Submitted by StrongInteraction594 t3_119go37 in gadgets
Waltuh69420 t1_j9m06po wrote
So the iPhone 15 isn’t even out and we’re already looking at the 16?
jmskywalker1976 t1_j9m1urg wrote
We know nothing. Saved you a click.
Stashmouth t1_j9m2fmy wrote
Does this even count as an article? Lol
Tsusoup t1_j9m3nuq wrote
Picture of IPhone Ultra
Caption: “This is in no way what Apple's iPhone Ultra will look like as there haven't been design rumors as of yet”
brokenshells t1_j9m3zqn wrote
I have the inside scoop on the iPhone 20. Rumor is that it will have a display, the ability to make and receive phone calls, as well as having a camera on BOTH the front and back.
[deleted] t1_j9m7dni wrote
ThaiTeaWhyTeas t1_j9m7ves wrote
Every time
ProbablyBearGrylls t1_j9m9u7h wrote
That’s what really solidified the observation that they actually have nothing to report on about this phone other than they might add a new tier called the “IPhone 16 Ultra”. What a waste of an article.
piind t1_j9malma wrote
But you don’t understand, this time its real
BeKind_BeTheChange t1_j9mc6up wrote
My iPhone 14 is the last phone I'm buying until it breaks. There is not a single upgrade that I can think of that would benefit me. OK, x-ray camera. If the next phone has an x-ray camera I will upgrade.
eskimobruv t1_j9mciqp wrote
Truly groundbreaking! What next? Speakers to play music and watch YouTube with?
rypher t1_j9mhx81 wrote
Honestly, I hope not.
TwentyLegs t1_j9mjqk1 wrote
I have the same info on the Galaxy s30. It’ll be able to take pictures of Mars.
BringMeInfo t1_j9mko7y wrote
Clicked through because I thought maybe there were leaks I had missed. The whole page is basically "we know nothing."
Mindful_Dribble t1_j9mkyi4 wrote
I’ll wait for the iPhone Ultra Instinct
cornymentality57 t1_j9mlk8m wrote
I can't wait to see iphone 16
[deleted] t1_j9mn3k5 wrote
045675327 t1_j9mrwtp wrote
Well as long as it has a headphone jack..
synapsebondfire t1_j9mso78 wrote
Who gives a hot fuck honestly? Jesus Christ. Calm down with the never ending dev cycle already. It’s fucking annoying.
GNering t1_j9mv570 wrote
but it will have a unique color! For just $299 more Come on, we NEED it! An orange one
ithinkoutloudtoo t1_j9mz2gt wrote
Yes, don’t believe anything about Apple that they didn’t announce themselves. People who believe all of the rumors are so gullible.
hanston209911 t1_j9mzteu wrote
Using the iPhone 7 still does everything it is supposed to do and more Satisfied with it have no reason yet to upgrade
BeKind_BeTheChange t1_j9n1gj2 wrote
Alright, you got me. Orange is my color. If they make one in orange, I'm in.
pacwess t1_j9n2zxm wrote
Great, another high cost high tech item for thieves to steal.
DjentlemanThall3612 t1_j9n427d wrote
Boo this post and boo OP. Downvote so OP removes it
DjentlemanThall3612 t1_j9n43v9 wrote
That battery clinging on for dear life.
CHANROBI t1_j9n4hr8 wrote
Dont give them the seo/ad revenue from clicking through
seantabasco t1_j9n4imo wrote
I want to switch to usb-c.
hanston209911 t1_j9n4qph wrote
Bought some very have quality batteries from aliexpress ,have few more to spare ,change the battery myself Some very good extended capacity battery from aliexpress
Exobian t1_j9n5m6c wrote
Will probably cost more than $2,000
NotFleagle t1_j9n6rf2 wrote
It doesn’t give any details other that that it will probably exist. Wow!
0verlimit t1_j9ng48n wrote
xbox 720 moment with Dreamscape by 009 Sound System playing in the background
Priuz7 t1_j9ngwc7 wrote
I heard that they also come with a complimentary charger! Just how generous and thoughtful Apple can be!
Somizulfi t1_j9nh6cq wrote
It will be called Ultra pro supermax
GileadGuns t1_j9nhjck wrote
I am holding on to my mini… I have big hands, but it’s so damned nose to be able to put it in a front pocket and still be able to sit down comfortably. And one hand operation is still easier with the mini than a standard iPhone.
I know they won’t, but I really wish they’d bring it back…
Kindly_Education_517 t1_j9nkksk wrote
another $1400 for the cult followers to spend and only use 10% of the features as usual.
7HawksAnd t1_j9npnll wrote
A dribbble designer even made a mock-up! (But real talk the mock-up looks fresh to death)
Aristo_Cat t1_j9nppd8 wrote
stupidest fucking thing i've ever read. everything we know about the iphone 16 is literally nothing.
rufiogd t1_j9nr1dm wrote
This happens every year and I’m fucking sick of it.
faladu t1_j9nt051 wrote
My last one was an iphone 11, considering to upgrade with the 15 if they do include the usbc port, otherwise I will probably wait another year and see if it made it into that one
MistakeMaker1234 t1_j9ntb1p wrote
“Here’s some features people have rumored for the device: a better display, faster chip, and camera improvements.”
Real world class journalism there.
sweetart1372 t1_j9nuuq3 wrote
The iPhone 7 won’t get iOS 16 (or higher). There’s a lot of functionality/features/apps that the iPhone 7 can’t access now, or won’t be able to access as the apps update.
theyellowbaboon t1_j9nvbal wrote
I hear you can download mp3 files on that phone and listen to music too.
Rickyy111 t1_j9nw4nw wrote
Everything we know ! Which is literally nothing
silly_lumpkin t1_j9nwogs wrote
This whole internet thing is just a short-lived fad.
HeysusOnReddit t1_j9nz1r1 wrote
USB c?
_lost_astronaut_ t1_j9nzz96 wrote
Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN!!!
shepanator t1_j9o0xte wrote
The render is really bad, it looks like Apple and JCB collaborated on a construction site phone
flippydifloop t1_j9o6jgg wrote
fuuuk yeeeaaaa
flippydifloop t1_j9o6nf3 wrote
iphone 6 here 👋
BringMeInfo t1_j9o7tvp wrote
I commented so others wouldn’t do just that.
Edit: typo
bluegreenie99 t1_j9o8tb0 wrote
I thought iphones were already high-end.
-Great-Scott- t1_j9o9mys wrote
All I need to know is if it still makes people look like fools when it makes them say 'ducking'.
saldb t1_j9oapwb wrote
The best camera ever
proka_ro t1_j9oc3zm wrote
It's expensive, is not worth.
[deleted] t1_j9oj2vv wrote
BeKind_BeTheChange t1_j9oj6lt wrote
Honestly, USB-C is an upgrade that would get me to buy the next iPhone. I've had an iPad Pro for several years so it does make wonder sometimes why Apple didn't adopt the obviously superior design for all of their devices.
Jeff_72 t1_j9oj72j wrote
MrTonyBoloney t1_j9ojdb3 wrote
Point taken but these rumors are real a LOT
datnodude t1_j9okvqb wrote
phones have plateaued
CreamerBot3000 t1_j9orbjb wrote
The hero we need.
junkie-xl t1_j9owuuv wrote
I wonder what features the Pro and Max are losing that'll only be available on the Ultra?
Neltrix t1_j9oywvf wrote
YouTube will be dead by 2024 mate. Uwatch is the future.
BoostedSVO t1_j9p1r3w wrote
Obvious shill is obvious. Piss off, marketing intern
jones95815 t1_j9p1sfi wrote
Not to mention security patches.
thePixelgamer1903 t1_j9p9or8 wrote
themancabbage t1_j9ptw0v wrote
What are the chances it’s just another iPhone that almost no one will be able to differentiate in a meaningful way from the past 5 of them?
themark504 t1_j9pu70v wrote
But can you fit it in your pocket?
thephaw1 t1_j9q0j32 wrote
I dunno man.
At the rate Apple is going, they're going to remove the screen to cut costs. Instead, it will be a touch sensitive phone-sized slab of metal and glass. Users will be expected to buy into their latest Apple Glasses to see the screen in augmented reality.
Loose_Koala534 t1_j9q5aoe wrote
The iPhone 15 isn’t even announced yet. We’re at least six months away from a release.
sidetablecharger t1_j9qg1kg wrote
The iPhone 8 and iPhone X both launched the same year.
rathlord t1_j9qgfx2 wrote
Well, there’s a difference between rumors- which are what they sound like- and leaks, which are often coming from an inside source and are frequently true (or at least, are for that stage of development). People who follow know which leakers are trustworthy sources and which aren’t.
rathlord t1_j9qgm1q wrote
This one.
TheOneWhoReadsStuff t1_j9qixi5 wrote
Jokes on you. iPhone 20 only has one side.
rezin44 t1_j9qjeye wrote
I’d like a damn iPhone I don’t have to put in a case for it to be reasonably protected
AutoGeek3000 t1_j9qtjzs wrote
As funny as your comment is, it has more actual information that this article.
ballrus_walsack t1_j9qwo8n wrote
This is the biggest bunch of nothing article I have read today.
anjolielanel t1_j9rg19z wrote
You’re just pulling my leg
nekollx t1_j9rmn0b wrote
To be fair the gorilla glass and other things used in even the 11 are far more durable then the first gen it's just still not good enough for a rough environ
nekollx t1_j9rmzxx wrote
I cremental changes are Like 3 generations so 11,12,13 then high change for 14, with increments at 15 and 16 the big change at 17 so if your last iPhone was 14/15 you can skip this but if it was 11-13 this set is a big leap
Tldr: it's 3 generation not 5
nekollx t1_j9rn6gv wrote
I hear the display will be some kind of primate silicate
nekollx t1_j9rng3v wrote
It's a 3 year cycle use this Ada rule of thumb
nekollx t1_j9rnmo5 wrote
You joke but their looking at foldable so....
JVemon t1_j9roih4 wrote
What a fantastically shit blog post with shit writing.
selphfourgiveness t1_j9s1lzh wrote
bearslikeapples t1_j9vfgvr wrote
Almost like the website is called ‘Mac rumours’
Sigmar_Heldenhammer t1_j9m01wt wrote
I’m gonna wager that “everything we know” is nothing because Apple hasn’t announced anything. Everything we know is just rumours and assumptions.