[deleted] t1_j22mu7x wrote
Lavasioux t1_j22n8ri wrote
Slow down now, no reason to start talkin crazy. We're talkin about treats here, no unnecessarily planned trips to The Bahamas!
[deleted] t1_j22n8xr wrote
[deleted] t1_j22nc5r wrote
BKacy t1_j22ndfe wrote
Please tell me you dropped that.
xjinxxz OP t1_j22nmn4 wrote
I was in the living room, and it sounded like something fell off a shelf in a closet, I couldn't figure it out till I looked in the bathroom.
It randomly exploded. I think the universe is telling me something.
Also, If i was standing on it when it happened....there would probably be more blood.
ProcessResponsible91 t1_j22nqqk wrote
I think you need to call ghostbusters then
ProcessResponsible91 t1_j22nske wrote
Cuz it sounds like you have a self conscious ghost I’m just sayin
FreeSpeech24 t1_j22o3kh wrote
You fat ass. Cartman
oneplusmadz t1_j22o3oh wrote
breaking a glass ceiling the other way.
10secondmessage t1_j22oroi wrote
Fat Albert haunting your bathroom. Lmao
ProcessResponsible91 t1_j22oupu wrote
“HEY HEY- Gah damn I gotta lose weight”
TerpBE t1_j22pdmf wrote
This can occur if when they heated the glass in the tempering process they didn't use enough potassium.
There is one way you can prevent this from happening:
Need banana for scale.
megapuffranger t1_j22pzrp wrote
Why? Look how strong you are!
Fellow_Indian_ t1_j22q1mr wrote
I think this is what's going to happen with me in sometime..
prof_devilsadvocate t1_j22q4ww wrote
btw what were the last numbers on your machine
dickcheeseaioli t1_j22qbqh wrote
No_Imagination_8918 t1_j22qovv wrote
Its funny because you are fat
Jin825 t1_j22qpgk wrote
Call an Uber. Can't risk making potholes on the way there.
deabag t1_j22qs6e wrote
OMG, potassium, need a bananna for the scale. I came back here when it clicked.
10secondmessage t1_j22qy2e wrote
Hey hey hey, I put the die in diabeties, or close enough lol
_Silver_Engineer_ t1_j22rbhf wrote
I just groaned...
_Silver_Engineer_ t1_j22rnam wrote
This just screams 2022...
May we all have better 2023s.
UnhingedRedneck t1_j22s0i8 wrote
Jesus fucking Christ. Get this man a medal 🏅
AZnpersuasion420 t1_j22sdfx wrote
You’re just cultivating mass
AtomicBombSquad t1_j22sn5n wrote
I had a glass patio table that did the exact same thing. It was fine until one day it randomly exploded. At first I thought someone vandalized it; but, who destroys your table and then closes the gate back when they leave?
merothecat t1_j22strw wrote
average redditor
Plastic-Ad-8469 t1_j22sxf1 wrote
Too much weight on its shoulders.
AdventurousAccount41 t1_j22tf24 wrote
Ptttt Naaaahhhhhhggghhh
Magicat_Vestigo t1_j22tll3 wrote
bakedapps t1_j22um5h wrote
Damn. What brand was this?
Tkinney44 t1_j22v6ng wrote
From the glass shatter I'm guessing it fell off something?
bingus4206969 t1_j22vkvr wrote
Maybe the difference in temperature cause if it was cold in you living space then it got hotter than normal that might explain why it went boom
S0RAKI t1_j22vvcy wrote
I hope you were wearing shoes when that happened
Individual_Gap3620 t1_j22w7dw wrote
Bgrubz83 t1_j22wbkm wrote
So uhh…whats your New Year’s resolution? I say it should be obvious…..
Time to buy a new scale!
9erInLKN t1_j22wbxf wrote
I had one just like that. It was against the wall and I barely bumped it with my foot and it exploded just like that
Legitimate_Row_4944 t1_j22wcjz wrote
There's now way someone actually broke this just by stepping on it
Apegate007 t1_j22wfp2 wrote
Was that one pizza or 4 your ordered sir
Flat_Priority_158 t1_j22wk74 wrote
hell no
wk2coachella t1_j22xk2d wrote
Maybe you shouldn't try to jump on it
redphoenix932 t1_j22xx79 wrote
It’s not the most apt, but I gave him what I had 😂
H2Onah t1_j22y3a7 wrote
Maybe you need to find a sturdier scale? 🤔
Mooshmeh13 t1_j22yvkc wrote
No worries Reddit Fren. Your window was opened.
o-FeartheOldBlood-o t1_j230a66 wrote
sixtus_clegane119 t1_j230n3t wrote
Dropped the pound cake on the scale once agin Gerald
Kitchen-Bid-8235 t1_j232099 wrote
For me, the question is "what was the last total weight that scale read before it was murdered?"
Kitchen-Bid-8235 t1_j2322m5 wrote
🤣 you're fucked haha
illdothisshit t1_j2322oe wrote
Never trusted those glass scales anyway
mpython1701 t1_j232997 wrote
One at a time please..,
Jason_Sasha_Acoiners t1_j232zag wrote
Sontronite t1_j233hzy wrote
breaking that is just insulting XD
mazinaru t1_j234iz7 wrote
Fucks sake you actually had me. I was processing how they'd use potassium chemically then read the last line. What a setup.
gentlemansracer t1_j236a7c wrote
Posted 3 times already, all with different titles. Nice job OP!
[deleted] t1_j236kpp wrote
Bemxuu t1_j236paj wrote
Any chance it's due to thermal stress?
AMxMA t1_j237cee wrote
Got the new idea for yo mama joke.
No-Expert7025 t1_j238nt4 wrote
[deleted] t1_j238ry7 wrote
ExxInferis t1_j239dvc wrote
I was once sat in a doctor's waiting area that had an array of tempered glass walls. There were about a dozen other people in the waiting room with me.
All of a sudden something like a gunshot went off and one of the glass panels exploded. Everyone shit themselves. No-one was anywhere near this panel. No gun toting loonies in sight. It just sort of decided to explode.
Nickel sulphide phase changing most likely.
monkey-food t1_j239i3g wrote
"One at a time please!"
ard15951 t1_j239m7a wrote
Also buy a scale not made of glass
Blvckdog t1_j239yoj wrote
Dont lie, your mom used it.
Corporal_Cavernosa t1_j23a5vv wrote
bparker1013 t1_j23a6ec wrote
Someone else just posted this saying their scale randomly exploded... I'm too lazy to research...
East-Pollution7243 t1_j23a8pq wrote
A little krazy glue may fix it tho
xjinxxz OP t1_j23azcc wrote
Probably me. I posted in a few subreddits because I thought it was funny with the holidays and such, and it really was random. I thought mildly interested would be the least popular turns out it wasn't.
Also I posted a few minutes after it happened.
ELLENRAPELEY2 t1_j23bgsu wrote
Your weight must have gone past your zip code. Yeah I think it’s time to lay off the peppermint bark.
jeff_the_weatherman t1_j23bh2i wrote
Ok_Comfortable1322 t1_j23ca4e wrote
" to be continued" was its last words
YENO-NEE- t1_j23cp5t wrote
This literally can happen if you stand directly in the middle of it and put all your weight on it so it's pretty easy for this to happen
[deleted] t1_j23cpwr wrote
[deleted] t1_j23csmw wrote
[deleted] t1_j23czh0 wrote
Fit-Representative-6 t1_j23df5w wrote
Maybe the universe was telling you to eat more snacks and ignore your weight by getting rid of that scale.
buddyyoda t1_j23di3x wrote
for a sec i thought i was at r/pcmasterracs
ReadilyConfused t1_j23edh3 wrote
Not gonna lie, had me in the first half.
icantsleep2 t1_j23faw7 wrote
Was the scale maybe partially exposed to the sun? It looks like the fracture started in the top middle
skullrender t1_j23g2nk wrote
Fuck you take my upvote
[deleted] t1_j23h0c0 wrote
FluffySquirrell t1_j23i948 wrote
> who destroys your table and then closes the gate back when they leave
vandal farmers
hellhound_2001 t1_j23lh5i wrote
Or you need to not let the glass scale touch the porcelain throne lol
_ballora_0 t1_j23m0z3 wrote
I dont know which one is the original but i saw this exact picture on r/mildlyinteresting
doomgiver98 t1_j23mf1z wrote
doomgiver98 t1_j23mlvc wrote
Tempered glass just shatters sometimes. The good thing is that it's easy to clean up compared to regular glass and it's less sharp.
kevinality t1_j23mx5d wrote
I concurred
SSundance t1_j23n3ln wrote
OMG so funny!! Hahahahahah!!! s/
BurritoZee t1_j23n5pu wrote
The scales cannot contain your power
DjRavix t1_j23n6cp wrote
I think this could also happen when a person exceeds the maximum weight by a lot stands on it
Adventurous_Shake161 t1_j23n7dm wrote
No just need to buy one that’s metal.
Sintacks t1_j23pkc1 wrote
This is why I won't get on mine without shoes on.
Dutchmango t1_j23pmgn wrote
This picture confirms why I always thought these type of scales were a bad idea.
Sintobus t1_j23pxcl wrote
Yeah, you know maybe a qui k snack will help you think things through. You aren't yourself when you're hungry.
aff_it t1_j23qugw wrote
cutearmy t1_j23rhl4 wrote
That happened to me. The scale fell on it’s side and shattered everywhere
happyclaim808 t1_j23sdgp wrote
You could be correct.
doc_nano t1_j23v6ip wrote
*A metal. Alkali, to be specific.
[deleted] t1_j23vh83 wrote
toxcrusadr t1_j23xmr2 wrote
Neighbors’ table did it one sunny day when we were out gardening. Upper deck. Glass rained down through the gaps in the decking. No one was anywhere close to it!
toxcrusadr t1_j23xs6j wrote
I thought it was a chair. But who has a glass chair?!
WhyDoTheyCallYouRed t1_j23z7fg wrote
Congratulations on shattering your weight goal.
endsr189 t1_j24026b wrote
self confidence shattered
FunkDaddy t1_j2403ie wrote
Instant John McClain cosplay.
Yakassa t1_j240sea wrote
See where relying on cheap inferior Potassium has led you? Do you see now? You know who is laughing now? Yes Nation of Kazakhstan laughing at you people with inferior small teeny tiny Potassium for little baby.
totallynotarobut t1_j24187h wrote
This is what happens when a glass scale stops trying to hold itself in to impress a lady scale.
[deleted] t1_j241ouy wrote
[deleted] t1_j243iic wrote
MangooKushh t1_j244wl4 wrote
One day at a time OP
witchyanne t1_j245qdu wrote
I feel like I just saw this with a different caption…?
Mr_Smith_411 t1_j249grf wrote
"one at a time"
LookUpLookWayyyUp t1_j249rq5 wrote
slow claps
biggy109 t1_j249zj8 wrote
I just found my ticket to fame
My-Notes t1_j24aa3x wrote
Herr_31 t1_j24agqa wrote
Care to explain please?
Thatotherguy246 t1_j24ahnh wrote
I feel like this is why we should probably stop making weight scales out of glass.
glandmilker t1_j24azrw wrote
When it broke and you fell the one inch , did you break and floor boards
master-virus t1_j24bbco wrote
The other half used it before you which caused hairline cracks so it was bound to happen.
master-virus t1_j24bh1o wrote
I agree.
The other half used it and caused hairline cracks it was bound to happen.
bparker1013 t1_j24byjk wrote
Lol. Nice
Reddit_Username_022 t1_j24e8n5 wrote
Internal stresses in the glass.
tec6679 t1_j24g6kh wrote
It should be the punchline to a "YO MAMMA" JOKE she so fat, she broke the scales
MariiiiKk t1_j24h268 wrote
Did it really break from the weight?
Confident_Writer_824 t1_j24iy6n wrote
What was the weight of the breaking point ?
bridgebones t1_j24oesh wrote
On Reddit people often post pictures of something and include a "banana for scale" so you can judge the size of whatever it is. Bananas are known to be high in potassium.
derustzelve1 t1_j24rx9x wrote
Tis that time of the season
TemporaryAmbassador1 t1_j24spjg wrote
Thanks for sharing, and the caption, I laughed out loud for real!
[deleted] t1_j24tinr wrote
madtufguy t1_j24xxoj wrote
I also agreed
Different-Truth7668 t1_j251af9 wrote
"At that moment i knew that that 3rd ham was too much."
Momentstealer t1_j251byf wrote
Masterful comment. Well done.
abouttogetadivorce t1_j253dqe wrote
Sounds like a good plan, yes.
[deleted] t1_j253uv1 wrote
HayatoNodes_YT t1_j255vok wrote
Nikocado Avocado's scale
Kind-Strike t1_j25bjao wrote
.... What
[deleted] t1_j25jj1j wrote
[deleted] t1_j25khio wrote
Modder404 t1_j25l0uk wrote
OrphanAnthem t1_j25l2au wrote
Or buy a scale that isn't made of glass
[deleted] t1_j25oah0 wrote
Draven_Mustang t1_j25oi3b wrote
Rip that Ubers suspension
themanwithonesandle t1_j25r709 wrote
No just a sturdier scale…. WHAT WILL YOU DO WITHOUT FREEDOM!!!???
calmodulin2 t1_j25xt7m wrote
I’ve had that same scale for maybe.. 8 years now. Hope it doesn’t spontaneously combust too
DragonicWolf_Aspect t1_j25y3jt wrote
The scale when your mom stands on it according to first person shooter players
[deleted] t1_j25z0my wrote
Starkydowns t1_j261vj8 wrote
We kicked its ass!
Yakassa t1_j2644ac wrote
Kazakhstan, greatest country in the world
All other countries are run by little girls
Kazakhstan, number one exporter of potassium
All other central asia country have inferior potassium
[deleted] t1_j268idw wrote
Agitated-Minimum-967 t1_j269ep5 wrote
Just clean up the mess and pretend it didn't happen.
[deleted] t1_j26a2rt wrote
Kind-Strike t1_j26b6ex wrote
Oooo I never watched those movies. That's funny as shit haha
Trashpandaluver64 t1_j26bn1e wrote
Hungry? Have a snickers
Lurien_Dragoria t1_j26g31h wrote
Do we have here crime or suicide?
Scorpio83G t1_j26irl5 wrote
It can wait ‘til next year
vanmio t1_j26on69 wrote
On the contrary, those gains are massive dinosaur like super saiyan god mode.
OGFuzzyDunlop t1_j26pv3m wrote
fat bastard
UnicornCupcake0313 t1_j26r6th wrote
hahaha! same!
abuomak t1_j26uzzf wrote
Shot_Pop7624 t1_j26xstw wrote
Right up there with glass cutting boards.
Koolkid777 t1_j26y68p wrote
You know, its time to go to the gym when the scale says error. But this is just weak glass
Iminprisonaswespeak t1_j26zooo wrote
Whoa, your scale said, FUCK OFF
[deleted] t1_j26zosx wrote
[deleted] t1_j272bpn wrote
journaledandink t1_j27c4ch wrote
stevetortellini t1_j27ckxm wrote
Excellent “before” pic
EZe_Holey3-9 t1_j27e7xf wrote
DJ Khaled
redditcreditcardz t1_j27fsmi wrote
“Did I win??”
NonfungibleFungus t1_j27gvfg wrote
Bury it in the back yard with the others and speak of this to no one.
AutoModerator t1_j22momz wrote
>This is a friendly reminder to read our rules. > >Memes, social media, hate-speech, and pornography are not allowed. > >Screenshots of Reddit are expressly forbidden, as are TikTok videos. > >Comics may only be posted on Wednesdays and Sundays. > >Rule-breaking posts may result in bans. > >Please also be wary of spam. >
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