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wtf--dude t1_ja3hbu4 wrote

Working for these people is quite the stretch. You will be tracked a whole day because a small part of your day is about their cargo.

I guess I am glad we have better privacy laws in EU.


FixTheGrammar t1_ja3yc3d wrote

They’re only “being tracked” if they’re in possession of their customers’ personal belongings. Their stuff is being tracked, not the workers themselves. You get that, right?


wtf--dude t1_ja6trby wrote

They are both being tracked, you get that right?


Suekru t1_ja5b82k wrote

You aren’t being tracked, the luggage/package is. You just happen to be near it.

They don’t know anything about you so I would hardly say you are being tracked.


FldNtrlst t1_ja40zbf wrote

Only a small part? So are they only transporting someone's cargo for just a portion of the day?