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wolfie379 t1_ix539g3 wrote

FIFA is not only corrupt, they’re stupid. They should have, in the background, conducted negotiations with “soccer heavy” countries that already have facilities to see if they could handle a “pop-up”. Qatar announces a couple days before the start that a major sponsor won’t be allowed to sell their product? FIFA counters by announcing that the 2022 World Cup will be held in Country X in the summer of 2023, rather than in Qatar.

Having a “contingent host” that can handle things on short notice is just good sense - what would they have done if a meteor had destroyed the stadium?

As for the last-minute ban on the sale of Kosher food and Jewish prayers in public, FIFA should have countered with a package deal: on the event site, either religiously-certified food for all faiths is permitted to be sold, and public prayers of all faiths are permitted, or no religiously certified food for any faith will be sold, and no public prayers for any faith will be permitted.