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Puzzleheaded-Bee3535 t1_jdz7n71 wrote

I think you are wrong. Sony updates are not good.


DaudyMentol t1_jdz7r17 wrote

That wasnt part of the debate, i specifically said they get support for a long time, not that they have good updates. Bad updates are still better than getting abandoned after two years.


Puzzleheaded-Bee3535 t1_jdz8085 wrote

Yes, but they dont get for a long time. Probs 2 androids max.


DaudyMentol t1_jdz8dm6 wrote

Maybe i know that their current flagship is 2021 design and it still gets uodates. This december it got updated to android 13 (it started at 11) and it still got updates after that so... Idk man i just know when it comes to Sony they have pretty solid track record with this. They dont churn out new model every year or two so when they make a phone they usually try to do their best.


ikindahateusernames t1_je1k8mr wrote

>Bad updates are still better than getting abandoned after two years.

My Xperia both had infrequent updates and is abandoned (stuck on Android 8). I would not say Sony is an example of good update policy.


DaudyMentol t1_je1kqtw wrote

From what i heard it depends heavily on mdoels. Flagships get a lot more support (ofcourse) for longer time. Also since when frequent uodates = good policy? I mean yes more frequent updates usually means more care but quality updates are what matters the most. Quality > frequncy > no updates at all.

Anyways i have no dog in this fight i was just talking about what i know / heard.


ikindahateusernames t1_je1oukr wrote

>Anyways i have no dog in this fight

Same, I was just adding to the discussion on updates using that line. Sorry if you thought I wanted to argue with you; not my intention.


DaudyMentol t1_je1rrnr wrote

no probelm. Normal people can discuss. Anyways have a nice day.