ThrowAway4564468 t1_j84l3uk wrote
Gamers propped the market up. GPU manufacturers betrayed gamers by inflating prices when crypto mining became popular. Console manufacturers are putting out high quality hardware, even selling at a loss, and are getting PC gamers to convert. Less PC gamers, less CPUs being sold. That’s my guess.
HYPERBOLE_TRAIN t1_j84r9kq wrote
I’m a multi platform gamer. For the past several years I have been enjoying more and more games that don’t require high-end hardware. AAA publishers have been fucking over gamers for years and are churning out garbage. Meanwhile there are small devs out there making games because they enjoy games. I can play those games on hardware that is 10 years old.
Acualux t1_j84ryue wrote
This is the way
Doggleganger t1_j8k16km wrote
I've put over 100 hours into a random indie game called Into the Breach that could probably run on a SNES.
KingArthas94 t1_j84ulvs wrote
Which AAA game hurt you?
sampat6256 t1_j84y2eo wrote
[deleted] t1_j85gh91 wrote
KingArthas94 t1_j85u5im wrote
It just means you rely on other people's opinions instead of forming your own, you should try AAAs made since 2015, much better than whatever we had from 2010 to 2015, starting from The Witcher 3.
Dave4lexKing t1_j85yet0 wrote
> It just means you rely on other people's opinions instead of forming your own
proceeds to give an opinion
KingArthas94 t1_j864jww wrote
I did say “play the games and make your own”, there’s a difference.
Accomplished-Ad3250 t1_j84q36d wrote
If I remember correctly every console ever produced has sold at a loss until years later. Many never turn a profit on the console itself, just the games.
futureygoodness t1_j84v7e4 wrote
Nintendo uses less advanced hardware and sells its consoles with a positive margin.
[deleted] t1_j85gnte wrote
futureygoodness t1_j85nrhy wrote
That’s like saying Disney would be dead if not for their massive IP + coming up with new animated princess musicals. Yeah, that’s why the company is really good at sustaining its core franchises and coming up with new mechanics every generation, because it’s profitable and no one else does it as well.
KsnNwk t1_j84zv0r wrote
Except PS4 and nintendo.
At this point in time probably already PS5 and XsX also making in profit.
But PS4 and nintendo usually profit or break even from the start. This was the only reason why I did not get a PS4. Skipped PS first time ever, but also was frustrated with lack of SSD on PS4. It was actually a good turn around for me, that's how I got into PC gaming and MMOs.
Now I enjoyed the PS4 libary on PS5 and PC. Gave away PS5 to my cousin, cause PS5 games are coming out on PC now too. I rather spend more money on upgrading PC rather than spend money twice on hardware.
Albeit I may come back to PS5 gaming if PSVR2 will become big and have nice libary of games.
Arentanji t1_j87gyvy wrote
You do not remember correctly. That model was never the truth. Most consoles at least break even.
Rain1dog t1_j883y6n wrote
PS4 was not sold at a loss, and the ps5 disk version became profitable a few months after being sold.
sketchysuperman t1_j868f0u wrote
I’ve got a 12600k/RTX 3070, (had GPU for 2 years now) and except for games I prefer with KB/M, I have to admit I’m on my Series X and I prefer it.
On top of what you mentioned, I think this is also a function of where the current gen consoles are in their life cycle. Give it another GPU generation or another 1-2 years in the consoles lifespan, I’ll start moving towards the PC again.
n0oo7 t1_j8dbkhg wrote
Exactly this. Even the PS5 are becoming easy to buy. PC gamers are going back to console.
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