Submitted by ZinnNobody t3_124ad77
Submitted by poizunman206 t3_12387m1
Submitted by Takeyouonajourney9 t3_123vqos
My 9yo's homework from speech therapy (he has autism). My oldest (14yo) says the answer to the first one is "do you need to go to the hospital?"
Submitted by sarcazm t3_1244hyb
Submitted by zenacomics t3_122iu61
My mom altered this card to give me, it took me longer than it should have to notice it wasn’t made this way.
Submitted by rp_tenor t3_124pjlp
Submitted by Thomasina_ZEBR t3_123gp1x
Submitted by flyingorange t3_124o55z
My dad buys my dog a new ball every time she pops the squeak. I have just recovered those neglected from around the garden.
Submitted by JSALMemes t3_123r6me
Submitted by Devonai t3_124koa2
Submitted by lg4av t3_1244occ
Submitted by NeoKnife t3_123ntyk
Submitted by Firesondiego t3_11zs3cp
Submitted by zhaneq14 t3_123j2lu
Submitted by MrDeviantish t3_12368sl
My college class just started our poetry unit and we had to make a poem together. This is what we came up with
Submitted by PapaMamaGoldilocks t3_123uvby
Submitted by jerk4444 t3_124asp6
Submitted by [deleted] t3_123lbtv
Submitted by IsReadingIt t3_1243qjo
Submitted by ffachopper t3_123wk5w
Submitted by NationYell t3_1228tsr
Submitted by A_Specific_Hippo t3_122o6y4
Submitted by redgreen93 t3_123qx48
Submitted by luvs_animals t3_122ts90
Submitted by hyperbeam63 t3_123cjkf