AlexHanson007 t1_iy2ttwi wrote
Before everyone gets too excited and stands to attention for this opportunity, just notice that it's for a farm...
PureHostility t1_iy2xdvn wrote
No kink shaming.
AlexHanson007 t1_iy30tlq wrote
Love the one you're with. Just wanted to make sure someone who isn't into that finds themselves in a predicament!
PureHostility t1_iy34hoh wrote
Never stated I'm personally into that.
Solowcarpenter t1_iy3aq4a wrote
A boner farm?
AlexHanson007 t1_iy3awg3 wrote
Yes, I checked. It is a boner fide farm.
Solowcarpenter t1_iy3cj3t wrote
Ah yes I see now, looks like they’re growing fast.
BrainSqueezins t1_iy6uwr8 wrote
Well, of course. Ewe didn’t have to tell us that.
AlexHanson007 t1_iy7c94w wrote
[deleted] t1_iy5nwe1 wrote
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