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OneWingedA t1_j897c78 wrote

England has a stronger claim to the land that was bought/won from and originally claimed by other European powers? They are further removed than their counter parts even with the argument America is a former British colony


MrPineApples420 t1_j898022 wrote

Well when you sell the land, I’d argue you sell any claim to it as well ?


OneWingedA t1_j898ewn wrote

Did England not give up their claim in recognizing America as an independent county then


MrPineApples420 t1_j898lzm wrote

Well it’s not like they gave up Canada ? They still had territory in the region. Arguably they have the strongest claim.


OneWingedA t1_j899ick wrote

But Canada is also an independent country. They defer to the crown but unlike the United Kingdoms they aren't ruled by British law


MrPineApples420 t1_j899st2 wrote

We only became a dominion 100 years after you lot started dumping tea…