Greenwing OP t1_iuhl7qp wrote
My favorite most brilliant sister suggested it when I called her a week ago and told her I needed a funny costume idea.
Chuckleyan t1_iuhlfr5 wrote
"Your Honor, I'm ready to proceed."
Seriously, is that a picture frame with a poster-sized printout or what? It looks great.
imaginenohell t1_iuhm8r1 wrote
omg it's awesome
iowan t1_iuhmckq wrote
Guess I'll take it even if I'm your only sister.
Greenwing OP t1_iuhmhxu wrote
Thanks! Yeah, I bought a poster frame at Goodwill for 5$. And I had each zoom frame printed at Kinkos as an 11"x17" print (it was way cheaper than having one poster sized print made).
predictingzepast t1_iuhmlh4 wrote
So, r/technicallytrue
Greenwing OP t1_iuhn97r wrote
That's the best kind of true!
I_downloaded_a_car_ t1_iuhne54 wrote
You'll need to explain for us dummies over here
iowan t1_iuhnpuf wrote
Cat lawyer zoom call!
Greenwing OP t1_iuhnrou wrote
iowan t1_iuhon86 wrote
I'm OP's sister and she called me last week looking for costume ideas. For some reason this popped to mind immediately. I was imagining something much less elaborate like some face paint whiskers and cat ears, but (as usual) she knocked it out of the park. I wonder if she's still got a picture of when my niece wanted to be a zombie armadillo one Halloween.
minitrr t1_iuhp17j wrote
Haha a friend of mine made an amazing costume a few years back. She was going to a roller rink for a Halloween party and went as a dung beetle. She made a giant ball of dung that she rolled out in front of her while on the skating rink. One of my favorites.
iowan t1_iuhp9tv wrote
That sounds amazing!
buckhardcastle t1_iuhpen6 wrote
Great costume!
I wonder if anyone got in trouble for recording 😂
genericusername123 t1_iuhppt3 wrote
Aww you guys are cute
nethobo t1_iuhr9ab wrote
And the cat head was something you just had lying around?
iowan t1_iuhre9d wrote
No, she's a talented artist and made it in like 2 days!
Crotchless_Panties t1_iuhri62 wrote
Also came here to ask this.
Why is it even legal for them to impose that restriction on anyone?! -They are for absolute certain, recording every second of this!
How is it that they think no one else should?!
Is it to make money on transcripts or something?!
nethobo t1_iuhritl wrote
Color me impressed. If I tried making something like that, it would likely come out as some eldritch horror.
Greenwing OP t1_iuhs0tb wrote
I'm going to be finding white fur all over my house until next Halloween.
iowan t1_iuhsoyx wrote
Yeah, when I suggested the costume idea, I was imagining like some face paint whiskers and cat ears.
sponge_bob_ t1_iuhsypl wrote
i am not a cat! i'm morganna!
mingus-dew t1_iuht6nb wrote
Hmm, perhaps it's to regulate and manage where the recordings are stored. If they're on random laptops that could be compromised/hacked/stolen the fallout from that could be really bad.
Maybe the recordings are still available to be accessed etc with the right permission.
Crotchless_Panties t1_iuhtzrg wrote
I'll buy that... If you give me a steep discount.
I think it's outrageous that they can record it, but no one else can.
Dutchforce t1_iuhwikj wrote
That's awesome! Did you have to carry that frame with you everywhere you went though?
CandyyPiink t1_iuhxwom wrote
This never fails to make me laugh. That's an amazing costume 👏
sweetreverie t1_iuhyfwh wrote
It sucks that cat lawyer got milkshake duck’d but the video is still hilarious and this costume is amazing
[deleted] t1_iuhyp9w wrote
trro16p t1_iuhz70i wrote
What cracks me up is the look on the cat's face with his darting eyes moving back and forth when he is apologizing makes it appear like he is about to cry.
It just made it worse...... and funnier at the same time.
mingus-dew t1_iuhzd5i wrote
I mean, I'm just some random person speculating on the internet. I have no idea why that's their policy. But would you trust a lawyer who can't turn off a kitten face filter with securing a video recording of your court hearing on their home computer? Or would you be worried if your opponent in court was allowed to have a recording of your case and any of your testimony?
[deleted] t1_iuhzkjf wrote
Greenwing OP t1_iui20f1 wrote
I wore the costume to two Halloween parties over the weekend. I didn't keep the head on very long or carry the frame all night. I did have face painted whiskers, a cat nose, and a cat ears headband though.
[deleted] t1_iui2s8v wrote
blacktothebird t1_iui3k83 wrote
it's funny with the screen and without.
Cause without it people would ask what are you some kind of cat? and you can reply that you are lawyer and this is just a filter.
dandroid126 t1_iui6ko7 wrote
Are you here live?
iowan t1_iui8glz wrote
I know! When my sister sent me progress pics, she sent one of the mask and one a selfie of her wearing it, which mirrored the pic and I thought she made the eyes moveable for a sec!
Crotchless_Panties t1_iui9xbs wrote
You make valid points, but I was viewing this from the perspective that they were going to say stuff that they didn't want you to record, because it could be used against them later.
I worked for FedEx once, and they did that shit constantly!
BumblebeeAdventurr t1_iuiag3o wrote
I love this, this is amazing
SuperSaytan t1_iuicsfc wrote
I'm here live, I'm not a cat.
[deleted] t1_iuicyab wrote
HamBlamBlam t1_iuiesfb wrote
Exactly what a cat would say, though. They lie.
dankbuttersteez t1_iuii7b0 wrote
Uhhh judge.
Seriously this is a great costume. Well done
RushFactoryGarage t1_iuilcia wrote
Lmao prefect
mingus-dew t1_iuimk42 wrote
>[...] they were going to say stuff that they didn't want you to record, because it could be used against them later.
But this is a public court with an ostensibly neutral judge with counsel from both plantiff and defendant... Who is "they"?
Crotchless_Panties t1_iuimr81 wrote
If I knew who 'they' were, I wouldn't need to call them 'they'.
kelleh711 t1_iuiowm5 wrote
Even funnier is the "recording this hearing is prohibited"
What if I do anyway?
Dull_Half_6107 t1_iuivx6e wrote
I personally liked “Buttfucker 3000” as well.
shalafi71 t1_iuiy4v1 wrote
No lie, about the funniest thing I've ever seen on the internet.
DaoFerret t1_iuj2zdl wrote
It’s been a while, but I believe the video was released by the Court itself, as a reminder and warning to other lawyers.
the_dude_upvotes t1_iuj5qmx wrote
I missed that one:
the_dude_upvotes t1_iuj5ts9 wrote
Biggu5Dicku5 t1_iuj81ev wrote
But... you ARE a cat... :(
Black_Moons t1_iuj96uz wrote
LOL anything I want printed 'huge' I get on 11x17 because its the largest size the local shop prints before they want like $20+ a page.
merganzer t1_iuj9asy wrote
I felt so bad for that guy. Judge was a stickler for decorum.
My Zoom gets confused sometimes when I switch between the pro account my employer uses to host meetings and my personal one. Even if I log in with my personal credentials, it occasionally shows the business name on my profile: Buttfuckers 'R' Us. It really could happen to anyone.
Greenwing OP t1_iujasq6 wrote
Yeah, it was less than 4$ total for all three panels!
Dull_Half_6107 t1_iujbg30 wrote
Some of us just have our normal names on our zoom profiles, shocking I know
taxi212001 t1_iujcgg2 wrote
Oh that's the same judge that had the domestic abuser and his victim doing their court appearance sitting next to each other
Black_Moons t1_iujd59a wrote
11x17 print shop hacks!
Learn this one simple trick big ink doesn't want you to know! /s
Prestigious-Eye-1019 t1_iujfgrp wrote
Love the way he hodls that.
whiffling_waterfowl t1_iujfscn wrote
Had to find a free award for that. Nice work!
Amaegith t1_iujgf3v wrote
The "I'm prepared to go forward with it" cracks me up every time.
avoirgopher t1_iuji80v wrote
Poor Rod Pondon. Nice guy, and this will be his legacy.
LibraPugLove t1_iujipcj wrote
They still have Kinkos?
Smingowashisnameo t1_iujjmun wrote
Holy shit you made it!!!!!!
DMala t1_iujl5ld wrote
I feel for that guy, he pretty clearly had no idea and wasn’t trying to be a smartass, and that judge was definitely not in the mood for any of it.
Greenwing OP t1_iujltkh wrote
It's combined with a Fex-Ex, but yes.
[deleted] t1_iujm1f1 wrote
Greenwing OP t1_iujma0s wrote
I hadn't seen that one before! lol
gameman250 t1_iujqn9f wrote
you should go to bed.
[deleted] t1_iujs6qg wrote
MazzIsNoMore t1_iujsd2n wrote
You'd be surprised how often abuser and victim show up in court together. Even in cases with CPS where one is accused of crimes against a child the other parent will show up in court with the abuser
Shakespurious t1_iujtnsa wrote
Not that there's anything wrong with it!
riffies t1_iuju13y wrote
You are now a fursuit maker. Congrats. Welcome to /r/fursuit
Rare-Willingness4022 t1_iujukor wrote
cyankitten t1_iujvl8w wrote
Fantastic 😂
pumaofshadow t1_iujwkvv wrote
It's to stop leaks of information usually I'd think. If you consider that it might include witness info, details specific to the case that aren't publically known, specific documents that might not be for the public (income statements,contracts, patents...). I dunno what court he was in at the time but it's all reasons why you'd not want a random copy out there to get hacked, stolen or copied deliberately by less than wonderful people.
[deleted] t1_iujy9ih wrote
Win70ermute t1_iujztoa wrote
This is bloody elaborate.
[deleted] t1_iuk2fym wrote
captain_funktastic t1_iuk4662 wrote
Amazing execution!
[deleted] t1_iuk70u8 wrote
Snackbot4000 t1_iuk8e68 wrote
An inspired choice! Excellent work
AutoModerator t1_iuhkjor wrote
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