted] t1_jeghrzu wrote
leavemealonegeez8 t1_jeghvvz wrote
It’s Struwwelpeter!!!
Curious_Jellyfish_62 t1_jeghxsr wrote
Sweet deal
leavemealonegeez8 t1_jegi0ek wrote
Can’t make that mistake twice
mcburloak t1_jegiz9a wrote
Cameo enters the chat. Word up!
[deleted] t1_jegjlom wrote
MillHoodz_Finest t1_jegk2s0 wrote
do u get to keep ur bike
R3DGRAPES t1_jeglcvc wrote
If someone parked their car in your driveway and was nowhere in sight, wouldn’t you call a tow company? I don’t think it’s extreme of someone to cut a bike chain locked onto their property.
Smellmuhfinger OP t1_jeglkxx wrote
If only it was just a bike chain
brucee10 t1_jeglo95 wrote
Someone locked their bike up to the front gate of our building. It swung inwards and we were all stuck until our landlord came by and cut the bike frame. The bike lock hung there for a decade as a warning. I loved that crazy man.
PillowTalk420 t1_jegmd3x wrote
My sister (MTF trans): I need to borrow your bike...
Mister_E_Mahn t1_jegnyf3 wrote
And never was a bike locked there.
averagebenzdriver t1_jegp8xc wrote
There's a loophole here, women can avoid following this rule without a problem, as they don't have cocks
501102 t1_jegq4eg wrote
Those without cocks are welcome to park
Windamyre t1_jegrl0x wrote
Yea. I did say "locks" until someone either painted the sign or edited the photo. The first letter is blocky instead of round.
DaddyFigured t1_jegrs0x wrote
trurlo t1_jegsbdm wrote
The top-hatted pipe-man had a jolly good night...
rustys_shackled_ford t1_jegw2t4 wrote
Nice of them to warn you.
Degenerate_Rambler t1_jegy8ux wrote
General Butt Fucking Naked got to them
varemaerke t1_jegzgjv wrote
I once saw one that said
NO BICYCLES will be removed without warning
I thought that was considerate of them.
dickcheney600 t1_jegzidh wrote
Someone drew on it, but still funny either way. It's supposed to say "locks"
LateNight-Shenanigan t1_jeh1vok wrote
Free circumcisions
[deleted] t1_jeh3cnr wrote
Pollywogstew_mi t1_jeh4upg wrote
omg, you FINALLY get to use that joke!!!
AndyDoesGamesALot t1_jeh5i6n wrote
You never seen the Eunuch Unicycle Club?? They had a funny name but I can’t remember it.
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