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MrPisster t1_j8dklph wrote

By the time I started making enough income to consider using a chunk of it to update my old ass computer I realize that I’ve been priced out of the game completely.

I’m too reasonable to spend this much on a modern PC. I will just use an old laptop and game on consoles if this is how it’s going to be from now on.


Mace_Windu- t1_j8doyrp wrote

If you don't want to game at 4k, you'll be able to put together a pretty moderately priced rig that can max out games at 1440p.

Stick to 1080p, and you'll be able to cruise at max settings (non-rtx) in most games for relatively cheap.

The prices hit these staggering amounts because of the ever more diminishing returns for gaming at 4k and ray tracing.


MegatonDoge t1_j8o74a4 wrote

If they're sticking to 1080p-1440p, why not just go for a console instead?


Mace_Windu- t1_j8obxzd wrote

Because a pc is 1000x more versatile, configurable, upgradable, and future-proofable than any single console that has ever existed.

Also because the dude said he wanted one


MegatonDoge t1_j8q0jay wrote

What's the benefit of being configurable and upgradeable. Doesn't that mean that you end up spend more money in the long run? That argument used to make sense where parts were cheaper and you could always change one in the future.

I still think that consoles tend to be more future proof than a pc. Especially if you build one for a similar price to a pc.

All of your arguments only make sense with cheaper parts.


Mace_Windu- t1_j8t1l9v wrote

I never said that it was cheaper.

Just better.


MegatonDoge t1_j8t4dmq wrote

It's better in what sense? Get a Xbox series S/X with gamepass and you'll be set for the next 7-8 years. Or Ps5 and ps plus extra. You'll get a pc upgrade now to compete with the cost, then find out to upgrade your cpu, you'll also have to upgrade your motherboard, ram, power supply etc. I don't understand how it is better if money is a concern.


h0tpotamus t1_j8dm38g wrote

Consoles are definitely an option. I was always a build my own PC kind of gamer, but when GPUs got crazy but OEMs were still getting regular pricing it made it so a pre-built was more cost effective. That might still be the case. I've also seen gaming laptops (not the crazy high-end types) as a reasonable option. I'd say just evaluate all the alternatives.

Also in the last decade my Steam library has grown to the point where I'm pretty sure I wont finish it in what remains of my life (barring some serious advances in medicine), so I don' think I'll need to spend money on new games and new hardware to play those new games much anyway.