With my IBS, that’s $50 dollars today; pre tax of course!
Actual_Dinner_5977 t1_itxxtbc wrote
You either have a strong hourly rate, or you are s***ing way too much :)
middljb OP t1_itxycx6 wrote
I make a decent living, AND, today was rough. I’m getting a bit tender. I’ll need to apply some ice cubes or a snowcone for the next one!
nigerianprinceas t1_ity3cbx wrote
Before or after taxes?
princealbertnyourcan t1_ity3sb8 wrote
You only make $5 an hour?
ZirePhiinix t1_ity4814 wrote
Ice enema
middljb OP t1_ity498w wrote
That depends on the daily Reddit content.
brutalduties t1_ity4b7g wrote
That's pretty good but what kind of yeild are you getting?
LyricalJessieJames t1_ity4egn wrote
When I break wind it makes change
middljb OP t1_ity4gl1 wrote
It’s hands down better than a chili pepper!
ZirePhiinix t1_ity4kk1 wrote
And you speak from experience?
middljb OP t1_ity4qtg wrote
It’s really kinda pathetic. Usually just a fart and spatter event!
middljb OP t1_ity5mxb wrote
I’m candid about most things; some however, will go with me to my grave.
brutalduties t1_ity68x2 wrote
You should calculate how much you make per weight, that'd be impressive.
middljb OP t1_ity6gjq wrote
Probably not gonna poop on a scale. Science will have to weight on that one.
Common-Feedback4003 t1_ity85d8 wrote
Itchy ball syndrome ?
middljb OP t1_ity8bec wrote
Not familiar.
Common-Feedback4003 t1_ity8jg2 wrote
middljb OP t1_ity8pwc wrote
I see what you did there! Asshole!😂
Common-Feedback4003 t1_ity961j wrote
It's a Japanese expression.
kickmyballsrealhard t1_ityb2f4 wrote
Humble brag
KaiSaya117 t1_itycfgg wrote
Wasting an hour on the can isn't work
ShadyAidyX t1_itycisd wrote
Public-Brother-3109 t1_itydav6 wrote
I just imagine him on the toilet with a pen and paper figuring this out
middljb OP t1_itydmfm wrote
Don’t be jealous bro. Besides, I put in 5 hours OT Sunday morning, and then the 11 hour graveyard shift that night. I put my hours in. They get their money’s worth from me. Probably why I have IBS.
kurt_go_bang t1_itygj2r wrote
Those are rookie numbers! You gotta pump those numbers up!!!
KaiSaya117 t1_ityi9km wrote
I was saying that you're poor.
WaitingForMyMeta t1_ityix57 wrote
Officer on the 6th floor making $200/hr. Or mail clerk who DGAF making $20/hr.? Asking for a friend…
[deleted] t1_itym6hh wrote
[deleted] t1_itymck1 wrote
ChondroArt t1_itymmu2 wrote
I once pooped out the letter J. Lowercase. Well, it didn’t come out that way. I had to kinda shape it…
AnxiouslyPessimistic t1_ityohjc wrote
Fellow IBS sufferer I salute you in solidarity whilst sat on the toilet.
antsmasher t1_itypbu5 wrote
Put that shit on your resume. I dare you.
Guerillagreasemonkey t1_itz3q8o wrote
Back when I smoked when we got back into the office after a big day the joke was "Lets go for a profitable" because we were on about $1 a minute once we were in double time, so going for a smoke was a net gain.
crazytoothpaste t1_itze4qo wrote
Aren’t we all ?
mycatiskai t1_itzeatw wrote
A bidet really makes the home poops better than work poops, the sand paper here makes bad poop days really suck.
BoomerRooster t1_iu1psc4 wrote
You must be full of shit🤣
Jump_and_Drop t1_iu1u7py wrote
You take 2 hour shits? Mine usually go for a couple minutes.
middljb OP t1_iu20t9x wrote
Absolutely! My ex wife will confirm!
redditusetobegood t1_iu2o5rj wrote
It takes me 2 minutes just to take my clothes off.
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