Submitted by TheNihilist911 t3_y72c9o
Submitted by josiemarcellino t3_y7kevg
Submitted by jahpizzie t3_y81c41
Submitted by ph0enxwitch t3_y9304x
Submitted by android_cook t3_y93vo3
Submitted by Ill-Sheepherder-1743 t3_yad2qo
Submitted by speedy-tomato t3_yai5zz
I heard my neighbor wiping his feet on my doormat, we had an extra one so I put it in front of his door as a statement of assertive communication, I heard his door open, and then close and he's in his house asking everyone where it came from
Submitted by PrityBird t3_yatzzt
Submitted by Jackpot09 t3_ybhfyw
Submitted by BenFromMinnesota t3_ycasqf
Submitted by BurnzillabydaBay t3_ycy2rm
Submitted by mokameow t3_ycys9x
Submitted by matts41 t3_yex1u5
Submitted by ColdSemen t3_yg6fhj
Submitted by BricKatz t3_yhiloa
Submitted by sunnyismybunny t3_yhk0gw
Submitted by leftnotracks t3_yiok0a
Submitted by b96aef1e6a t3_z8d4rn
Submitted by dougeefresh t3_z8b8o0
Submitted by jeff_likes_bread_120 t3_z3pfkj
Submitted by python111 t3_z8t96g
Submitted by PoggyBiscuit t3_z1m289
Submitted by CalDogga1 t3_z7che9
Submitted by ChefJack1 t3_z29tgk
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z718er