TheSpiderEpisode t1_jbv1xcx wrote
I didn’t know Obama had kids.
Livinincrazytown t1_jbv2227 wrote
Surely those names should be reserved for GOATS
Fnargle1980 t1_jbv2ga9 wrote
Obama llama vs Big Pharma!
ohsureyoudo t1_jbv5kro wrote
They should probably have the sign llamanated.
wildfire98 t1_jbv77kl wrote
Thanks Ollama.
[deleted] t1_jbvb11m wrote
Spongebobobtusepants t1_jbvb9y3 wrote
Llama? I barely know her!
Hungry-Big-2107 t1_jbvcl06 wrote
They should install a doorbell.
Just label it with a sign that says "Obama-Llama ding-dong."
Bag_of_Richards t1_jbvdt0t wrote
Wait so they are also the parents to the Mali Llamma? That is really quite the dynasty.
brat_simpson t1_jbve4ht wrote
[deleted] t1_jbvfe7n wrote
[deleted] t1_jbvgpk7 wrote
What was ollamas last name?
explorerandtravelor t1_jbvh0nn wrote
Taboot taboot?
sparekh1 OP t1_jbvi24c wrote
This is Moorooduc, Vic. It's called the big goose
sparekh1 OP t1_jbvi5rr wrote
Dalai Lama was a missed opportunity
[deleted] t1_jbvjel1 wrote
murphalurph626 t1_jbvjw41 wrote
Both of them not from the USA, just like Barry and Mike?
Emergency_Type143 t1_jbvkj7u wrote
Or racist sense of humor. Which would make sense in Australia. Pretty intolerant place.
Emergency_Type143 t1_jbvkmj3 wrote
Preferably, you're not from the US either.
Emergency_Type143 t1_jbvkoty wrote
Go home conservative, you're worse than useless.
murphalurph626 t1_jbvkzwp wrote
Proud American from the best state in the union, Texas.
TheChristianDude101 t1_jbvlbqo wrote
Are you calling Michelle trans? If so how is that an insult?
HeretixAevum t1_jbvm6ag wrote
How on earth is this racist? It's a pun and nothing more.
happyclaim808 t1_jbvnq71 wrote
[deleted] t1_jbvo7w0 wrote
papparmane t1_jbvokzt wrote
I knew he wasn’t born in the US.
IkNOwNUTTINGck t1_jbvpnds wrote
About the only thing better than this would be if Barack and Michelle Obama were in the picture pointing to sign!
NoxDominus t1_jbvq6rg wrote
Agreeable_Case_6626 t1_jbvseh2 wrote
That’s funny. Had to read it twice
Gordon_Explosion t1_jbvv3y0 wrote
Save the drama for the Obama Llamas.
DigNitty t1_jbvxfgs wrote
Know'er? Barely....huh
cropguru357 t1_jbvxnia wrote
Heh. The Columbus zoo has a manatee named Lizzo.
ddollarsign t1_jbvycvf wrote
Barack Obama Llama, meet…
ligerboy12 t1_jbw3sy7 wrote
balrus-balrogwalrus t1_jbw5czn wrote
do they have an alpaca named Alpacino
sparekh1 OP t1_jbw5hqj wrote
LoL. They didn't. that would have been funny
Beardedarchitect t1_jbw6s7z wrote
Jfc, that’s fantastic
MrBarackOllama t1_jbwj6xw wrote
sparekh1 OP t1_jbwklpd wrote
The username matches
AbsoluteTruthiness t1_jbwktxs wrote
Geralt-Of-Trivias t1_jbwnjyx wrote
Didn't she cheat on Obama?
Dougally t1_jbwom5y wrote
IDK but the thought of an Irish Llama has me spitting!
[deleted] t1_jbwongi wrote
Dougally t1_jbworvb wrote
Yeah Lla!
[deleted] t1_jbwowwy wrote
krayhayft t1_jbwssum wrote
I hope they don't try to breed them, cause they're both male.
the_dudeNI t1_jbwswpa wrote
Touch some grass
Racing_Sloth56 t1_jbwtf8n wrote
My friend has a llama farm and one of her’s is named ObamaLlama.
AwardFabrik-SoF t1_jbwti0e wrote
Wow 5 years in the making for this moment - not bad!
[deleted] t1_jbwyf3w wrote
mznh t1_jbx14lb wrote
[deleted] t1_jbx2404 wrote
Mackem101 t1_jbx41w6 wrote
"Look at Barack in his tan fur, who does he think he is?'. - Fox News host.
[deleted] t1_jbx4lay wrote
[deleted] t1_jbxfy5r wrote
They should have it in Spanish. "Me llllamo Ollama.
TheSamurabbi t1_jbxfz19 wrote
I am outraged that he’s wearing tan fur. /s
Azudekai t1_jbxh7sv wrote
As well as Cardi Tee
Azudekai t1_jbxhm4h wrote
I don't see anything racist about it, although I will say you don't need a very flexible sense of humor to make fun of the former head of a different state.
Azudekai t1_jbxj6ae wrote
No, and I'm not sure why you think she might have.
Even the bullshit tabloid stories focus on him cheating on her, not the other way around.
theluckyfrog t1_jbxt95w wrote
A very sheltered friend of mine (white American) often acted like a little kid in her early 20s because she grew up with Christian media as her only entertainment, and youth groups as her only social outlet. One day we were commuting by train and she started singing a kids' rhyme about llamas that ended with "President Obama Llama!". Then suddenly she looked stricken and was very quiet until we got off the train half an hour later.
I ended up asking her if she was okay, and it turns out she saw a black couple a few rows over from us right after finishing her song, and she was terrified that she offended them by "being disrespectful about Obama". I asked her if she meant to be disrespectful about Obama, and she said of course not. I'm not sure that she bought my reassurances that it was very unlikely that that couple gave a damn about a phonics song for elementary schoolers. They probably just wondered why a 23 year old was singing about llamas on a train. A whole other time that we were out, she asked me if I thought she offended a black McDonald's cashier by asking for a vanilla milkshake, and she was 100% serious although at least she believed me when I said "no" that time.
These are some very random memories I just had unearthed by a reference to Obama llamas.
anaheimangels40 t1_jbxu3if wrote
SaltyJeweler9929 t1_jby0wab wrote
A fine complement to Michelle Obama 😂
[deleted] t1_jbyih57 wrote
OneAngryDuck t1_jbyl80y wrote
jUsT LiKe bArRy AnD mIkE
berkeleyjake t1_jbzayc4 wrote
I'm going to need to see their birth certificates
sparekh1 OP t1_jbze08e wrote
Alan_Smithee_ t1_jbzk2fe wrote
Your time to shine has arrived at last.
QuantumPolarBear1337 t1_jbzka2o wrote
Haha 😂 perfect!! I applaud you 👏🏼.
QuantumPolarBear1337 t1_jbzklah wrote
Or put a door bell under "Obama-Llama"
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