Submitted by AiramEsor t3_11dwy2d
Submitted by nanajp8 t3_z9116t
Submitted by w1n5t0nM1k3y t3_zye1nd
Submitted by InconsistentResident t3_126xtsm
Submitted by Possum_pal t3_z231js
Submitted by cheezeyballz t3_z771zm
Submitted by vlad67uv t3_zx6ro9
Submitted by metalhead_karan t3_z84tec
Submitted by Ajxyn t3_123uifz
Submitted by hellomrwindupbird t3_10n6y0a
Submitted by thumbles_comic t3_10kxj7s
Submitted by JarvSpark t3_119girc
I’m going to swallow this after prepping for my colonoscopy unless someone comes up with a better salutation
Submitted by tomparker t3_121m7c0
Submitted by JunkBoi76 t3_116hbja
A tree blew over on our house a few weeks ago. Before it gets fixed, we incorporated it into our Christmas decorations. [OC]
Submitted by rhinocerosjockey t3_z6fs2q
Submitted by Dovahking13 t3_yfl627
Submitted by beerisg00d t3_122y5a7
Submitted by matts41 t3_ycgbnc
Submitted by Degagefluidram t3_ygj4mw
Submitted by YmelleB t3_11xl55b
Submitted by Marlinspike90 t3_ydn0f7
Submitted by MrFoxwell_is_back t3_z7kpia
Submitted by it_is_with_a_k t3_125x363
Submitted by getyerhandoffit t3_10mf6xo
It’s really awesome when people realize that you’re dressed up like Daniel Radcliffe. Happy Halloween!
Submitted by jpotts0 t3_yinsrk