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andre3kthegiant t1_j5s0hij wrote

Seems like they need an new IT pro.
Why not call the company, get a replacement hard drive w/ patched software, and rebuild?


skiingdiver t1_j5t4vdv wrote

iirc the original company who installed it is gone, the company they bought the lights from is also gone, and the replacement parts are on back order or something from china. you’d think there’s a breaker or something to turn off the lights, or maybe the power company could shut it off?


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5tg5u2 wrote

The school tried to save money when building the school in 2012 and that apparently didn't include a manual override or shut-off feature. If they shut off all power, kids couldn't go to school so that's not an option.


SidewaysFancyPrance t1_j5u35jv wrote

At some point this gets super unsafe, if they can't perform maintenance or replace parts/bulbs (or if they do it anyway on live lines). After a year, some higher authority needs to step in and resolve this ASAP, replacing the system if they have to.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5zppit wrote

This has been going on for almost 2 years and somehow they kept it hidden from town residents until it was on SNL. Thousands of dollars a month wasted on electricity for 2 years.


skiingdiver t1_j5uf97t wrote

thanks for the clarification. knew it was some wacky cost-cutting measures


andre3kthegiant t1_j5t7jsv wrote

Or unplug the server.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5tg7ym wrote

They claim they tried that and found if they did that it would disable all lights and there's no backup way to turn them on.


wobwobwob42 t1_j5tr8uz wrote

The emergency default setting for the lights if you turn everything off, ironically is to keep the lights on.


The_Sloth_Racer OP t1_j5tgx1y wrote

The school and system were built in 2012. The original company that the school was built by was some cheap company that built identical schools all over and my town "won" a new school after submitting an application so the town would only have to pay something like half of what schools normally cost. The company closed a while ago. This is a town where the average income is over $100K. They didn't even put air conditioners in this new school despite it being a 3-story school that at one point had almost 4,000 students between grades 9-12. There has just been one problem after another with this school from trying to save money.