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anabolicartist t1_j72y3ku wrote

Are you kidding me? 8 hour shifts? Sheesh. No one wants to work these days.


Happyman255 t1_j732wo4 wrote

Fuck I work 13 hours 6 days a week. I also make 14k a month take home doing it tho so it's a trade off.


Peltonimo t1_j76d56x wrote

Wtf do you do for that much money? What's your base pay? I make $35 an hour and I've had weeks where I worked 84 hours (18 being holiday hours), but I get taxed so heavily I could never make close to that. $4,500 down to like $2,500.


lilsky07 t1_j76dcit wrote

Probably sales of some kind. I used to pull that much when the markets were better. Don’t miss the stress though. Took a job with less hours and half the pay and now I get to actually see my family and friends.