Submitted by phillydog1 t3_10ppmzp in funny
Hankarron44 t1_j6lq5tv wrote
Spill in aisle 2
wattlewedo t1_j6lqe3b wrote
Love rug, soon to be Krusty Karpet.
[deleted] t1_j6lqpxp wrote
i_tell_you_what t1_j6lqygn wrote
This is how you create furries.
broberds t1_j6lqzus wrote
The Love Rug is a little old place where we can stick together.
vw-thing t1_j6lrs28 wrote
The rug burn would be epic!
[deleted] t1_j6ls2t3 wrote
BrainSqueezins t1_j6ls4ua wrote
But does the carpet match the drapes?
TheMikarin t1_j6ls6vx wrote
Is that Will Ferrell
phillydog1 OP t1_j6lsgsk wrote
Love rug baby - A love rug baby
BigBrainBen_ t1_j6lsobl wrote
i cant unsee this
herbie53bug t1_j6lszbm wrote
After the Hoff takes you for a ride in KITT
herbie53bug t1_j6lt1cw wrote
The Hoff
delsoldemon t1_j6lt3e3 wrote
Ted Danson getting that model work before Cheers
Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_j6ltfjk wrote
Boomers boomed in these blankets.
Their kids were raised with the leftover crusty blankets.
Distinct_Distance137 t1_j6ltr7z wrote
Where do I buy this? This would be nice for our weekly furry meeting.
HoneyBolt91 t1_j6lu0as wrote
"The Love Rug. It's for fucking."
AxonDendrum t1_j6lucu4 wrote
Machine washable
AlgosDependent t1_j6lukzm wrote
Cmon Kitt, let’s try out that new upgrade
bohusblahut t1_j6luply wrote
Suggest cross post to r/powerwashingporn
formenonly t1_j6lupxc wrote
$150 in like 1976 would be close to $800 today. Nuts.
TheMixerTheMaster t1_j6luw2b wrote
Aftermath of which? Laying on the rug, or sleeping with Hasselhoff over here?
e430doug t1_j6lv23r wrote
Thank you for that. You put words to my thoughts.
ealsNsquids t1_j6lv3ur wrote
I am the aftermath
shiroboi t1_j6lveo1 wrote
The crust is just a reminder of what an incredible time you had on the Love Rug!
Mdmac1015 t1_j6lvyzc wrote
That is porn star- Randy West.
Mysterious_Joke_7408 t1_j6lw167 wrote
Wait what? Did you mean to word it that way as a joke? Please say you did bc I have not heard that one and it’s supposed to be the opposite way around. I may be taking it too literal so I gotta make sure lol😅
Mysterious_Joke_7408 t1_j6lw1r7 wrote
Happy bday tho🙌🏼
Factal_Fractal t1_j6lwc0n wrote
Gotta dry that fucker out first, gonna be moist.
herbie53bug t1_j6lwkgx wrote
Shaggin wagon
Low-Scallion4768 t1_j6lwu9z wrote
I can smell it now.
OkSympathy9500 t1_j6lwzqv wrote
I want a love rug!
HeHe_AKWARD_HeHe t1_j6lxeop wrote
Randy West.
ErinBLAMovich t1_j6lxfbt wrote
A generation of furries -- that's the real aftermath.
Dmenace89 t1_j6ly1hn wrote
My knees burn just reading this...
[deleted] t1_j6lyhlp wrote
charliespannaway t1_j6lyqn7 wrote
No more scabby knees should be the tagline
DickSmack69 t1_j6lyyw4 wrote
And judging by the look in his eyes, worth every penny.
Unit_79 t1_j6lzjyq wrote
Love rug babies are middle aged now.
Corruptotron t1_j6lzmw3 wrote
Like special sauce into the rug.
It tied the room together!
Little-Variation8268 t1_j6lzul2 wrote
I think I'd get carpet burn
Smackatoo t1_j6m0mu5 wrote
Behold my magical sex carpet! Marvel at the deep shag! Join me over on the faux fur fuck rug.
yoboirokz t1_j6m0rff wrote
As you stroke, it strokes.
GratefulPig t1_j6m1ca1 wrote
It’s gonna be covered with towels so I don’t see the point, beside going solo maybe.
[deleted] t1_j6m1of6 wrote
PinealFever t1_j6m22g1 wrote
Soon to be the Crab Carpet.
jordan_ogrady t1_j6m35il wrote
Sam Malone when he used to tend bar at Plato’s Retreat
bigschmoog t1_j6m45bl wrote
Love Rug strongly suggests washing after each use, or you’ll get ants.
ChristOnABike122 t1_j6m47zt wrote
When it's done being a carpet you can use it as a wall.
Ifiwasagamblingman t1_j6m4hgw wrote
Drummer from RHCP
navicitizen t1_j6m62ny wrote
The Ron Burgundy Rug ladies and gentlemen!
[deleted] t1_j6m6v34 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6m6z18 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6m7224 wrote
No_Where2840 t1_j6m7r8h wrote
Rug burn? Rug burn.
Pristine_Manner_1743 t1_j6m895m wrote
Are they referring to his afro?
Several_Rip4185 t1_j6m8twe wrote
Do you want ants, Lana? Because this is how we end up with ants!
Several_Rip4185 t1_j6m8woz wrote
“Choose Mink, Lynx or Jaguar.”
What, no Sex Panther?
belgianbeernfries t1_j6mcsvh wrote
"Sometimes you want to go Where the carpets knows your game And they're always glad you came ..."
[deleted] t1_j6mdhqf wrote
NotoriousREV t1_j6me7ss wrote
For sale: 1 well used Love Rug, buyer removes. Needs long bed pickup as it won’t roll up or fold.
Swyping-EditOptional t1_j6mfdd6 wrote
70s Playboy?
Find the chest wig one.
[deleted] t1_j6mgkj5 wrote
Realistic-Traffic186 t1_j6mhdkh wrote
State-Cultural t1_j6mih0n wrote
HUP t1_j6miv8p wrote
Is that Frank Stallone?
JaysHoliday42420 t1_j6mjffb wrote
Rug burns have already toughened up my knees. What challenge could this possibly hope to have?
kamai19 t1_j6ml3vg wrote
As you stroke, it strokes.
DirtyandDaft t1_j6mm66e wrote
Color: Tin Roof... Rusted!
DirtyandDaft t1_j6mm80h wrote
..... and butts.
speedy45 t1_j6mmcta wrote
Not to mention that back in those days unless you were rich you had to go to the grocery store to RENT a steam cleaner!
Sofakingwhat1776 t1_j6mmddg wrote
Imagine the captions if one of these showed on a rug cleaning youtube channel.
DirtyandDaft t1_j6mmdrk wrote
It can with the all new Love Drapes for 3 easy payments of 19.95 +s/h.
sillecoffeebeen t1_j6mmkh7 wrote
'Faux fur fuck rug' is the best phrase I've read on Reddit all day, and I've been stuck in here for four hours now.
ChampionshipExtra635 t1_j6mn6rc wrote
This love rug washing machine strokes your love rug as you finish making love
redmambo_no6 t1_j6mnsur wrote
You still can (at Walmart anyway).
alaskaguyindk t1_j6mnw18 wrote
Ehhh renting shit was the norm and not really that big an issue. Its just gotten harder and harder to find places that aren’t scams or dogshit equipment.
jomama823 t1_j6mobuf wrote
Ted Danson must have been hurting for work in the early years…
thasnazgul t1_j6moelu wrote
Everyone that walks in the room: "What smells like a boys locker room, and they're all eating Long John Silver's?"
nydwarf t1_j6morh6 wrote
This is the correct answer.
Charleston2Seattle t1_j6mp3gx wrote
Ted Danson
[deleted] t1_j6mpjc2 wrote
Designer_Restaurant1 t1_j6mtbzk wrote
Can we bring back love rugs
harveyroux t1_j6mthrx wrote
Can probably buy one on Facebook marketplace and they throw in a black light for free.
44035 t1_j6muxo4 wrote
He looks like someone who would end up on America's Most Wanted years later.
Glendel66 t1_j6mvcl5 wrote
The love rug will make her scream as the shower later comes into contact with her knees which have been rubbed completely raw.
meester13T t1_j6mwiio wrote
Nice. I was thinking spooge sponge.
shackleton01 t1_j6n0ih7 wrote
Machine washable. It's machine washable, right? MACHINE WASHABLE?!?
Ohshitz- t1_j6n1sgy wrote
Looks like ted danson
MuthaPlucka t1_j6n1w3q wrote
“All I did was yoga and now I’m pregnant”
Apprehensive_Worry10 t1_j6n3rpp wrote
You still can
seething_with_class t1_j6n9cr3 wrote
I mean, you throw it in the fireplace when you're done, right?
ByronIrony t1_j6naahb wrote
Will Ferrell approved !
Alternative-Arm-3253 t1_j6nl7g5 wrote
Comes complete with David Hasselhoff
greenbayva t1_j6ntcl5 wrote
Think of the smell! You bitch!
adogcalledstray t1_j6nxwzi wrote
Pornstar Jon Leslie?
Zarniwoooop t1_j6o47t0 wrote
Rug burns are terrible
adogcalledstray t1_j6o7syq wrote
Oh yea. I see it now.
I thought it was Jon Leslie, but wasn't sure.
Woody1150 t1_j6o81cw wrote
Pimps don't skimp.
Ok-Resist-556 t1_j6obkvo wrote
I'd imagine that it's value on the used market might be low.
[deleted] t1_j6ocw5s wrote
[deleted] t1_j6od6yp wrote
[deleted] t1_j6ok375 wrote
AndyGHK t1_j6omzz7 wrote
AndyGHK t1_j6on3zg wrote
Got me a rug and it’s big as a lynx and it’s wet and fuckin’ stiiiiinks
[deleted] t1_j6onq2p wrote
VisibleAd3180 t1_j6oudtv wrote
GarethGantuan t1_j6ov6o7 wrote
Is that Ted Danson?
Molotov56 t1_j6p1z9f wrote
Is that Ted Danson?
wattlewedo t1_j6p2mx9 wrote
emily_prince_inked t1_j6p2ue8 wrote
Is that Hugh Hefner?
emily_prince_inked t1_j6p2zus wrote
I mean David hasselhoff? 😂😂
Melodic-Percentage60 t1_j6p3dxx wrote
I can't really, I'm more of a visual learner
Squeaky-Fox49 t1_j6p9xuw wrote
I’ll take the jaguar girlfriend, please.
JackieDaytona__ t1_j6p9za7 wrote
Machine washable I hope?
TheyCallMeQBert t1_j6pf1pd wrote
This website needs a minimum age requirement
[deleted] t1_j6pf75i wrote
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