Gotta love the practicality. (Hilarious, genius solution by busy grocery worker on Thanksgiving a.m.)
Submitted by SoColdSoFair t3_z5qenz in funny
And yet I guarantee people still stopped him in all seriousness to ask where those items were. People are zombies in stores. Once had to do some work away from the register at my store so I put up a bell and a sign that said "Please ring bell for service." and I went off to do my stuff. A suspicious amount of time passed in complete silence so I decided to go check the register myself and what do you know, a line of people just waiting there with the lady at the front just staring off into space.
>And yet I guarantee people still stopped him in all seriousness to ask where those items were.
You'd be right. I worked retail for a few years, stocking.
Customers just absolutely turn off any higher brain function when they enter the store.
I'd have people walk up and ask me where the canned fruit is, as they stand under the aisle marker that says 'canned fruit', while also standing beside rows and rows of canned fruit, as I stock canned fruit.
It didn't click, they waited until I told em. And then sadly I did not get a nickle as I added another mental tally notch of 'if it was a snake it would have bitten me hahaha!'
Working at a gasstation, we had a small electrical fire, a LOT of smoke. So I’m waiting outside till the firemen arrive. Had several customers walk into the closed shop-door. Then looking around completely shocked. ic (idiot customer)“Why is the door closed and are you standing outside?” Me: “Well, see all the smoke? Shop’s on fire” ic: “could you then go inside and get me my cigarettes? I need to buy some” 🤦♀️
You want the opposite?
If my father was going to send me to the grocery store for 9 items, he would first call the store and make them give him the aisle location of all 9 items.
Oh yeah customers forget how to read the minute they step into the store. I would have something wrong with my pen pad and put a note by it so I wouldn’t have to repeat myself, but nobody read it. I put the note in large, red, capitalized, highlighted letters and still nobody read it. Even pricing signs aren’t immune to this phenomenon. I’m not saying customers are stupid though, I have worked that register all day and then come up to check out at it after my shift and done THE SAME THING. The human brain is weird. I think it might be because we are bombarded with so many signals in stores, we can’t possibly pay attention to all of them and so our brains just automatically filter some out for us. Problem is, sometimes they filter out the important ones!
or ppl being nice cuz they might assume you were on a restroom break?
I'm sure a lot of people approached from the side and couldn't see the sign. And I'm sure he then turned his back and pointed to it without saying a word.
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