Submitted by WynonaRide-Her t3_11rmdkk
Submitted by dogknot43 t3_11rfvwi
Submitted by navybluevicar t3_11qnwiz
Submitted by WelshTractor t3_11r2olr
Submitted by dizzyday t3_11r1l7p
Submitted by Jaded-Revolution-272 t3_11qzv69
Submitted by JCFalkenberglll t3_11qtvkh
My hometown just unveiled a 9/11 memorial at the fireman's museum. Think they could have used another set of eyes on this one...
Submitted by Grizzer t3_11qhab2
Submitted by Lonely-Flower-2308 t3_11qe94k
Submitted by meanmarine10452 t3_11qbphe
Submitted by PM_ME_YOUR_THESES t3_11pz6r3
Submitted by MaybeThisTimeIllWin t3_11puela
Submitted by sparekh1 t3_11oxsso
Submitted by Casual_Deviant t3_11povbt
Submitted by But_a_Jape t3_11pik7r
Submitted by samspastic t3_11pgqzy
Submitted by BrianWonderful t3_11pg2p3
Submitted by Kachelpiepn t3_11paggr
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11oxwls
Submitted by Musicferret t3_11opddx
Artist rendering of how much space my wife leaves me in bed. Approx 5000 square inches of a possible 6080. Shes the Ghengis Khan of the king mattress
Submitted by Therealfern1 t3_11oosnr
Submitted by raymincer t3_11oo22w
Submitted by Bigbore_729 t3_11oba9e
Submitted by chonkymonkey t3_11o50qd
Submitted by aligador t3_11nyysq