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meathole t1_j9n72it wrote

I have been using usb-c devices since 2015 and so has most of my family. Nobody in my family nor any of my friends I have asked have ever had a usb-c port fail on any device.


Shadow1787 t1_j9ndwvp wrote

I’ve had almost 6 different friends or family have their specifically Samsung port break. Me myself hav had 4. My Samsung galaxy s 9 plus went through 4 ports in two years, it what made me go to iPhone. But hey maybe I could be wrong.


DaSh4You t1_j9nugjx wrote

Can you stop with this bullshit? It’s also not a Samsung port, usb c wasn’t made by Samsung.


meathole t1_j9nerab wrote

Damn your anecdote is wildly different than mine. That’s a crazy failure rate. Do you use your phone while it’s plugged in a lot, or rest it down in the plug?


User95409 t1_j9o7635 wrote

I'm on an S9+ right now. I've had to clean my usb c port 4 times in 2 years. Perhaps thats your issue.