Submitted by Daflehrer1 t3_z8tpp5
Submitted by Ineedmorebtc t3_z5jwze
Submitted by Cheffreyy t3_ytij3d
Submitted by krattalak t3_z8zpul
On a visit to Spain, this was on the wall of a bathroom and I seriously don’t think the Spanish owner got the relevance of it (In case you dont know, Eartha Kitt is rhyming slang for taking a shit)
Submitted by BigBlueMountainStar t3_z88n64
Submitted by EpicHenryGamer03 t3_z8gejq
Submitted by Aggressive-Branch788 t3_z68hvf
Submitted by hwei8 t3_z60qoc
Submitted by Skyfork t3_z3zu4e
Submitted by gaborzitoo t3_z8yqpk
Submitted by Lofi-weeb000 t3_z95gho
Submitted by jeff_likes_bread_120 t3_z3wbp3
My sisters version of ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ for her kids birthday. Not sure if that’s meant to be a web or something else…
Submitted by mikeh117 t3_z94mau
Submitted by Purple_Spektre t3_z61bl8
Submitted by SmartBrowsingSociety t3_z84sjy
Submitted by Christorm747 t3_z70qmt
Submitted by reddituser_1206 t3_z6x1u4
Submitted by Rook_45 t3_yiwfa4
Submitted by PortlandPerson94 t3_yjq817
Submitted by Ok_Shelter6614 t3_ylbld8
Submitted by ilovehorrorandstuff t3_ymdgt6
Submitted by Chewbock t3_ymttb5
Submitted by Rick_the_P_is_silent t3_yntedd
Submitted by _Honorspren_ t3_yod0jn