Submitted by Unique-Beyond1013 t3_11cy37w
Submitted by currentdream t3_z8qja2
Submitted by phillydog1 t3_10ppmzp
Submitted by PM_me_your_pee_video t3_10p5ysw
Submitted by AlfredJodokus t3_yhrz79
Submitted by Dedliest t3_10k5hwg
Submitted by min_maxed_max t3_10o6p0o
While you were all discussing if the toilet paper goes forwards or backwards, I just came home to this
Submitted by huehuehue1292 t3_10ootdt
Submitted by Sugarmt1 t3_ytt1i0
Submitted by WingedButt t3_11cr1ol
Submitted by proximalfunk t3_126yzut
My sister recently had a portion of her colon removed because of cancer, I gave her this shirt to celebrate a successful surgery.
Submitted by thelongit88 t3_zu0dm0
Submitted by absolute_panic t3_125pr9m
Submitted by KnightOfTerra t3_10mm3t0
Submitted by mistermaster415 t3_yi1jaf
Submitted by Nwo5 t3_127q9cm
Submitted by excelsior_frenemy t3_z0sixz
Submitted by marklein t3_10is0mv
Submitted by The1Ski t3_z8yucs
Submitted by Clunkytoaster51 t3_z5hjdt
Submitted by djeclipz t3_zyo56n
Submitted by journeyman369 t3_10iwcv2
Submitted by jay_thorn t3_11dtvo1
Submitted by AlloyComics t3_z8wpk1
Submitted by Pingunoot2008 t3_10oidbz