Submitted by rawgabbitschnitzel t3_1230gbv
Submitted by TheSpiderEpisode t3_1230dqi
Submitted by SixBirdsOnAWire t3_122vrp5
Submitted by ADHDinos_ t3_122il68
Submitted by AlloyComics t3_122q0fd
Submitted by drewgarr t3_1225lum
Submitted by Lobraumeister t3_122nh4z
Submitted by Washpedantic t3_122bgkd
Submitted by Lorddennings t3_12020k9
Submitted by havik09 t3_121z8tq
Submitted by interrobange t3_122m8o0
Submitted by StoopidHippie t3_120hk2h
Submitted by francistheoctopus t3_120x20t
Submitted by raktoe t3_121ttsc
My wife and I were heading out of the neighborhood and saw this doordash driver in front of this house. Even coming up on him from 100 yards away, we noticed he looked headless. He never lifted his head while we were able to see him!
Submitted by According_Mirror4341 t3_1223nkg
Submitted by viskoviskovisko t3_120i4xe
Submitted by Umzzie t3_121tufi
Submitted by kinglucent t3_1227wb1
Submitted by oldschoolpong t3_12227l3
Submitted by kinglucent t3_120xv0q
Submitted by Shaw-Deez t3_1221uld
Submitted by ICONx2019 t3_1220unj
Submitted by lowlife9 t3_121qr4y
Submitted by three_stories_tall t3_121prr7
Submitted by ahsaywhatahwant t3_120yq7n