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PiXLANIMATIONS t1_ire1r7y wrote

Apple is literally the company still supporting 8 year old hardware what the fuck are you on about?


DigitalStefan t1_ireib5j wrote

AirPods do not last 8 years. I would be surprised that anyone using AirPods more than a couple of times a week would get much more than 2 years of use before the battery degradation started to become annoying.


Enjoy_Your_Win t1_irekdd4 wrote

I’ve had my original AirPods Pro which I’ve used every day since launch 3 years ago and I have zero battery degradation whatsoever.


[deleted] t1_irf757x wrote



Enjoy_Your_Win t1_irf7q1n wrote

I am 100% speaking the truth. I still get at least 5 hours out of my AirPods.

Sorry my real life experience doesn’t conform to your particular world view.


[deleted] t1_irf9lq2 wrote



Enjoy_Your_Win t1_irf9xhf wrote

Bro it’s not about believing. It’s about real life experience. I know for an absolute fact that I get 5 hours out of my AirPods still. Nothing you say can change that.


[deleted] t1_irfkeo6 wrote



Enjoy_Your_Win t1_irfkrwz wrote

I’m not ignoring anything. I’m just observing real-world phenomena. I wish I had a way to prove it to you, but I can’t really think of a way.

This conversation has become pointless. You clearly don’t believe me and I have no way to prove it.